[ Moments before Atulya and Momo won... ]
All Might and the rest of the class students were in a different room and had their eyes glued to the screen that was showing the live footage of Atulya, Momo. Denki and Jiro.
" Sigh...it's so unfortunate that we're unable to hear anything what they are saying?" A boy with huge lips said.
Some of the students nodded their head as they agreed to the boy words. They were able to watches every battle and see what others do, but they can't heard sounds as they is no audio system available so they're unable to hear their conversation..
"Momo is just leaning there and seems like won't be going to do anything." Tsuyu said to Ochako and Mina who were standing next to her.....
"Wait! look Atulya now did something." Kirishima said as he pointed at the screen and stated the obvious.
"Aren't you little too excited?" Mina said to him. After all Atulya just took a step forward and moved his hand, but he acted like it was the most jaw dropping scene in the world.
"Who wouldn't be? After all we will finally get to see Atulya's power, so we can't miss a single detail." Kirishima responded back with a huge grin.
The screen then showed Jiro and Denki's area. When they saw Jiro attaching her earphone jack to the wall they became confused, a student couldn't help but ask..
"What is she doing?" Sero asked with a confused expression on his face.
"She's probably trying to sense the other team location. I remember Jiro saying how her quirk could do something like this." Ochako said. During lunch the girls had sat together and talked about their quirks and some of the abilities. This was the one Jiro had shared with others that time.
The class continued to watch and when Denki started to get surround by branches. They were startled because they didn't expect this to happen at all.
"What the..."
"This has to be the work of Atulya, Momo quirk shouldn't be able to do this as she herself said that she can only create non living thing but we didn't saw anything from Momo as she was leaning there and not doing anything except talking with Atulya." Tsuyu said as she stared at the screen that was displaying the footage.
"But how? Looked at the other screen he still hasn't move from his place."
'Wood? First lighting and now wood huh! No matter what he's still not match against my ice, but so far he has shown he can control two elements.What if he can use ice as well?' Shoto thought to himself.
All Might is thinking the same thing, but he then noticed something 'Just like that new hero Kamui woods, but his woods seems to much better and stronger and he's able to use it clearly from such a huge distance...a perfect ability to capture Villians...' he thought to himself.
'Atulya Uzumaki, is this what your "Mysterious Quirk" can do? Apparently he has another one and according to the description he hasn't use it once..' Thinking about Izuku, All Might once again thought 'Young Midoriya you are going to have to work very hard as one of your obstacle is more stronger than you could even think of.'
With Katsuki, he was staring at the screen more specifically the branches that's currently holding down Jiro 'Tch...just my explosion is enough to destroy and blow them to pieces, but from judging on how the branches became tighter the more that girl struggles, it could only mean one thing, that bastard is holding back not to hurt her. He didn't even moved from his position while easily captured these two.' Bakugo thought to himself. He is still feeling completely frustrated after his battle against Izuku.
Despite being an arrogant, short tempered boy, Katsuki actually is very intelligent and extremely perceptive. He can curse out and insult Atulya all he wants but deep down he knows that Atulya is the one that could give him his biggest challenge of his student life... That's why he always tried to provoke him by insulting to test how well he can fair against him, but Atulya never retaliates nor even spare a glance at him...., or more precisely from Atulya's point of view, 'Katsuki is just a weakling, who only thought himself to be better than everyone, that's why he won't be wasting his precious time with a walking bully who oppressed anyone that comes into his view, Instead he would spend those times with Momo..or sit quietly...'
__ __
[ After All Might Announced the Winners..]
The two teams finally exits the building and arrived where everyone are waiting to review theirs 'Battle..' Most of students could not help but look at Atulya because of easy win and how easily he defeated the other team.
"Congratulations on your victory! and I can say that in this match the MVP goes to Atulya..can anybody explain how and why they won?" All Might said and pointed his eyes at the boy who look like a bird.
"Atulya was able to quickly finish the battle and catches the 'heroes' quite easily. I can only guess since Momo and Atulya seems to be so familiar with each other, she already knew of his abilities and decided to let him take the lead." Tokoyami said with all the others students agreeing with his statement.
"Anyone want to add on anything else?" All Might asked, and seeing the boy with the tail raising his hand, he let him talk.
"Despite the other team losing, Jiro was able to effectively use her quirk to locate where the enemies were and unfortunately for them they weren't able to show their full potential as Atulya already started restrain them with the branches by using his 'unique ability'.." Ojiro said while others nodding their head at his words.
"Good! You both are completely right. Despite your lost Jiro and Denki, you guys were able to come up with a plan but regrettably you were up against someone with an ability to counter your quirks." All Might said and continued on by saying...
"Remember this! There will be times where you will have to face a villain that has a quirk to counter yours and you'll have no other choice but to battle them so you all can be expecting on doing more training like this that'll help you in particular situation.." He said.
After that segment, All Might dismissed the whole class and told them to get change into their school uniform before leaving. He left to go to see Izuku but Atulya knew he has a time limits and if stayed here any longer that class would've known his biggest secret....
The rest of the day was completely boring as the battle trial was the only intresting thing that happened.
