
Three years have passed now and I had already moved out of Ogun's place and established my own business in Abuja. It was a chicken restaurant. The business was growing at an alarming rate even though I started small at first.

I started a poultry business first and when it succeeded, I rented a small space in a building and started a small restaurant there. Ogun was very helpful and provided most of the equipment I needed. In two years, I had moved out of the small building and rented a much bigger space after which I moved to Abuja and opened a grand restaurant. I invited my family for the grand opening and most of the gods came too. It was truly a memorable moment for me.

It was quite late into the night one day at exactly 12pm and all the employees had gone home as usual leaving just me alone in my office. While finishing some paper works for the skyscraper I was building, I heard a loud boom outside. It was very unusual, so I suspended whatever I was doing and walked out to check what was happening.

From the distance, I could see flashes of light as though the sun was giving an 'off and on' show. A boy came running towards my direction and he was glowing and believe me I'm not talking about skincare glow, he was literally glowing. Something was chasing him and destroying everything in its path and when it came into clear view, I saw that it was a bull. The boy blasted it a few times with beams but it kept coming after him. As he ran past me, he looked at me wide eyed.

"Old man what are you doing? Run!" He yelled as he ran past me.

"Old man?" I thought to myself.

As the bull approached my direction, it saw me and directed its focus on me. Next thing, it started charging in my direction. The boy came back and blasted it a few times and then he grabbed me by the hand and started dragging me away.

"Are you insane or what? You want to get killed?" He said while hyperventilating.

The bull charge at us and leapt towards me, and the boy screamed and closed his eyes. When he opened them, the bull was suspended in mid-air. It wasn't moving or even breathing.

"What happened?" The boy asked as he walked towards the bull to poke it with a stick.

"I wouldn't get too close if I were you." I said as I walked towards him and stood between him and the bull.

"Who are you, old man?" The boy asked.

"I'm not an old man, please refrain from calling me that. Anyway it doesn't matter. This is not an ordinary bull. Judging by the eyes, it's possessed by something. Where did it come from?" I asked.

The boy shrugged "This isn't the first time though. I've been attacked so many times this week."

I snapped my head in his direction. "Really? How many times?"

"This is the fifth time. First it was bats, then vulture-like creatures, invisible spirits and I could swear I saw a ghost. This time around it was a bull. The previous monsters stayed away anytime my body glowed but this one was just persistent for reasons I didn't know."

I took a good look at him. The boy was seriously radiating power. But not on a godly level. He had this warm light and feeling coming from him.

"Where are your parents and what are you doing out here alone?" I asked him.

"I live with my dad." He said ignoring the other questions.

"What about your mom?"

"I've never met her and my dad wouldn't tell me anything." He said and puffed his cheeks. I knew exactly where this was going.

I touched the bull and it shrivelled up and exploded into dust as the boy stared in shock.

"Did you just kill the bull?" He asked.

"Whatever possessed it had already merged with the essence of the bull. There was no saving it." I explained.

"How did you know that?" The boy asked while eyeing me.

I smiled let's just say I know things. Follow me into my restaurant. No monster will follow you here."

I led him into the restaurant and getting in, he gasped and looked around. "It's even more beautiful at night. My dad and I come here every weekend." He exclaimed and I smiled.

I grilled chicken for him and he tore into it. Taking a closer look at him, he couldn't be more than sixteen years of age. I would be taking him back home the next day, but for now I knew I had to keep him safe with me.

After eating, he fell asleep on the couch in my office and I shook my head. He was probably exhausted from running around and using his power.

I went back to my table and resumed work on the papers. Suddenly my phone beeped and I looked at the message. It was from AMD and it read.

"Emergency alert! The country is in danger once more and is in need of a valiant hero."

I sighed. AMD and his theatrics. I knew this day was coming and I felt it had something to do with the teenager lying on my office couch. I put away the documents I was working on and took a deep breath.

"I knew it. Only time would tell and that time is now."

I transformed into my true godly self. It was time to set things right again.