Chapter 16

Atulya sighed as he saw most of the students are freaking out and rushing towards the exits. He walked over to where Momo is...As she's trying to calm down her friends.. Atulya said.." Calm Down guys,it's just a false alarm. Those annoying reporters are trying to get inside the school.."

He then points his head towards the front gates, which is now looking like filled with people holding cameras and mikes as they somehow got the intel that All Might is teaching here...they are standing, outside of the gate to be exact and demanding for an interview.

When the other girls saw this, they calmed down a little, but they are still feeling uneasy. "And why are you not to telling this to everyone here? Can't you see it is dangerous for them to do this?" Momo asked with a worried expression as she saw students are pushing each other around.

Again Atulya pointed his finger at one direction. When all the girls look where he is pointing at, they saw Iida floating in the air and then stop to stand on the top of the exit.


Everything is fine!"

Iida yelled out, causing students to go quiet. Seeing he have their attention, he continued on saying.."It's just media! There's nothing to panic about! Everything is fine!"

Hearing his words, Everyone started to calm down. Atulya looked at Momo and said. "See? Don't you think he's fitting to be a class representative?"

"Does that mean you voted for him?" Mina who heard his question asked.

"No I voted for my Momo, of course!" Atulya said as he wrapped his arms around Momo.

Afterwards, everyone went back to the class as the decision for the class president become final as Iida officially became representative as everyone else agreed.

Moments later, Aizawa arrived into the class and begin to discuss with students.

"For today's basic Hero training, All Might, myself and another hero will be supervising you guys as we are going to prepare you for disaster relief, from fires to floods." He then took out a card and shows us " It's a rescue training."

The whole became excited and begins chattering amongst themselves.

"I'm not finished yet!" Aizawa said as he pressed a button and the wall opened, revealing their packaged costumes.

"You all have option to wear your uniform or regular clothes. Some of you have uniforms not suitable for today's training, but it's not my decision. The facility we will be at is off campus so we'll be taking a bus there. I'll take any questions when we arrive."

Atulya then put on his costume and walked up to the bus, only to see Iida and Momo trying to get the rest of the students attention so they could board the bus.

When they did, after everything over....Atulya choose to sit in the back by the window with Momo sitting next to him.

As he closed his eyes, he heard some students are talking about their Quirk just as the original until he heard his name being mentioned.

"Yes, if you are talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki, Bakugo and Uzumaki.." He heard Enjirou say.

"Yeah, but Bakugo's always mad doesn't seem like he'll be popular." Tsuyu said.

Atulya just ignored everything else, closed his eyes and starting to think about the coming battle that will happen and which power he should shows them...

"We're here, stop messing around." Aizawa said sternly to the loud students.

__ __ __

Upon arriving at the enormous training dome, which is dubbed as 'USJ' by U.A's staff, students met with Space Hero Thirteen, causing Ochako to looming over like a fangirl.

Aizawa then asked where's All Might and Thirteen told him he's resting in the lounge as he used up most of the time....

"Well if that's the case...."Aizawa said and he turned to face the students, but as soon he did the lights starts flickering....over and over.

"Something is coming." Atulya said to Aizawa as he looked at the fountain below that is not very far away from them. In front of it, a black portal appears and begin to grow in size of a building. From within, A hand came out followed by a body. The face belonging to the person is covered by another set of severed hand, more and more bodies came out until a whole horde of people emerged from there.

"Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa shouted loudly towards the students.

"Is this for the training? I didn't know we'd be fighting as well." Enjirou said with a grin.

"Don't move!." He said while putting on his goggles.."Those are Villians."

"Villians?" The students asked with a confusedly as they caught a serious expression on their teacher's face. Momo who's standing next to Atulya, staring him in surprise as she saw him analysing everyone that came out of the portal..

More and More Villians are popping out from the portal, finally a particular purple muscular man like creature with an exposed brain came out and stood next to the blue haired man with hands all over his body.

Seeing Villians walking towards their direction, Atulya come forward and stood next to his homeroom teacher, Aizawa and Hero Thirteen confusing the rest of the students.

"Sensei" He said seriously..

"What are you doing here kid? I told you guys stay there togeth-" Aizawa said as he turned towards Atulya, but stop when he saw the look of Atulya's face.

"Let me handle this." Atulya said shocking Aizawa and rest of the students.

