Chapter 10

A/N: Before you say something like ..."he has sharingan so what's the need of Occlumency...."

Let me tell you....." Sharigan can copy and stored but it cannot get back the forgotten case it cannot restore missing informations.....MC slowly forgetting most of the events ...for example, like why Mutant were hunted.. and how Shield started Project Taithi...but if he had Occlumency then nothing would be forgotten. He will stored the knowledges about other worlds in separate place inside his mind, which only he will have the right to access..."


[ 5 months later...]

It's been 5 months since the recommendation exam. And right now both Atulya and Momo are on their way to UA..Both of them passed with flying colors and have been accepted. Well Momo is put into 1-A class just like anime and Atulya as well....And this confused Atulya..

Atulya - 'Does it mean I replaced someone else spot from canon? Most likely..'

Does he feel bad..not at all?

Well maybe he didn't replace anyone? And most likely an odd number. Even if he did then that sucks for whoever was replaced... unlucky to be you!..At least he know it isn't Momo....

Ever since he reborn in this world, the only characters he had seen was the ones at recommendation exam. Even though he didn't interact with them..

He did not met with any of the pro hero either even though his parents have some connections with many of them..

Although there was one time when his father wanted him to meet with some of them, but he refused...

Why? He thought after seeing that he has a strong quirk, they'd try their hardest to make sure he don't stray from the path of 'Light'. They will never want a villain with strong quirk.

This doesn't mean he will try to hide from them...He just don't want deal with any of those problems as kid. He knows that a lot of things will going to happen once he entered UA. So he basically want to lives his life peacefully so far with no sorts of problems..

"Atulya we are finally here...." A voice came out from his side... which he very well know... after all, it is his girlfriend Momo's..

Looking up at the huge building,... numerous thoughts ran inside Atulya's head...Once he steps into that classroom, everything will change....

Atulya -' Geez, Why am I being so dramatic....'

Putting his right arm around Momo he walk around the school with her looking for a familiar huge classroom door of 1-A..

Atulya - "Are you excited to finally get into UA? I remember how eager you were after hearing Nejire's stories."

Atulya said to her as he pulled her closer to him...

Momo - "Of course I am ! I finally get test my limits with my quirk and after all the training I've done, I can't wait to see where I rank among other students."

Momo said with a big smile...

Atulya -" Well I just hope my classmates give me a good fight. It's been pretty boring sparing with Daisuke all the time.."

Momo responds back with a slight laugh and said...

Momo - "I doubt that. After you showed me some of the moves you came up with with your quirk, I don't think anyone in the class could beat you....."

Yep she has this much confidence in her man. She love him after all..same goes for Atulya as well..

Kissing her head, Momo begin to giggle..

Momo - "Atulya, Are going after any of the girls here? You told me and Nejire that there will probably be more girls in the future...And it's been three years and there's still no one else.."

Momo suddenly spoke.....What she said was truth ... It's just that he haven't taken an interest in any other girls yet.

Just with his looks, it could be very easy to find another girl but he don't want one who could only date him because he is handsome. Why was that? Because if one day a dude even more handsome than him comes by, wouldn't they start crushing on him?

(Haha near future, his looks alone will surpassed anyone in Omniverse...even his power in bed..... only after he regains his power ....but that's something he won't know... atleast not now...)

Atulya - "Momo, at first you and Nejire didn't really liked the idea, but now two of you keep bringing it up."

Atulya said to Momo with a laugh...

Momo - "Well that's because two of us are not enough to satisfy you. You beast! It's like you don't know when to stop."

Momo said while 'glaring' at Atulya...

Atulya - "Eh?How could I stop when you both were constantly telling me to keep going?"

He questioned and chuckled once he saw the rosy blush on her cheeks..

Finally finding the right room Atulya open the door and let Momo enter first. It seems like they were pretty early because only a couple of kids were there...

A boy with a tail was there, as well as the guy with multiple arms that look so much like Kakashi because of his mask and hair. Also the guy that have shiny blonde hair with weird smile.

If he's to honest, he does not remember most of the characters names. He could only describe them with their appearance and what they are known for. He only really remembered the names of the characters who had a lot of screen time.....

Walking inside the classroom with Momo, he noticed that none of other kids tried to come up and greeted them, which he finds it completely fine...

Grabbing Momo's hand Atulya to the back of the class and took Shoto's orginal seat which was next to Momo, and she sit on her's...

As him and Momo are making light a

conversation, other students starting to come in. He was able to recognise most of them as more and more came in, and soon the classroom filled with full of students.

Just like canon Katsuki has his foot on his desk and is arguing with Iida, the guy with the engines in his legs.

Most of the students are introducing themselves or talking to their friends from middle school, but nobody really tried to introduce themselves to Atulya.

Because he is giving unapproachable vibes and that makes other hard to approach him... Although some taking secret glances at him, well more so ladies....and of course he noticed this....but he let it be...

Not to sound narcissistic, but he is a very handsome. Coupled with his 6'0 height, well defined frame and fair skin, he is definitely eye catching. But he's not the only causing heads to turn as his girlfriend Momo has some dudes taking glances at her. Her natural pretty face with no make up, and her mature physique, she is definitely the most beautiful girl in the class. She also had her hair in that usual style, but she looked prettier when she has it down. Fortunately for Atulya, she always has her hair down at home...

[ Author - Yes I made Tatsuya look taller than his canon self. ]

As Atulya looked around, it was then he finally realise that someone missing, then he figured it out who exactly he replaced..

Atulya - 'That purple haired midget. Mineta, the pervert. Honestly there's nothing wrong about admiring a woman and thinking she's pretty but I did not like Mineta. May be because of the fact he was constantly pervs on the girls and one of them being Momo in the canon...'

