Episode 4: Princess (Final Chapter)

The next morning, Hibiki barely got a chance to have a moment to think to herself as Haruka ran up to her and began to ask questions at a mile a minute on their walk to school. "So how did it go? Did you have a good time?" Hibiki turned to her friend and put on a soft smile. "It was fine. The movie was good." She then turned her head back down and continued to walk forward. As they did, Hibiki stopped for a moment as passing on their left, she saw Junichi walking with his sister and his friends. Haruka followed her field of vision. "Oh. There's Junichi-kun." Sensing movement out of the corner of her eye, she looked back to see Hibiki walking ahead in earnest, her head down. This caught Haruka by surprise as she turned back. "Hey, Hibiki! Where are you- WAIT UP!" She announced as she picked up speed, following her friend to school. Hearing Haruka's call, Junichi's attention turned from his sister to the two of them, a soft but confused look on his face.

(Kimi No Mama De Intro plays)

"Eh! What do you mean nothing happened?" Haruka asked, incredibly surprised at her friend's recollection of the past days' events as they sat at the lunch table. Hibiki shrugged. "As I said. Nothing happened. The movie was fine" Haruka sat down, having stood up in astonishment. Putting her hand to her head she let out a sigh. "I swear, you practically hand him yourself in giftwrap and he doesn't get the clue. Did you try just coming out and saying something? I'm sure that would-" Hibiki put up her hand, stopping her friend. "No. It's fine. Don't worry about it." She gave Haruka a small smile. "Really. Thank you for worrying about me. But I'm fine."

Seeing her friend's insistence on the matter, Haruka sighed. "All right, all right. I won't push the issue. Today at least." She giggled. "Oh! That reminds me! Hibiki there's something you and I totally have to do!" Hibiki raised her eyebrow as she took a sip of her drink. Reaching into her bag, Haruka pulled out a flier as she brandished it to her. "Tada!" Still sipping on her drink, Hibiki glanced over the flier. Finishing reading it, she nearly choked. "COUPLE CONTEST?!" Haruka giggled at her reaction. "I was thinking maybe you and Junichi-kun could enter, but since that's not going to happen, I figured you and I could! I already have the most adorable outfits picked out! It'll be a lot of fun!" Hibiki blushed slightly. "You're not going to make me wear anything embarrassing will you?" Haruka shook her head. "No, no! It'll cover you entirely. I promise!"

Hibiki found herself smiling sadly for a moment before shaking it off. She then let out a sigh. "All right, fine Haruka, we'll do it." "REALLY?! Oh Hibiki! Thank you! You're not going to regret this! We're totally going to take the gold!" An embarrassed Hibiki shrunk back a bit. "Hey! Quiet down a bit Haruka!"

Meanwhile, over at Junichi's table, he found himself turning over to the loud noise which turned out to be coming from Haruka. "Huh. Morishima-senpai seems excited about something." Kaoru said, confused. Junichi nodded quietly in response. "Yeah…I wonder what it was…"

(Episode title appears on screen)

As Haruka began to eat with Hibiki, she glanced in the direction of Junichi, a determined look on her face.

A few minutes later, Hibiki stepped up. "Excuse me, I have to do something for the swim team. I'll see you later Haruka." "Mm." Haruka nodded as her friend walked away, seemingly less of a slight skip she had in the previous days. Once she was certain she was out of range, Haruka stepped up and walked over to Junichi's table.

"Hey! Junichi-kun." Haruka said as she reached his table. A surprised Junichi turned up. "Oh! Morishima senpai. Hello. Can I help you?" Haruka nodded. "I need you to meet me behind the school in five minutes. You better be there." She said in her huffy way, then immediately turned around and walked out.

"Eh… behind the school with Morishima senpai. How-" But Umehara didn't get to finish his sentiment as Junichi shoved his bread in his mouth. "Oh shut up."

A few minutes later, Junichi found himself walking behind the school, pondering what his senpai could possibly want. He didn't have to wait long for this as, turning the corner he was greeted by Haruka with her arms crossed staring at the corner, seemingly waiting for him to arrive. Seeing him there, she nodded approvingly. "Mm. Good, at least you can be counted on to be on time." Junichi looked at her confused and scratched his chin. "So um…what did you need to talk about senpai?"

Haruka let out a sigh. "Well, since you seem to be a bit clueless, I'm going to come right out and ask it. What do you think of Hibiki?"