At the end of the school day, most of the students decided to stay back and help around the classroom, but Atulya had gotten a text from Nejire that saying she's already waiting at home. So he silently took Momo with him and left before anyone could say anything or even notice them..
"Ah, today sure was a long day. Maybe I'll skip the training for today and relax in pool along with you and Nejire." Atulya said with a yawn as he and Momo walked up to the mansion's door.
Seeing this Momo couldn't help and start to laugh." Why are so tired? You barely did anything today."
"Exactly Momo excluding the battle trial, the rest of the day was so boring. I actually fell asleep during the classes. I can only hope that we will get to do something more interesting tomorrow." Atulya said as he ring the doorbell. The couple heard a voice from other side not even seconds later, the door opened and the figure jumped towards the boy...
"Atulya!.....You're finally here. I missed you so much!." Nejire, who already have her arms around his neck as well her legs wrapped around his waist said.
Holding her with both arms resting on her lower back, Atulya give her a peck on her lips and said with a chuckle. "Nejire, it hasn't even a day and you're like this. It's only around 4 right now."
Nejire answered by holding onto him even tighter. Atulya just let her stay like this and walked inside the mansion. Momo who's next to him have been looking at Nejire with an amused expression. She understands why Nejire acting like this, unlike her who got to spend whole day with Atulya...she only get to interacts with him at home.
"Nejire are my parent home?" Atulya said as he noticed that Jun and Aiko aren't present anywhere..
Nejire who is currently placing light kisses on his neck said "Nope. They had already left before you got here.."
Atulya just nodded his head and went to his room with Momo following and Nejire still stuck on to him like a koala..
So the three of them ended of having a wonderful afternoon. Atulya then suggested going for a short swim together, and they naturally did so.... while being naked. Thankfully they are the only ones who used the indoor pool. Afterwards, they all got cleaned up and watched a movie together in Atulya's room while cuddling. When Jun and Aiko return, they all have a huge dinner to satisfy their hunger. Nejire couldn't stay the night today so Aiko drive her to her home around 8.
"Haha..I don't think I can ever skip a day without training. May be I'll work on some new techniques." Atulya said as he is walking alongside Momo into the house after seeing Nejire off.
"Well then I'll go review and start studying all the notes and wait for you in your room." Momo said as she give him a light kiss and left to her room.
Atulya also went to his room and changed into his regular work out clothes and move inside the forest to train on his new technique. It is not so dark, even if the time currently is 8 P.M.
Atulya creates three clones and tell them to work on chakra control, and the other elements which are wind, earth and water. He don't know how did this happened... because from what he remembered that the Madara only had fire and lighting then later wood. But how can he have all others...not that he is complaining though...
'Unknown to him, his origin bloodline power is slowly starting to unseal itself albeit if only a little but it will be enough for him to be strongest in the world..mean, MHA world...'
Since he have this power, he will have to trained harder to use them fully and luckily for him he has clones to help him with that. No not the shadow clones, wooden clones.
He also taught Nejire and Momo how to distinguish if he's a clone or not and will do the same to any other he will get in future. Because he didn't want his clones to touch his girls for that he made his clones genderless and put a seal of warning..if by any chance one of his clone goes against his order then they will instantly disappear...
[ Author - Yes I made it like this.....I don't think you all will like to see his clones getting intimate with his girls.. right?..]
Well back to the training.
While his clones beginning to work on what he told them to do, Atulya himself stood in a clearing with three other clones near him doing what exactly he is doing. He has his eyes closed as blue aura type structure start to surrounded him. Yes he is currently training on things he could do with his Susanoo.
That's right he has already awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan naturally during his 2nd year of the middle school. He can remember that he was doing his regular training when he awakened it and concluded that he don't need to awaken it in usual way. The same way he unlocked his Eternal Mangekyo during the end of his 3rd year and it was around the same time he was able to use the wood and cured the side effect of his eyes....so he won't go blind from over usage of powers..
To his logic, if he is able to use wood style this means he'll eventually unlock the Rinnegan in the future.
"If he only knew that his own power is unlocking slowly, then what will be his reaction...?"
Right now, Atulya is covered in blue aura. Focusing harder, a 1 decently large arm came out from left and another from his right. The two arms structures stretch out and open their palm,but Atulya isn't done. Concentrating harder you can see flames starting to envelop the Rasengan and seconds later it looked like a miniature sun. Of course the heat is not the same as sun's but if he had some his original power and adds it to this then just from the heat alone, the whole country will be evaporated, but it won't be happening atleast not for now.....hehe....
You could see the other 3 clones of his are doing something similar, but quite different. One clone is trying to coat the Yasaka Magatama with lighting chakra.
The last two are actually sitting crossed leg with half of the skeleton avatar surrounding them. If you look closely, you can see that the clones of his didn't have their sharingan active.
Just like the Madra used his Susanoo without his eyes during the war.....
1 hour later, Atulya decided to stop his training for today. He dispelled his clones and return to the mansion. When he got back, he greeted his mother who had already returned after dropping off Nejire. He then went upstairs to his room and saw Momo laying there on his bed with nothing but her bra and extremely short shorts.
He quickly got refreshed and then join his girlfriend. They spend the night playing with each other and also video called Nejire before going to bed.