"Are you crazy? This is not training. These Villians are real, Just wait for the other teachers to arrive while I hold them off." Aizawa said as he prepared to fight the horde off before he can do anything, Atulya already starting to walked towards them.

"Wait for teachers? These Villians were preparing for this so they already cut off our connection with them. You wanted to know about my quirk right?....Then watch closely, I will show you a portion of my power." Atulya said as then jumped down from the platform.

"Anyway I need some training dummy and these guys are perfectly fits the criteria." He said with a serious voice as he stand in front of hoard of Villians.


"What are you doing?"

The students came out of their shock and starting to shout at Atulya "Momo, he's your boyfriend right? Then why are you not doing anything to stop him!?" Jiro shouted at Momo.

"Because I trust him completely." Momo said with full confidence...She know what exactly Atulya is capable of and after learning his secret, she is 100 percent sure that he will be completely fine.

"He's just a student. No matter what or how much confidence you have in him, there's still the fact that he's only one person standing against all." Shoto spoke up.

Momo shook her head and said without even looking "You don't know anything. He's is considered to be a prodigy that comes once a 100 year...You know Daisuke Kentaro,(made up name..) the martial arts genius. He taught both me and Atulya during our childhood and Atulya also able to defeat him in hand to hand combat that no one ever did. He even said that Atulya has the potential to be become someone great...."

After hearing this everyone became surprised as Atulya defeated the martial arts genius, but Aizawa became more surprised because he knew that even he cannot defeat him...Of course some didn't believe her words...

"Tch, that bastard is gonna to get himself killed." Bakugo said.

"Thirteen protect the students! I'll go and get the kid." Aizawa said as he ran down the stairs.

"Look Kurogiri, a brat thinks he can defeat all this Villians. You think All Might will show up if we kill the brat and rest of the students." Tomura said as he stared at Atulya.

Kurogiri just stayed silent. He didn't know what's wrong, but he know something is up with this student. Though he commended him for standing in front of many villians with no fear what so ever.

"Hahaha....they sent a student to fight us." A villian said as they all started to laugh. The firing squad in the front already have their weapons pointed at Atulya.

"I have a question?" Atulya said as he folded his arms.

"And what would that be kid? Are you regretting your actions already!" A villian said as they begin to laugh even more.

"Do you want to dance?" Atulya said as he stared at the Villians with a grin and activate his sharingan causing most of the Villians to take a step back.

He begin walking towards them, before picking his speed and eventually running right at them with incredible speed.

"Because I want to dance."

__ __ __ __

"What are you guys doing standing there? Go kill him! " Tomura said to the firing squad in the front, while ignoring the slight feeling of fear he felt when Atulya activated his sharingan.

As the Villians in the front fired their weapons at him, Atulya just channel bit of his chakra towards his armour, creating a purple transparent barrier....

[ Author - He did this because he just don't want anyone here know that his armour is invulnerable to theirs attacks...he will use it against his fight with AFO...not now...or all the questions will be unbearable for him.]

"What the hell.."

"He hasn't even gotten a scratch at all? What the hell is that barrier?"

The Villians starting to curse out in frustrations as they couldn't do anything to him.

Once they stopped firing, Atulya started to wreak havoc with the hoard of Villians. He know he couldn't kill them, but that didn't not mean he cannot cripple them.. right. Most of the Villians has some odd quirks that would take hand to hand combat to defeat them but that is not the problem for him...

Using his speed and strength from the results of his intense training he's been doing for years, he made quick work with the first group of Villians and quickly rushed towards to the second group with his blazing red eyes analysing all their movements, making them unable to land a single on him.

This scene shocked everyone that are present there. Wasn't he just a first year?

"Kurogiri! Is that a teacher? Who is that?" Tomura said as he watched that the Villians are being dropping like flies with noticable injures on them.

__ __ __ __

"A-Amazing.." Izuku couldn't help but say as he watched the scene before him.

All the students were left speceless including the Heroes, as they watched Atulya efficiently took out he Villians with just martial arts alone.

"He's on a whole another level."

"Momo was right when she said Atulya is master in hand to hand combat.."

'He's able to take out many villians without using his elements. Even I'm not confident enough to do this without my ice.' Todoroki thought.

"E-Everyone! Heads out for the exit!" Thirteen said to the students as she got out from the shock.

