Chapter 23

"Hmm~ it's you.." Atulya said with a smile as he stared into the eyes of Number two Pro Hero, Fried Musta...*cough*cough*...I mean Endeavour.

"Kid, I've been watching you." Endeavour said as he eyed Atulya with his usual cold eyes. The pro hero noticed how the boy didn't flinch even meeting his gazes. Usually when intimidating people, Endeavour would release his 'pressure' like he's doing right now. Some would instantly look down after coming in contact with pressure, not even trying to look him in the eye and most would get too scared from a sentence.

But the real question is why he is using pressure against a kid....Can anybody tell me?

Endeavour continued on saying,

"You're soon going up against my son Shoto and seeing finally he accepted what he is made for and used his fire, you're definitely not going to win. I also told this to other kid that All Might seems to be interested in, but it's obvious that you're going to be Shoto's biggest obstacle to become a Number 1 Hero that I've envisioned." Endeavour said, looking straight into Atulya's deep blue eyes.

Atulya himself raised an eyebrow after hearing what fire man words. "Hmm, I don't care about your little what you envisioned. And don't think I'll be scared by your puny pressure. Let me show you what exactly a real pressure is!!" As soon Atulya finished his sentence, a majestic black blur pressure slam down on Fire man which made him unable to breath and fall on his knees..Yes Atulya activated his sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan to be exact and further indicating, by unsealing his origin power a little.

"You can continue to preach your Yaoi or break up with All Might infront of others but not in front because it might bad taste to us people who are straight..and don't try threaten me again okay? If not .." Increasing the pressure a little making Endeavour coughing from unable to breathe properly. "I may accidentally kill you, Fried Chicken and then you won't be alive to see your puny dream shattering." Atulya said amusedly to Endeavour, who's now glaring at him madly then he took back the pressure and deactivated the sharingan, and left not before looking back at a pathetic worm.

'W-what the hell was that? Such a foul and evil pressure. I've never felt anything like this in my life not even All Might gives me this kind of feeling.. It's like I'm talking to death who can with any second may claim my life...Damn Shoto you're going to lose against that freak!'

After Atulya took back his pressure, Endeavour let out a breath of relief and he didn't know what he is holding. Touching his face, he discovered something that made him feel humiliated.

Like being intimidated from a student is already enough, but the same student making him sweat and frightened, furious him to no end. Turning around he saw Atulya looking at him with a mocking smile and infuriating his anger even further but he didn't do anything reckless this time because he knows that he's not his match...Kudos to him! He just made his first good decision in his life.

[ A/N: Explaining about the aura, If people like Endeavour or those who have committed evil's act will find Atulya's pressure distrubing. However, people with good hearts and souls will feel that his pressure or presence itself is warm and gentle.....That's how it is, like Yin and Yang. Neither represents evil but the excess malaise and ultimate good involves a balance between them. If there is a pure heart then there must a immoral, healthy and unhealthy, no matter what..It is the same from the beginning of time. ]

Atulya is walking while thinking if number two pro hero is like this then there must be other heroes doing something similar behind the scenes. Could they be worse than this man? He didn't know but it is definitely a strong possibilities. He put out those thoughts aside thinking, 'They can be whatever for all I care but if they plotted against my family and my loved ones then I will show them that getting tortured in hell is better than making enemy out of Atulya Uzumaki's.'

He finally arrived in the room and saw Momo is thinking deeply about something. Atulya decided to sit in front of her, so he get a chair and place it close to her. Sitting down, he put his hands on her thighs and rubbed them to calm her down.

"You're here...." Momo said with a relieved expression on her face.

"Well I got caught up with an annoying disturbance.

"Tell me about it.!" Momo said as she put her hands over the ones that are rubbing her thighs.

Atulya stump up to Momo on a brief summary on what transpired earlier. Her expression was fun to watch as she became shocked after hearing what happened and how he dealt with a pro hero.

"Then why didn't you recorded this or even voice recording would've been better evidence to prove." She exclaimed angrily as she never thought pro heroes would behaved like scums and here, she's aiming to become a pro hero.