This question caught Junichi off guard as he looked back at her and blinked. "H..huh?" Haruka cocked her eyebrow. "It's not a hard question Junichi-kun. What. Do. You. Think. Of. Hibiki?"

Junichi stood there, completely at a loss for words. "I..I…" Haruka chuckled. "You really are hopeless, aren't you? So, tell me, what did you say to Hibiki last night?" Junichi looked at her confused. "What did I say?" Suddenly a realization hit him. "Wait! Is she upset?!" He asked with such intensity it actually shocked Haruka, who quickly recovered. "Ooh! Nice reaction!" She said with a smile as she gave him a thumbs up.

"I've known Hibiki for quite a while and I can tell you, she was definitely upset. So what did you tell her?" Junichi put his finger to his chin as he thought. "Well, all I said was that I understood why you called her a prince and I was really glad we could be friends."

Haruka put her head in her hands after Junichi finished speaking. "Junichi-kun! No WONDER she's upset! You are so hopeless!" Junichi cocked his head confused. "Huh?" Haruka sighed as she pulled something out of her pocket. "Junichi, you need to think about what you said. And also what you feel." Walking over to him, she handed him the piece of paper she had in her pocket. Taking it, Haruka continued to walk past him.

Putting her hands behind her back she stopped as she passed him, not looking at him. "You know Junichi-kun, for someone who confessed to me so easily, you sure don't know your own emotions. Think about it." and with that, Haruka walked away, a smile on her face.

Still standing there, Junichi looked down at the folded paper and slowly began to open it up. As he opened it, the words "Couple Contest" appeared. Flipping the paper over was a phone number, with the words, "Good luck." He looked back up, and then back down to the paper, a confused look still on his face.

Later that day, Junichi found himself at home, laying on his bed, the events of the past days going through his head in a flashback. From the events of her saving him, to them going to the market and the park together, her making him lunch, and then them at the movie theater. Upon seeing her smile in the flashback, Junichi opened his eyes slowly. "Why do I keep thinking about her? And why did not being able to talk to her today hurt so much?" Suddenly Haruka's face entered his mind. "You sure don't know your own emotions. Think about it."

"My own…emotions." Haruka's face was suddenly replaced with Hibiki's. Her smile filled his heart. His eyes popped open in realization. "I..I love Tachibana senpai." He said to no one in particular. Suddenly other recent events passed through his mind."I can see why Morishima senpai says you're a prince." "You're thinking they don't suit me, right?" "I think you'd look good in that outfit." "I don't know, I would say she's more like a princess."

He gasped a short gasp. "I..I understand. How could I have been so stupid? She…" Immediately he dug into his pocket and pulled out the paper, flipping it over to the back. Typing in the numbers at lightning speed he pressed call. "Hello!" A cheery Haruka responded. Junichi immediately spoke into the phone louder than he probably meant to. "Morishima senpai!" "Ah! Junichi-kun! Hello! So…what did-" "ENTER ME IN THAT CONTEST!" There was a short silence before Haruka spoke again. "Oh! Really now? And why would that be?" "Because…I..i understand what it was you were trying to tell me." "Hmm? What would that be? I don't quite know what you're talking about." Junichi moved the phone in embarrassment. "I.." his voice went quiet. "I love Tsukahara senpai." Suddenly a squee came through the other line. "I knew it! Okay! Just leave everything to me!" And with that, the phone disconnected. Hanging up the phone himself, Junichi clenched his fist, a determined look on his face.

(Mid episode bumper pops up)

The next night was the night of the contest. Hibiki had walked, albeit reluctantly, with Haruka to the entrance. Hibiki let out a sigh. "Haruka, I'm a bit worried considering you've never let me actually SEE this outfit. You promise it's nothing too revealing?" Haruka smiled, pulling Hibiki by the arm. "It's fine, it's fine! Okay. Meet me backstage in five minutes. I'm going to get us signed in."

Hibiki, seeing her friend's excitement, merely shook her head. "All right, all right. Fine, go ahead. I'll see you in a minute." Smiling, Haruka took off, a bounce in her step as she left for the stage.

A few minutes went by as Hibiki leaned up against a wall. As she did so several couples walked by, her stomach twisting every time one did, but refusing to let it show in her face. Eventually the couples stopped walking in, and Hibiki glanced at her watch. Before she knew it, fifteen minutes had gone by. She sighed. "Figures. That girl can't even keep track of time." Annoyed, she stood up and walked towards backstage.

