Chapter 21

Every students are now gathered before the stage where Midnight is standing. "Now that all of you are here, it's time to present the final event." Midnight yelled into the mic.

Before she can continue any longer Mashirao Ojiro and Nirengeki Shoda decided to withdraw from the tournament. They spouted the same nonsense they had in the canon and like in canon Midnight call them naive.

"Because of their withdrawal the higher ups decided that Ibara Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu are going to take their places. And also Izuku Midoriya is going to join because of odd number..." Midnight said while hearing his name announced Izuku stood up and walked like a fucking Mummy.

"Now that we're done with unimportant things, let's move on to important topic." Midnight announced loudly which cause the crowd to cheers. The screen behind her rolled through dozens of possibilities before settling on a 1vs1 tournament.."And now, here's are the matchups!" Midnight exclaimed dramatically.

[ Author - I don't care about others.... only MC and Momo match up with a twist... ]

Atulya Uzumaki vs Medo Shoji

Momo Yaoyorozu vs Tokoyami Fumikage

Atulya looked at his name and his first match seems to be against a weakling called Mezo Shoji....he honestly didn't expect anyone here to make him use half of his power...

Midnight then announced that Izuku and Shinso will be fighting first..

Atulya watched as all the three matches went same as the original. He really didn't pay attention after the second match and has his eyes closed untill Midnight announced his name for the 5th match. He stood up and before he could walk..a voice sounded out.

"I surrender! I don't think I can defeat him." Medo Shijo surrendered even before the match starts and many people boo at him even Midnight looking at him with disappointment and said 'If you never try you'll never know.'

Atulya didn't say anything just went back to his seat..As Midnight announced that the next match will be after a 10 minutes break which is between Momo and Tokoyami. Momo had already gone to the waiting room earlier so she's not with him right now.

Atulya decided to make sure that Momo is alright because in canon Momo couldn't do anything and put herself down for it. So he went to the waiting room and found Momo is thinking very hard and he could guess she's currently thinking up a plan on how to defeat her opponent.

"Are you nervous?" Atulya asked as he walked over and sit down next to her. He put his right arm around her shoulder and rubbed her other arm affectionately.

"A little....ok maybe a lot." She replied back to him and sighed while laying her head on Atulya's chest. She enjoys his warmth that ease her worries and make her calm everytime.

They stayed comfortable like that for some minutes until Atulya spoke up "I know you said not to help you, but think back how Denki was able to hold off Tokoyami's dark shadow during calvary battle or how much weaker he seems to be today from the beginning of the festival." He then give her couple of kisses and left.

'Denki? And Tokoyami being weaker today?' She thought to herself.

"That's it." She said out loud. With the new information, she started to come up with a different plan on how she is going to defeat Tokoyami.

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"Now onto to fifth match...Momo Yaoyorozu Vs Tokoyami Fumikage, both of them are from class 1A." Midnight yelled into the mic as both Momo and Tokoyami entered the stage.

Atulya himself is currently sitting along with everyone while watching Momo.."Who do you think will win Atulya?" Mina who's sitting next to him asked..Others who heard her started to voice their opinion. Atulya completely ignored them.

"Well Tokoyami is strong in his own right but he has a major weakness. If Momo figures it out then she'll win." Atulya said to her then stared at the two contestant who are now facing each other.


Momo immediately make a shield to protect her left arm from the approaching dark shadow. As she's defending, she noticed that she is getting pushed back so she dodged and immediately run around to the left.

Tokoyami being a gentleman didn't want to hit Momo too hard, but that will be his downfall. Seeing Momo throw something, Tokoyami send a dark shadow to swat it away, but instantly regretted it when he saw Momo covering her eyes. He tried to warn the Dark Shadow but it was already too late.

"Arghh" Dark Shadow let out a painful sound as the bright light is hurting him.

Tokoyami also covered his eyes and seconds later when he reopen them, he saw a gun pointed at him.

" did you figure it out?" He questioned Momo. He noticed that she have another flash grenade with her. He knows if she set it off then it would further hurt dark shadow so he didn't want to attack or resist.

"In Calvary battle Devki was able to hold you off with his lighting Quirk. And I've also noticed that how your dark shadow is weaker compared to the other times I've seen in UA when you're training. Truly an unfortunate weakness for you." Momo replied back to him.