"Why should I? You know that I hate fucking attention and also I have the power to stop it myself. So why I need to go and report like a fucking weakling and I'm sure it'll brought many attention to me. That's why, you don't need to worry after all we'll be travelling to other worlds and this pro hero job is puny compared to that of what you can become in future." Atulya replied back while tightening his grip around her thighs.

They keeps enjoying their moments like this until Momo and Bakugo name are called.

"Good luck, Momo!" Atulya said as he gives a deep kiss to her and walked off towards his seat. When he arrived there he noticed that Iida isn't sitting with the class.

"Hey Atulya, Congratulations on your win against Iida." Some of the students said as soon he got back.

Atulya nodding and sit down and looked at the stage where two contestants are now facing other.

"Do you think Momo can defeat Bakugo?" Jiro who is next to him asked....

Atulya didn't answer and focused on the match that is starting. Honestly, he didn't think Momo can win. Don't get him wrong, he still loves her but you can't deny the fact that Bakugo is stronger than her 'currently'. And soon enough his assumptions came true as Bakugo is slowly overwhelming Momo with his strong attacks.

She tried to defend herself with her shield, but Bakugo didn't give her chance to make anything else as he keeps attacking. But the fight is not one sided though, Momo did get couple of hits as she's able to make brass knuckles but excepted of Bakugo, he has a durable body and able to take those hits. Soon enough, he started to push her back with his explosives attack which make Momo fall out of the bounds.

Atulya, who is watching all this thought. 'It's good that he didn't go overboard and seriously injured Momo. Otherwise I would have to beat him senseless in finals.'

Going to the waiting room, Atulya found Momo waiting there for him. He noticed that she isn't sad or anything about the fight. And he knows, she isn't hiding her true feelings and he could tell when she really did that.

"Are you ok?" He questioned as he hug her from behind.

Momo smiled as she completely left her back to him and said "To be honest, I didn't expect to win but this match helped me understand that I'll have to work harder if I want to compete with our stronger classmates."

"Hoho...I think you can achieve that very soon." Atulya mysteriously said while placing his head on her shoulder with Momo moving her head closer to his. They stayed like that for some minutes till Atulya and Shoto's name are called for the next round.

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( With Heroes )

"This next match! I can conclude will be exciting to watch, looking around and seeing how everyone is eager to see this, they all are thrilled."

"Of course they are! Even I am. The two favourites to win the events are about go at each other."

"Yes it's bound to be a good match as these two have such strong quirks."

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"Two strongest in the class are going to fight each other.!" Sero said excitedly with Kirishima who's next to him agreeing.

"Izuku who do you think will win this?" Ochako questioned Izuku since the boy himself fought Todoroki.

"I think if Shoto use his fire again, he'll able to defeat Atulya. Then again, Atulya has very destructive abilities from what we've seen so far. Although, I'm really hoping Shoto wins." Izuku said to his brown haired friend.

"Eh? You sounds like you've a grudge against Atulya or something." Ochako said with a small laugh causing Izuku to fumble on his words.

"W-what? It's Just I didn't like the way he defeated Tenya...." Izuku said with his head down.

Tokoyami who is next to them heard what Izuku said and decided to voice his opinion. "All because he dragged him? Izuku, Iida himself said that it didn't bother him and accepted his defeat. You shouldn't let it bother you that much. And besides, Atulya probably could have done much worse."

When Izuku heard what the bird man says he put his head down and thought about it.

"Yeah, I wonder where Iida is..." Ochako said with a sigh.

"Look! They are about to start!!" Mina shouted as she saw Atulya and Shoto stroll up to the stage.

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"Watch closely Tomura. This will obviously going to be most eventful match. We'll see if this Todoroki boy is able to push that kid to use more of his abilities." A strange voice came out of the phone.

"Yes Sensei." Tomura said as he has his complete attention on his laptop screen, making sure he doesn't miss anything.

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"Now! Are you two ready?" Midnight yelled out. Seeing that two nodding their heads..She spoke up loudly while cracking her whip.


Shoto quickly sent a huge amount of ice at Atulya. All the black haired boy did is jump into the air and skid down on top of it.