Hibiki found Haruka sitting on a chair backstage. Seeing Hibiki walk up to her, she grabbed her ankle. "Ah, Hibiki! I'm so sorry. I was so excited that I accidentally tripped and twisted my ankle." Hibiki let out a sigh. "Somehow that sounds just like you, Haruka." A moment passed before Hibiki spoke again. "Look, don't worry about the contest. I'll go tell the judges that we're withdrawing. There's no way I'm letting you limp onstage." Haruka shook her head. "No no, Hibiki, you can't withdraw!" Hibiki put her hands on her hips. "Haruka, I'm not taking no for an answer. There's no way you're going on stage like that." Hearing this, Haruka grinned. "Well, then I have some good news for you! I found you a replacement!" Hibiki looked shocked at this. "A replacement?" Haruka nodded. "Mhmm!"

Hibiki put on a soft smile. "Haruka. It's fine. You're the one who wanted to-" "STOP IT!" Haruka said loudly. It was so loud and with such force that it actually took Hibiki aback. "I'm sorry." Haruka said as she looked embarrassed at her volume. "This..this is just something I need you to do. For me." Haruka looked at her friend with shimmering eyes, in a way she hadn't seen her look at before. As if it were in a genuine, pleading way. Seeing her friend in this way, Hibiki looked at her confused. "I..o..okay Haruka, if that's what you really want, I'll do it. But..who did you get to replace you?" Haruka put her smile back on as she wagged her finger. "That. Is. A. Secret." Hibiki raised her eyebrow in surprise. Haruka then pointed to a door. "Your outfit in that dressing room. "

Still confused, Hibiki nodded and walked towards the door. Reaching the doorknob, she slowly turned the knob and opened the door. As the door opened, her face became frozen in a state of shock, as a single tear fell down it. Her face still frozen, she turned her head back to Haruka, who was smiling at her. "Good luck Hibiki."

Hibiki stood backstage, looking out over the crowd, as it was packed to the brim with people. "I…I don't know if I can do this." Hibiki said aloud. A short silence followed as she took a small step back. A pair of hands on her shoulders stopped her. "You can. I'll be right there with you." Hibiki was surprised to hear a voice that wasn't Haruka's. Turning around she could see Junichi, but all she could really see was his face, it was too dark to see his full outfit. "Let's do our best." He said as he gave her a gentle smile.

"And now for our final couple, Tsukahara and …Tachibana!" A silence fell over the crowd as they heard those two names. Kaoru and Umehara, who were in the audience, turned to each other. "TACHIBANA!?" they said loudly, breaking the silence.

Confidently, Junichi stepped out, the lights hitting him. It was then that Hibiki and the others were able to see Junichi in his full outfit. As if he stepped straight out of a storybook, he was decorated in an outfit set for a prince. Ornate blues and golds adorned him, and he even had a long blue cape that fell from his back. He walked with grace and dignity as he reached the center of the stage. The audience oohed and ahhed at his outfit until he slowly looked up and faced the audience. Grabbing the microphone he spoke loudly.

"My dear and loyal subjects, I now present to you, PRINCESS TSUKAHARA!" At that moment, the spotlights turned to hit Hibiki full on. She blinked for a moment as her eyes adjusted. As they did, she could see that Junichi had made his way over to her and bent down, offering her his hand. "Come with me, my lady."

A blushing Hibiki took his hand gently and followed his lead. As she walked on stage, the audience gasped in astonishment as Hibiki came out in an incredibly beautiful princess outfit, the dress was ornate and absolutely gorgeous. Hibiki held her breath as she looked out over the audience. Several people softly gave comments. "That's Tsukahara senpai?" "She's beautiful!" Comments of that nature came out as Hibiki stood there frozen. That is until she heard Junichi whisper in her ear. "Just follow my lead Tsukahara senpai." Blushing, she nodded slightly.

Taking one of his hands, he put it on her waist and he grabbed her other hand. As he did so, a soft music began to play from backstage. A shocked Hibiki looked at him as he began to move with the music, leading her in a waltz. After a moment of realizing what was going on, Hibiki followed him, a gentle smile on her face.

The next minute was in complete silence except for the music as the audience was enraptured in their dance, as if watching the ending of a fairy tale. Hibiki just stared into his eyes as they kept dancing, as if the world around them had fallen away. Sadly though, the music ended and the two stopped dancing and they looked at each other. As they started to get lost in each other's eyes, an uproarious applause broke them out of the moment as the entire audience burst as if threatening to blow the roof off with their cheers and applause, least of which Kaoru and Umehara who were blowing out whistles.