"What about Atulya? Aren't we going to help him?" Mina said to the hero.

"Atulya will be fine! We need to go and inform the other staff members. Iida, since you're the fastest amongst us, I think you should go on ahead of us." Momo said to the rest and the last part to Iida.

__ __ __ __

"I see..." Tomura said as he watched Aizawa join Atulya to fight against the Villians.

"These Villians don't stand a chance against them." Tomura said as he looked over to saw the rest of the students are rushing towards the exits. He ordered Kurogiri to stop them.

Kurogiri was about to leave, suddenly the ground in front of him cracked and a student came out. Before he could say something, Atulya punched his neck brace, causing him to fly back while destroying the fountain in the process.

"What the hell!" Tomura shouted as he saw Kurogiri was easily sent flying. And then he saw a crimson eyes before he got his backhanded by him.

"Agghhh" Clutching his shoulder in pain Tomura shouted loudly..."Nomu!"

The strange humanoid creature rushed towards Tomura and catch him before Atulya could land a punch on him. Seeing Kurogiri get up from the floor with a noticable fist sized dent on his neck brace and the students successfully escaping made Tomura to look at Atulya in fury, but calms down a little when he realised something.

'The students escaped, but that means All Might will come. Once he does, Nomu will take care of him, but if the pro heroes came then it's game over.' He thought inside his head.

Tomura look at Atulya then pointed at Nomu. "This weapon is made to kill All Might kid, you stand no chance. So why don't you surrender yourself and come with us!" Tomura said looking at Atulya, more specifically at his sharingan. Thinking his Sensei will want to steal this unique quirk. 'He also seems to have some form of Super Strength. Sensei would definitely want this.'

"I refuse." Atulya said as he clenched his hand into a fist..."But I want to fight that abdominal creature you brought and I can sense more than 4 quirks inside him. Hope, it is not same as those extras who brought.."

( Yes he becomes so engrossed in the fight as he forget about his knowledge and he genuinely sense the power within Nomu...)

"What?...How can doesn't matter. Nomu kill him! We will take his dead body with us" Tomura roared as he pointed his finger at Atulya.

Nomu instantly rush towards Atulya's direction by bringing its fist out to punch. Atulya himself is concentrating his chakra on his fist. '11 years of daily chakra control and I am finally somewhat able to complete this technique.' He thought.

Just Nomu's fist is about to land on his face, he dodge it and punched its arm, completely obliterating it.

"W-what the hell!!" Tomura shouted as he looked at the scene in front of him with awe and fear.

Before Nomu could regenerates its arm, Atulya appeared in front of him and kick it's face with his leg enforcing with chakra, making that abdomination fly towards the fountain completely destroying it in the way..

"Tch, it's were going to kill All Might with this kind of just a bigger extra.." Atulya said and he was about to go after it, but suddenly he jumped back and landed a couple of feet away. As a portal appears from the ground where he was previously standing and a hand came out of it.

"Tomura we need to leave. Who ever is this person? He's able to easily send Nomu flying just like that when it has shock absorption and quick enough to deals even more damage before it could regenerate..He also sensed the power within it." Kurogiri said after his attempting to catch Atulya off guard failed.

Atulya crossed his arms and stared at Tomura "What's wrong? Didn't you said you want to kill me then kill All Might. What happened to the pride you had earlier? can't even defeat a single student."

Tomura just clenched his fist and his anger his growing by minutes "You think this is over, Nomu can even regenerate its limbs easily." Just as he finished saying, the Nomu jumped out of the rubble, completely fine and instantly attacked Atulya. This continued on for 13 minutes.

While dodging Nomu's punches, Kurgiri's and Tomura's assaults.. Atulya saw Aizawa finish beating down the last couple of Villians.

'They're coming.' Atulya thought.

Suddenly he started punching Nomu with rapid speeds, the creature isn't able to dodge and regenerate fast enough. Finishing off it with a blow to the chest, Atulya watch the Nomu fly back with holes all over its body, and it's regenerating at faster rate.

"I hate him Kurogiri. Why isn't the Nomu working!?" Tomura said in absolute rage. He now wanted nothing more than to completely rip apart Atulya. They had all come up with a plan and successfully infiltrate UA just to kill All Might, and this kid ruined it all.