'Now you're an easy target.' Shoto thought as he sent more ice.

"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath when he saw his opponent easily flip around the ice. How he is able to do that? He isn't sure but he prepared to defend himself in case he attack.

"If you think your ice is enough to fight me then you're sorely mistaken." Atulya said as he flawlessly land on the ground.

"I don't need my flames to defeat you." Todoroki simply said as he sent an even stronger attack than the last time.

"He really is not going to ..." Atulya muttered to himself felling little disappointment as he saw an attack coming his way. Jumping high into the air Atulya said "Fine then, If you're not going to use it then I will."

'Fire Style : Fire Ball'

(Yes he is saying inside his mind and I decided not to add justu in the end..)

"W-what?" Todoroki as well everyone's present there became shocked when a torrent of fire came out of Atulya's mouth and forming into a huge ball.

Shoto's ice is easily vaporize due to the extreme heat of Atulya's flames and everyone felt it. They couldn't help but wonder how much hotter it seems compared to when Shoto used his left side.

Todoroki was able to successfully move out of the way so he didn't get hit by Atulya's attack. Looking at the black haired boy, he can't help but get mad at the fact that he has the same ability as his father.

He now wanted nothing more to defeat him here.

"Oh? I can see it in your face. Your fury. Does me being able to use flames like your father bother you that much? How does it feel to know that you're going to lose to them?" Atulya said, trying to provoke the boy. He could easily end the fight, but he wanted to have atleast a decent fight in this sports festival. Sadly, Todoroki disappoints him.

"No... I'll beat your here just to see the look on his face when he sees how useless flames are when put up against my ice." Todoroki said preparing for a biggest attack as he intends to end the match with that.

"Sorry, Atulya but you lose..." Shoto said to himself as he sent a huge stream of ice towards his opponent.

"You disappointed me, Shoto Todoroki and here I thought that atleast you can give a decent fight. Very well, since you didn't listened to me then don't blame me for this." Atulya said 'I guess I'll have to use that but power it down. Otherwise the whole area will burn to ashes with everyone here in it. Certainly don't want to do that.' He thought inside his head.

"Great Fire Annihilation"

(Yes, he said this one openly)

A stream of fire came out of Atulya's mouth. At first most people thought it won't be enough to stop Todoroki's attack, but they realised how wrong they were. With Atulya attack suddenly turned into a sea of fires with 15 meters wide that easily vaporized the ice.

Shoto looked at the incoming flames in complete shock. There is one thing he felt that he would've never thought when coming to UA.


All thoughts of defeating Atulya completely disappeared. Looking at the flames that are coming his way, Todoroki turned around and quickly begin to run and jumped out of the bounds.

This will be the day tht he'd never forget, and it is not just him. Everyone in the audience would never forget this scene.

Atulya stopped his flames from going further because he's not trying to kill his opponent. As his attack stopped, everyone watched as the flames disappeared revealing completely burnt up surface of the stage.

"S-shoto Todoroki stepped out of the bounds! Atulya Uzumaki is the winner as thus progressing to finals!!" Midnight announced after coming out from her shock.

'Damn that was hot and I'm not talking about the flames.' She thought inside her mind while licking her lips.

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"S-sensei..." Tomura said in shock as he saw what Atulya did.

"Yes. I know Tomura. Make sure to get as many information we can on his quirk. I want to know how it works and all its weakness." A voice said.

Unfortunately for them, they won't be able to find anything since Atulya himself never revealed to anyone on what exactly his quirk is and what it can do.

Even without being able to see the face of the said person you could tell whoever that was, is smiling and it isn't a good one.

Once again to their bad luck, Atulya quirk cannot be stolen. Truly what an unfortunate situation they are landed themselves in!

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"Oh? Interesting...." A certain female said as she looked at the screen that is showing Atulya walking away from the stage.

'Strong...Very Strong.." She thought to herself.


[ Author - Hey guys, I'm thinking to add one more girl to harem here.....5 girls from this world and 3 from HP. The last girl is Fuyumi one noticed her and add her in their fanfiction, so I'm thinking about it..]