(Remember when I used '...' means he or she is thinking okay ...)

'Thinking back to the anime, when he gropes Tsuyu, she never reported it which I found it weird. The girls also never said anything about his attempts at peeking. If he ever attempted to peak on my girls, he would most likely turn out cripple. Seeing the staff didn't care about Mineta's perversion, well they do have someone like Midnight teaching here after all.'

Atulya - 'Now I think about it, seems like teacher here don't really care how the students act. I mean, look at Katsuki. His whole personality screams like a potential villian and he's still here...'




Seeing the huge door open, Atulya is greeted with a sight of a familiar short, green hair boy. Izuku Midoriya, The holder of the mysterious quirk "One for All".

As for Izuku, he is shuttering on his words from conversing with a cute girl, Iida had to came up to him to apologize..

"If you are looking for buddies to hang out with, do it somewhere else..." A dead tired voice sounded out.

The three kids who were by the door instantly became startled. Turning around they came face to face with a disheveled looking with blood shot eyes in a yellow sleeping bag..

"This is the hero course." The man said as he got out of the sleeping bag. He is wearing all black clothes, with what looked like bandages wrapped around his shoulders.."It took you guys eight seconds to quiet down. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough....."

I'm your homeroom teacher Aizawa Shota..."...He said with a bored expression on his face as he scanned the classroom..

UA mostly have Pro Hero's teaching their classes, but nobody except for two, know who this person is. Those two are obviously Atulya and Izuku.

Atulya knew exactly who exactly Aizawa is, well because of his past knowledge. And Izuku naturally knew because he is a complete hero fanboy.

Aizawa - Go and put these on and get out onto the field.

He said as he gave everyone a tracksuit to go change in their locker rooms.

[ Moments Later...]

Atulya and rest of the class are now standing behind Aizawa on the field. Aizawa had his back towards them as some students looked at him with confusion after what they heard him say.

A chubby face girl named Ochako said..

Ochako - "A quirk assessment test? What about the orientation?."

Aizawa - "Orientation? This is a hero course, we don't have time to worry about unnecessary ceremonies. We aren't like other schools. Over here you will be training to improve on your Quirk.

That's what we'll be focusing instead of going stuff like that.."

Aizawa said with his usual bored tone..

Just like in the anime.....,Katsuki went up first and used his quirk to throw the ball. Some students became too excited which caused Aizawa to switch and make it where the last place gets expelled..

Looking down on his right, Atulya could tell Momo isn't phased one bit...'Ah...that's my girl.... She's a complete genius after all...'he thought...

He then looked over at Izuku who is completely mortified. He sighed as began to think how he's going to throw the ball..

He is watching how everyone tried their best and used their quirk to throw the ball as well as whole ordeal with Midoriya failing. It is finally his turn..

Aizawa - Atulya Uzumaki!

Aizawa called out...

Yes, that's right Atulya used his original last name even if he is adopted. After all this was the only thing he have as a momento of his birth mother...It sounded way better than Atulya Yaoyorozu.....

When Atulya's name was called, everyone focused their attention on him. Aizawa did so as well because not much is known about his quirk. All he knew that Atulya have two quirks. One that involved his eyes and other one was something like mysterious energy that flows inside him. He also knew that Atulya was the one who got fastest time in practical test out of all recommend kids

Aizawa - 'Let's see what you would do?'... he thought inside his mind.

After taking the ball from Aizawa hand, Atulya took a step forward and looked at the sky. He begin to thinks on how he should do this..'Hm I could just throw it with my natural strength but Aizawa will probably bug me on how I'm not trying my hardest...ughh.. I'll do this instead..'

As watching Atulya still haven't gone yet, Aizawa was about to shout but Atulya went into throwing position. Out of nowhere, a blue lighting start to cover the ball...


"So he has lighting quirk."

'Similar to mine somehow I can tell his is more powerful and he seems to have already more control than I do..' A certain yellow haired boy thought..

Throwing the ball while also using natural strength, Atulya and the whole class watched as it flew into the sky leaving a trail of blue lighting....

Hearing a beep on the device, Aizawa showed the results to the class..

882 meters..!

"What a strong quirk."

"He must have gotten second farthest right?" Someone said. As nobody was able to beat Ochako's score of infinity after all.

Atulya could have done at better than this...but what's the point of going all out in such a small test....this is what he thought... Besides there's no way he's going to redo it either...How is Aizawa supposed to know that he didn't try his hardest...?

'Lightning? For his quirk name "Sharingan" it's says that his eyes will glow red, so that means he didn't use it. It must his other quirk that we weren't able to figure it out. All it's describe as "mysterious energy". Is this what it can do? Control element?. I'll just have to wait and see then....' Aizawa thought in his head...

And for the rest of the test, Atulya did them with ease. Which of course put him in new light and acknowledge as possibly the strongest in the class..Why possible? Because most of them are unsure of what his quirk actually is?

For 50 meter Atulya just used his regular strength and got a time faster than Iida's, by completely shocking the boy..

For the grip test, he utterly destroyed the device by using a technique that he got off from a certain big breasted blonde Hokage ... Although it is not perfect yet, but stills fine. This was the fact that cause most of the students to think he has a second quirk, which is super strength..

Towards the end of the class, Atulya gained the attention of the whole class. Including a certain bully and a ice user.

Watching all this while hiding was none than the # 1 pro hero, All Might. He is mostly here because he's worried about his successor and he also wanted to see the students he'd be teaching....

All Might - 'Look like you have some tough competition, young Midoriya..'

He thought to himself as his gaze landed on 3 specific students.....