"Haha...I surrender." Tokoyami said out loud making sure Midnight heard him.

"Tokoyami Fumikage surrenders. Momo Yaoyorozu advance to the next round!" Midnight announced causing the cheers in the crowd to get even louder.

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"Woah! You knew that Tokoyami has this kind of weakness." Ochako said as she herself never know about it.

"Ahh, I'm going to have to against Momo next." Mina said dramatically.

"Don't worry Mina, I'm sure you'll do great." Toru said to Mina trying to encourage her.

"Hmm that will be interesting to watch. You against Momo, I wonder who will win." Atulya said to Mina, who's now thinking of numerous ways on how to defeat her friend Momo.

Momo came back and sit next to Atulya. She thanked her classmates who praised her for her win, but she didn't forget how her boyfriend helped her out. She is thinking to reward him with something special after the sports festival is over.

And like this the matches continued on, And Izuku vs Shoto fight was a little exciting to watch as Shoto finally uses his fire and Izuku's determination to fight with broken fingers but eventually the match was stop midway because of the injury Izuku's quirk brought upon him so Midnight release her perfume to make them sleep on the areana.

Then comes Atulya fight against Ibara Shiozaki for Semifinals..He left the waiting room when his name is called.

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"Now we have one of the class 1 A's strongest student, being able to win the last two courses with ease, Atulya Uzumaki." Midnight yelled and licks her lips while looking at Atulya.. causing cheers to become even louder.

Many who are watching wanting to knowwhat Atulya will show next. Having seen his unique and cool abilities, they're interested in watching more of it and also cheer for him to wins this fight.

"And going against him is last of class B's, the pure and courteous Ibara Shiozaki." Midnight yelled... causing loud cheers sounded mostly from her own classes, who want nothing more than to defeat Atulya.

Truly a delusional batches of kids.

"Are you two ready?" Midnight asked as both contestant stood facing against each other and nodded their heads.


Seeing Atulya is not moving, Ibara quickly sent her vines underground with the intention of getting him when he least expected it. Unfortunately for her, Atulya knows what exactly she's doing so he jumped to side evading the vines.

Ibara sent more of her vines underground hoping to catch him off guard. While she is doing that she command different batches of vines to directly attack him so he won't come close to her.

As Atulya just efficiently dodging her vines while thinking..'Does she not released that I'm not trying to attack her? She seems so confident that her plan will work?'

'Got you.' Ibara said inside her mind.

Suddenly, vines bursts out from the ground and formed a dorm around Atulya, Making sure he'll not escape she added more on the outside. The boy himself knows what she's planning, but he wanted to see her technique in action so he let himself caught while staring at the girl with emotionless face.

"I've got you surrounded. I suggest you to surrender now." Ibara said with complete confidence, not even knowing most of the people looking at her with weirdly including Midnight.

"Didn't you notice that I never make a move all this time while you were leaving your front and back defenseless trying to capture me." Atulya said to her with straight face. That was when a sudden realisation hit her as she blush when thought about that...but furrowed her brows when she heard his next words.

"And surrender.? You're joking right?" Atulya said as blue lighting started to flicker around him. She herself thought that he's unable to break her vines like Denki but his next action said otherwise.

"Chidori stream."

The electric field completely destroyed the dorm that was trapping him. Atulya then decide to end it here.

There is no use of prolonging this fight.

Ibara didn't have any time to reacts as he disappeared and not even a second later she fall unconscious.

"Ibara Shiozaki is unable to battle. Atulya Uzumaki proceed to the next round." Midnight exclaimed loudly while her eyes didn't leave Atulya for even a second and of course, Atulya noticed this but he let her be.

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"Congratulations Atulya!" Ochako said to him with a smile, causing some of his classmates to do the same.

"Dude we've not seen your lighting elemental for a long time." Kirishima said to him still awed at the bad-ass ability he has shown in the class before.

Atulya noticed that Momo and Mina aren't here, meaning theirs match is coming next. Atulya remembered how Momo said she already have a plan to defeat Mina, so didn't want to go and see her it may disturb her concentration.

He just sit there and put his trust on Momo's abilities.

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Momo and Mina are now facing each other, more than prepared for this fight. Midnight who saw that two girls are ready yelled loudly.