Junichi and Hibiki, embarrassed, averted their eyes from each other as they let go.

"Next up is the speech part of the contest. Tachibana, please tell us what you like about your princess." Smiling gently, Junichi stepped forward and took the microphone. A silence fell over the crowd as he began to speak. "Most of you here know Tsukahara senpai. She is in your clubs, she helps you out without any reason or expectation of anything in return. Her goal is to be a doctor. To help people for the rest of her life. I am proud that at least for today, she is my princess."

Finishing his speech, the crowd applauded anew. The microphone was passed over to Junichi. "Tachibana…every time I think I understand him. Every time I think I have him figured out, he does something like this. No matter what, he always pulls through, and always tries to help everyone out. He's dependable, and I am proud to…for at least today… call him my prince."

As she finished, she gave a small curtsy. The audience once again burst into applause as she handed back the microphone and after bowing, walked off the stage with Junichi.

After walking off, they took a few extra steps to the side of the stage to get their space. She then put a hand to her chest as she took a deep breath. "I can't believe I just did that." She said out loud followed by a soft giggle.

Giving her a soft smile back, Junichi looked into her eyes. "Tsukahara senpai. I have to tell you. I'm sorry." Hibiki looked at him a bit confused, but then started to open her mouth but Junichi kept speaking. "I was wrong. A while ago when I said that I thought I understood. I didn't. I know that now. Throughout all the time we spent together, I saw little pieces of you, trying to get out. But they kept being pushed back. At first, I thought that was you not being yourself. But then I soon realized, those pieces were EXACTLY who you were. When you were scared at the movies and clung to me, I was actually really happy. Of course, I didn't exactly show it at the time. I thought you were embarrassed, but when I came back, it seemed like you covered yourself back up again. And it seemed as if you were hurting because of it. You gave everything to me senpai, you not only saved my life, but you gave that life meaning. I once said that I could see why Morishima Senpai called you a prince. That was wrong of me to say. I said that because I thought that was what you wanted to hear. I didn't say what I really thought. That…" Junichi took a deep breath. "That not only do I think of you as a princess, but…I want you to be MY princess. Not just tonight, but for the rest of our lives. I love you Tsukahara senpai."

Throughout his speech, Hibiki's expression hardly changed until the end. At that point, tears began to fall down her face. "All this time, I thought that I couldn't ever be that kind of girl. That I could never be the princess. I had to keep up acting like the prince. People need me, they depend on me. Is it…is it really okay to have this? I want it so badly but…is it okay? Is it okay to want this?"

Junichi smiled back at her. "It is, if that's what you really want." Junichi gently wiped a tear away from her eye, which caused Hibiki to smile. "In that case…I want you.. to call me Hibiki." Junichi looked a bit shocked, but then smiled. "Sure thing…Hibiki." Hibiki closed her eyes and leaned in. Catching her cue, Junichi leaned in too. However, a mere inch before their lips met, a voice broke the moment. "And now! Our judges have decided the winners of the contest!"

Hibiki and Junichi were embarrassed, turned away from each other and then smiled awkwardly. They both turned towards the stage In anticipation. Hibiki made a slight twitch as she felt a hand move into hers. Looking over to Junichi she blushed as he smiled back at her.

The announcer continued to speak. "And by unanimous decision, the winners are…. PRINCE TACHIBANA AND PRINCESS TSUKAHARA!"

Hibiki's free hand shot to her mouth as her name was announced, her eyes starting to shimmer with tears again. An uproarious applause came from the audience as Junichi elegantly lead her by the arm onto the stage, standing in front of the crowd.

As the applause eventually died down, the announcer looked over to them. "Congratulations you two! As our winners, is there anything else you would like to say?" Junichi looked at Hibiki, who demurely and shyly nodded. The announcer put the microphone closer to her mouth seeing this.

"I..I didn't get to say this earlier, but ..Tach..no. Junichi.. I love you." Junichi blushed immensely as looked back at her and nodded. "I love you too, Hibiki" and with that, the two of them leaned in, and finally kissed.

The entire audience exploded with a mixture of uproarious applause, cheers and whistles, even more so than it had done earlier. In the audience all of Junichi's friends and his sister made sure to cheer their hearts out. "WAY TO GO NINI!" broke through the crowd as the rest cheered.

Even Haruka couldn't hold it in anymore as she leapt out of her seat, her leg "somehow" healed. The image faded to white with the two of them kissing, the audience still cheering.

