Chapter 12

Now at the Yaoyorozu mansion, inside a huge bedroom you can see Momo in her school uniform sitting on Atulya's bed, and watching him getting ready for school. She had already gotten ready before, so now she's waiting for Atulya, so they will leave for school together..

Nejire is a third year, so she had to leave earlier than the two, so she was already out of the house by the time both Atulya and Momo would finish getting ready. She also didn't forget to leave without her 'favourite drinks' as she likes to call it.

Momo who is observing Atulya couldn't help but say..."How is it your hair is always able to stay so soft...? It's not fair at all... everytime I am traning I've to tie mine up so it became hard after hours of tieing....."

Atulya who was putting his shoes couldn't help but chuckle at Momo's words....

"That's how it is Momo...., Are you jealous?" he said with a teasing tone as he started to tie his shoelaces..

Looking up, Atulya saw Momo sending a 'glare' his way, trying to be intimidating, but he only find it cute...."Jealous?.....Of course I am!.....Why isn't my hair be same like yours..?

It's not fair...." Momo said while pouting because his hair is very softer than many girls out there....And she look very cute now with her pout...

"Ahh... Don't worry Momo, yours are also better...I feel good while touching it. If you are worried about your hair getting frizzy then when we travel to next world You'll get a power that will help you..... Now, Did it make you feel better?". Atulya said and 'Of course what he said is true..... there's no way he'd ever lie to his girls about this kind of serious stuff...'

" Are you saying truth?....." Shouted Momo with full of excitement....and when she noticed Atulya nodding his head...."Then I will like to take your offer on that!.." Said With a serious look on her face.... but she's not fooling excitement is still visible on her face....

Getting up from his chair, Atulya grabbed his school bag, then walked up to Momo and give a peck on her lips.."I would never lie to you, my queen..." He said with a laugh while wrapping his arms around Momo's waist..

Moments later, Atulya is walking with his right arm around Momo's shoulder to the train station..."So are you excited for your official first day?" He asked her.

"Well..I guess so, but what do you think we will be doing today?" Momo asked.

"Since we'll be focusing on traning our quirks and how to use them more efficiently, I could only guess that we'll do something like combating each other...." Atulya said to Momo.

Of course he knew what exactly they will be doing today because of his knowledge about the anime..

"Hmm...I remembered Nejire saying something like that on her first day, but she never specified on what exactly." Momo replied back.

After arriving at the train station, both board the train. Atulya then went towards an empty space near the back with Momo since it was quite crowded...

"There's only one spot left.." Momo said with a sigh.

"That's not a problem is it?" Atulya said as he sit down on the seat and put Momo on his lap.

"P-Pervert..." Momo whispered to him with a blush as she noticed some of the people are looking towards their direction..

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Atulya rested his hands on her stomach and smiles when he felt her hold them....


When Atulya and Momo arrived at school, both went towards their classroom where Aizawa discussed about their schedules to the whole class.

In the morning, they had some normal boring classes like English, which Atulya had no problem with but he don't know he thought may be in past life he already knew about this language.

At lunch time just as mentioned in the anime, they served high quality foods that aren't expensive at all. Atulya was very happy about this because the school lunches in his middle school was absolute shit.

When the school lunch came, both Atulya and Momo choose a secluded place outside to eat. The duo continue to enjoying their time together as they feed each other and did heartwarming like any normal couples would do during lunch....

As the bell rang, two reluctantly got up and went towards their next class and entered the class. Not even a minute later, some students came towards them..

"Hey Momo." Atulya heard a voice calling out to Momo. Taking a look, he saw Mina walking towards them with couple of other students.

"Hi Mina!" Momo said with a smile. She also greeted the other girls around her as well.

Atulya just went to his seat silently, not bothering to introduce himself, but he did look at floating clothes that was standing next to Tsuyu. It seems like he remembered something and thought that how this girl looked like because he never saw and her looks were never revealed in anime or manga ....

'Wait a minute...if I use my sharingan' he thought to himself, but he didn't want to use it here. It is not like he intends on hiding it, because it would bring unnecessary attention towards him.... which he hates to core...

"Eeekkk.." A screech sounded out which surprised the students around them..

"Toru? What's wrong?" Jiro asked, quite startled herself from the unexpected sound.

"Eh, well.... nothing's wrong, sorry! just a little surprised that's all.." Toru said trying to ease their worries but the words that came out of her didn't convince them at all.

"Ribbit?, surprised at what?" A long tongue girl asked with everyone else then looking at Toru direction. That was until they heard a small chuckle. Turning their head they all saw Atulya, who couldn't help but laugh a little on how he scared Toru with just a little glance. He can only guess that she isn't used to people noticing her look at them.

"Why are you laughing? Did you do something to her?" Mina, who looked as if she is starting to get mad said..

"Geez..calm down. I can only guess that I scare her because I noticed her looking at me." Atulya said, not even bothering to look at the pink skinned girl.

Toru nodded her invisible head. "He's right, sorry for distributing everyone." She said to everyone in the class, as things quieted down from her unexpected scream. She, of course was blatantly staring at him because she didn't think he would see her, so she got scared when he looked into her eyes, almost as if she wasn't invisible..

"Woah! How did you know that she was looking at you when you can't even see her?" A spiky haired boy as he walked towards them.

"Hmm, How? .. I wonder.....?" Atulya said, sounding as if he's talking to himself...

"Tch....bastard trying to act cool.." A voice sounded out, which Atulya could tell was Bakugo. He only took a single glace at him, not looking amused at all and then looked away.

"Atulya right? I've been wondering....what's your quirk exactly?" Ochako asked causing whole class to pay attention. This is because they hit the blank spot on trying to guess what his quirk is. Even Shoto, who keeps himself begin to listen on what Atulya will say. Deku even seems like he's going to bring out his notebook and Katsuki actually stopped talking for once.

"My quirk....." Some students could not help but lean forward when they saw Atulya's serious face.. Almost if he's going to tell some grand secret..Momo had to keep herself from laughing when she saw this scene...

"My quirk is actually.....-"

"Coming through the door like a normal person!" A loud voice sounded out which caused some students to jump.

"All Might"!

"It's really him! is going to teaching us.."

The others sit in their place and look at #1 Pro Hero while clattering amongst other.

Seeing everyone's attention on All Might, Momo look at Atulya with a smile and said....

"You already sensed that he was coming in, don't you?"

"Ahh, my girlfriend knows me very well.." Atulya said as he looked at Momo while smiling...

Before Momo could say anything else, All Might begin to talk again.

"Hero basic Training! the class that I'll put you all through special training to mold you into a great hero!..And for today we'll be doing a battle trial!!" All Might said with his usual big smile that made Atulya wonder how he kept it on all the time....

All Might's words ignited the excitement in most of the students, but what he said next caused even more students to react.

"And for that, you'll need wear your Hero Costumes! When you finished getting dressed, come to the ground beta so we can start our lesson!." All Might said as he walked out...

'Finally...some action.' Atulya thought to himself as he and the rest of the class then went to get their costumes... Atulya didn't have to get it, after all his armour is a part of himself which can appear and disappear according to hi wish.....but he needs to act like he got it no one would get suspicious at him...


[A/N: Don't say that this action of his is not befitting for someone like him remember he also don't have his memories 'for now'...but you can't expect him to say that it is a part of him right? when someone ask him how he got this.... please readers endure it...just for this world.... PLZZ..]