"I think it's time to end this. For being able to entertain me to this extents...I will reward you by showing my new technique." Atulya said as the upper half of the Susanoo begin to materialize.

*ROAR* ...The Susanoo made a sound, etching a little bit of fear into the hearts of the Villians.

"Aizawa.....Atulya." A voice yelled out. The students just returned with the teachers of UA ina hurry, including All Might. Most of them were worried because their classmates who's fighting with only the help of Aizawa. So they were in a hurry, as soon they arrived, they saw something that they'll never forget.

Atulya raised the sword of Susanoo high, then brought it down and vertically slitting apart the Nomu, completely destroying everything in its path.

"W-what was that?" A student asked.

"Strong.." Another said.

"Hmm. That's a pretty strong ability." A teacher said looking very impressed...

Aizawa said with a surprise.."Did he beat that weapon?"

"What do you mean by weapon?" A teacher asked.

"That things is designed to kill All Might and the leader who brought all the Villians himself" Aizawa said while watching.

This completely shocked everyone present there including all the teachers...they all then thoughts 'And this kid is able to fight and defeat it with not so difficulty what so ever'.....

Aizawa then looked around and noticed that the two villians disappeared 'Shit...They escaped.'

Staring at Atulya, who had already deactivated his Sharingan and Susanoo. He couldn't help but think 'He was able to defeat all these Villians on his own just from his hand to hand combat. Granted they were all low level villians, he doesn't look winded at all and even able to hold back those two while also defeating that creature. He's simply a monster.'

He then looked at the beaten villians on the ground that Atulya defeated. All of them have a broken body parts and somewhat serious wounds. 'He's also pretty brutal to the villians but he obviously held back.' He thought as the teachers starting to walked towards him.

"Aizawa! Who's that kid." A teacher asked while they all are staring at the student.

"Atulya. Atulya Uzumaki." He said seriously.

"Hmm. He's pretty handsome." A female teacher said in a seductive voice.

"Nemuri, this is no time for your antics. Come on we need to go and talk to the student who fought here."

Atulya himself walking away from Nomu. You can see 1/4 th of its body removed and slowly regenerating, but it won't be getting up anytime soon.

Afterwards, Atulya talked with teachers and told them there's still villians hiding in other areas. As the teachers went and capture them and then the police arrived to take the Nomu away. Atulya went to where all the students are standing, causing most of them to throw questions at him, but he simply ignored them.

"Cmon.... atleast tell us how you were able to do that?" Enjirou asked excitingly.

"Yeah, you're super strong."

They all are asking questions on and on until a loud voice sounded out.

"Tch...what so great about it? All he did was just defeat no life thugs and you're praising him like some God." Bakugo said, clearly annoyed by this.

"At least I didn't ran away with a tail between my legs unlike certain someone who's thinking himself to be above all." Atulya said with his eyes closed.

"What did you say bastard!" Bakugo shouted and prepared to attack but Enjirou and Sero hold him back.

"Can you please tell us?" Mina asked with a puppy dog eyes that has no effect on effect...'But it will surely work on him like a charm in future...heheh.'

"Well it has something to do with my Quirk, Of course." Atulya said 'seriously'.

Izuku nervously asked as most of the students lean forward .."And what is exactly your quirk?"

"'s actu-"

"Atulya, Nezu would like to talk with you." A teacher said then walked away.

"What a shame! Look like I have to go." He said as he kissed Momo and left towards the small animal that's sitting on All Might's shoulder.

"Uh, I really didn't know that you guys are dating." Sero said to Momo.

"You idiot. Of course they are, we already told you." Mina replied back.

"You guys shouldn't be showing this kind of indecent act in the school ground." Iida said, but got completely ignored.

"Damn that lucky Bastard!" Denki said with jealously as Momo is the most beautiful girl in the class.

"He's truly very strong. He seems to be amazing with martial arts as well. I wish I will get to fight him one day." Ojiro said.

"Seeing that last move....makes me feel like I'm way very behind in strength." Rikidou said with his head down, causing some of the students to agree with him.

"Well, that's just means we will have to work harder from now on right!." Izuku said, trying to cheer up his classmates.

__ __ __ __

Atulya walked to where Nezu, All Might and Aizawa are standing.

"You needed me?" He asked.

All three adults then stared at Atulya seriously.

"Yes. I would like to talk with you in my office when we get back to the school." Nezu said