"Hey! Senpai!" Nanasaki announced to her seniors as they were both working the booth at the founder's festival. Hibiki shook herself back to reality as they were manning the booth. "Hm?" She asked as she turned to her junior. "Yes Nanasaki?" "Are you okay? You sort of zoned out there for a minute." Hibiki shook her head. "No, I'm fine." Nanasaki giggled. "You're thinking about Tachibana senpai, aren't you?"

Hibiki blushed immensely. "What? no I'm not!" A voice interrupted her thought. "Ah really? That's too bad. I was kind of hoping you'd be thinking of me." Both of them turned to see Junichi standing there, a smile on his face. Hibiki put her hands on her hips trying to act indignant, but her blush gave her away. "Geez, Junichi, I don't think about you all of the time…" "Well, were you thinking of me just then?" Hibiki blushed even deeper. "That's not the point." Junichi chuckled at her fluster. "Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to walk around the festival together." Hibiki sighed. "I'd love to but I have to-" But Nanasaki cut her off. "She would absolutely love to." She leaned in to whisper to Hibiki. "I can cover this. Go ahead senpai." A bit shocked, she turned back to Nanasaki and smiled. "Okay. Thanks Nanasaki."

Hibiki turned back to Junichi "Okay, yeah sure let's go". Taking off her apron, she emerged from her stall to meet up with Junichi. "I'm glad you were able to get some away time." He said to her with a smile as they began walking through the different stalls of the festival. She nodded as she wrapped her neck in a purple scarf. Seeing the scarf, Junichi smiled. "I'm happy you like the scarf."

Realizing what he was saying, Hibiki smiled gently. "Well, I received it from a very special person. I received it from my prince." Junichi took her hand hearing this. "And I plan on being that prince forever, if the princess will let me."

Hibiki smiled lovingly as she looked back at him. "I'm going to hold you to that." Junichi smiled back. "You better" as he gripped her hand tightly, to never let her go.

- Ten Years Later-

"As long as you give him plenty of fluids and he takes these pills I'm prescribing, your son will be just fine Mrs. Kurozawa." The woman bowed to the doctor. "Thank you so much for taking the time to see us Doctor Tachibana." Hibiki waved her arm up and down. "It's fine. I'm glad I had an opening today. After all, we want to see Your better soon, right Yoru?" The little boy sniffled and then looked at her and smiled.

A few moments later, the three left the room as Hibiki continued to look at a chart. Her receptionist then spoke up. "Um, excuse me, Doctor Tachibana, your 3:15 is here." Hibiki looked up from her board. "That's strange. I thought I told you that I was leaving early today." The receptionist smiled. "Well, you did, but I thought that you'd want to make an exception here."

The door leading from the reception to the general public opened, revealing a dressed up Junichi. "Now, I know you normally don't take adults, but I was wondering if you'd make an exception this time. I'm suffering from a broken heart, doctor. I haven't seen my wife in around eight hours and it's killing me."

Hibiki smiled at her husband's entrance. "Oh really now? Well if that's the case, what kind of doctor would I be if I let such a valued pharmacist die on my watch?"

Junichi nodded. "Exactly! I need 30 cc's of Hibiki'' Hibiki shook her head at Junichi. "30 cc's? is it really that bad?" Junichi over exaggeratedly put his hand on his chest. "When it comes to doses, I believe I am quite the expert."

Hibiki lightly bopped him on the head with her clipboard. "Don't get too full of yourself there Doctor." Junichi smiled. "Right, right."

At this point, they had made it to Hibiki's office as they closed the door behind them. Hibiki let out a sigh. "Really Junichi, what am I going to do with you?" She turned and put her arms around his neck. "Coming in nearly every day to my office. How are you supposed to get any work done?" "Is it my fault that I can't resist my alluring princess?" Junichi responded kindly. Hibiki blushed at this.

"You..you know, calling me princess isn't going to work every time." She said as she looked to the side, embarrassed. "Well I'm still going to call you that no matter what." Hearing this, she turned back to Junichi, a glisten in her eyes. "Do you promise?" Junichi nodded and smiled warmly. "Promise." And with that, they leaned in, and kissed.

(The End appears on screen)

Original Author's Note: Watching through the entirety of Amagami again, seeing Hibiki not get an arc once again bothered the hell out of me. I knew if they weren't going to give her her own four episode arc, I had to. I needed to relieve my brain of this as it was something that just needed to come out. I hope those of you who know about this show and wanted a Hibiki arc feel like this was in character enough and was a good version of what would be entailed in a Hibiki arc. With that said, thanks for reading!