Chapter Fifteen


°Madelaine's POV°

"Stop, stop!"

"Baby, it's a nightmare." Caressing my cheeks, I leaned into his touch.

"I love you Nik." I whispered before everything went black.



°Madelaine's POV°

The next morning I woke up with a headache and a booming alarm. A body went over mine and the alarm stopped.

"Mmmm" I groaned.

I felt something kissed my cheek. "Buongiorno bebè." Then a hand brushing my hair back. (Good morning baby)

"What time is it?" I asked whoever was beside me.

"It's 7." I forced open my eyes and craned my neck up. "Hi." Nik said and kissed my other cheek. "Come on Laine, I'm taking us to school."


"School baby, a place where you learn stuff." He explained.

"I know what school is smartass." I commented and got up from the bed.

Nik got up as well and chuckled. Walking to his bathroom and I walked to mine.

"You're gonna get caught. I swear." I heard whispers coming from inside my room. I peeked from the slightly ajar door and saw the blonde girl from the night before with her brunette friend.

"You've lost your mind!" The girl continued whisper-yell at her.

"Do you mind? I'm trying not to get caught here." The blonde girl whispered back squinting her eyes.

"Amor-" I closed Nik's mouth before the girls hear him. "mmm" He raised his eyebrows.

"Shh." I pointed to the girls.

We both watched closely as the girls took something from my drawer.

"We're done here." The blonde said.

I pulled Nik with me to hide in another room. We waited for the sound of their heels to fade and came out of the room.

"Nik..." I called out when I saw what she hid in my drawer. "Nik."

"What is it baby?" Nik hugged me from behind.

"They took my- my necklace." I stuttered.

"Which one?" Nik asked.

"The one that my dad gave me." I paced around the room searching everywhere.

"Calm down sweetheart, if they really took it I'll bring it back for you, ok? Go get ready, I'll wait for you downstairs." He kissed my cheek and went out the door.

"I swear I didn't take it! Stop Nik! You're hurting me!" The sound of yelling could be heard throughout the mansion as I made my way downstairs.

"You better give it back before I snap your neck!" Nik's voice yelled.

"I swear Nik, I didn't take it!"

"Veronica!" Nik roared.

"Nik." I called. "It's fine, I'll search it again later. Maybe she- she didn't take it." I doubt she didn't take it.

"Hey, is this yours?" The brunette said.

"It's mine." I nodded and she handed it back to me. "Where did you find it?"

"In front of your bedroom." She shrugged and took Veronica, the blonde, with her and exited.

"Something's wrong." Nik nodded agreeing with me. "Come on, we'll talk about this later. We're already late." I walked to the garage waiting for Nik as he chose his car.

School was boring, I was so very thankful it ended a few minutes ago. Now Nik and I were eating ice cream in my favorite ice cream shop.

"I feel like somebody's watching me, Nik." Nik looked around then back at me.

"You're safe with me bebè." Nik stroke my hand and gulped. "I never asked you this and it's probably the worse timing ever but, do you want to be my girlfriend Laine?" I choked on my ice cream so he handed me a tissue.

"Uhm, why not?" I responded. He smiled at me and pecked my lips. "Mmm, there's ice cream on your lips." I wiped it with my thumb and put it in my mouth sucking it, teasing him. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and smirked. "What?"

"Nothing." He coughed and looked away. "Let's go on a date, tonight." He leaned back on the chair.

"Okay, where are we going?" I ate a spoonful of my ice cream and put more caramel drizzle on top because I'm obsessed with it.

"A place. Just be ready by 8, I'll pick you up." He clicked his tongue and smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Ok. Since you're my boyfriend now, can I eat yours?" I pointed at his ice cream that had sat there for a couple of good minutes.

"All yours bebè." He slide it to me across the table and I stopped it right when it almost fall to the floor. "Scusa." He gave me a guilty look. (sorry)


"Nik it's been 30 minutes, are we lost? Because if we are, you don't need to play macho, it's fine I'm telling you." We've been going round and round, and we even crossed the same tree five times already. I really think we're lost.

"Baby we're not lost. Five more minutes."

"That's what you said 15 minutes earlier idiota." I huffed.

"Did you just call me idiota? Who taught you that?" He squinted his eyes.

"Nobody needs to." I turned on the radio just for it to be turned off again for the umpteenth time by Nik the greatest. "I want to listen to songs, at least I will not die because of boredom Nik." I grunted.

"Bebè, we're almost there. I prefer you doing the talking thing than listening to songs." He grinned.

"But what about me? You don't care what I want?" He frowned for a moment.

"Of course I do. You know what? You can listen to songs, here I'll set it for you." He opened the radio and turned up the volume.

That's what I thought.

"Nik?" I called out.

"Yes sweetheart?" He glanced at me.

"Eyes on the road." I panicked.

"Don't worry, I'm a good driver." He winked.

"So why do you like me?" I asked the one question I've been curious to ask.

"Why not?" He smiled and we turned into a large parking lot.

"This is a serious question Mr. Diavolo." I put on my serious face.

"You can call me anything else but not that."

"Why?" I pried.

"Because I use that name when it's about business." Hmm, is that so?

"Well consider this a business talk."

"Bebè I like you because you're you, no other reason. I developed feelings for you, fell in love with you. It just happened bebè." He put the car on park and got out, reaching my door very quickly. "Sweetheart." He reached out his hand for me to take and bow a little to add a dramatic effect.

"Thank you baby." I kissed his cheek and his smile grew even wider.

"After you." Walking on a pathway we made it to a beautiful place, a lot of trees and a little bonfire with a table and chairs in the middle.

"Is that a river?" The river was beautiful, the water shining from the moonlight and lights around. "This is beautiful."

"You're beautiful." He smiled and pulled out the chair for me.

"Thank you baby." I sat down and soon the waiters brought out tons of food that surprisingly fitted on our small table. "Mm, is that pie?" I smiled like a child.

"Yes amore, I know you like them. Bon appetit sweetheart."

"Bon appetit." We ate all of the food. Then we took a walk around the garden or field or whatever you call it, the place was like a dream.

Nik handed me a glass of red wine and we cheers-ed, laughing the whole night, talking, enjoying each others presence, it was perfect.

"Why did you dye your hair?" Nik asked pouring more wine in our glass.

"I wanna try something new, also I wanted to forget about him, the things that happened." I looked at my glass and swirled it around.

"I love it." He smiled so cutely.

"I'm sure you do." He then scoffed.

We spent the night laying on the blanket star gazing and wishing for it to rain so we could have our dance in the rain. It's in my things to do list. I love rains, they're fun and cold and sad and romantic and stormy.

"Come on let's dance." Nik stood up and held my hand. "The rain will fall soon."

"How do you-" The rain did fall. "It's raining!"

We laughed like two silly geese and slow danced in the rain.

"Can I kiss you?" I shouted over the loud thunder.

"You can kiss me anytime bebè, I'm yours." With that, we kissed each other hard and full of passion. The tension was unbearable, we kissed for a few more minutes before I stopped to take a breath and lay my head on his chest, still slow dancing.

"I love you Nik." I looked at him and him at me, with loving eyes.

"I love you Laine, more than anything." He kissed me.

I'm gonna cherish every single moment with Nik. He's the love of my life before, now, and forever.