After sending Momo and Nejire off with a long hug and couple of goodbye kisses, Atulya walked ahead and looked for the room where All Might and Nezu should be.
'Honestly they should have sent someone to guide me there since this place is so huge. If someone's was in my place, I'm sure they would have been long lost here..
Well no use in complaining about it. It should be fairly easy to locate them.'
Atulya thought as he roamed the quite and spacious hall of arena. To not waste any more of his time, Atulya decided to simply sense where are the two adults who wanted to meet him.
'Of course they'd be on the other side...'
Atulya sighed as he turned and walked towards other direction.
'Oh? There's seems to someone close by..'
As he keep walking, Atulya came face to face with a beautiful curvaceous woman with sky blue eyes, long eyelashes and spiky dark purple hair that reaches just below her waist.
'Midnight.. I've got to stop running into pro heroes all the time. First Endeavour then All Might and now this troublesome woman. I wonder who's next.' Atulya thought inside as he looked at her outfit which is completely different than her hero costume she usually wore everywhere.
She is wearing regular glasses and causal clothes that you'd see the typical adult women wear. Blue skinny jeans that shows her curves, which would cause heads to turn and a black jacket that completely covered her upper body.
"Midnight." Atulya said to the woman who's currently eyeing him.
"If it isn't the current heartthrob and the winnerof sports festival, Atulya Uzumaki. Also there's no need to call me by my Hero name after all, we aren't at school ground right now so you can call me Nemuri." Nemuri said with her usual and flirty tone.
'Nothing happening when I talked to him, may be that was something else..well whatever.' Nemuri said inside her mind as she thought that feeling she felt comes from him.
"Atulya raised an eyebrow at her statement, "Heartthrob?" he questioned her.
"Oh please, I'm sure you realize how handsome you are. Coupled with your looks and the power you showed today, it's no surprise that many girls will be swooning over you."
"It hasn't even been a day yet and I overheard some pretty unique conversations. Only advice that I can give you is to watch your back. After all fangirls can be quite hassel."
Nemuri said with a chuckle and a weird glint in her eyes as she shamelessly glanced at Atulya's form discarding about the fact that said person is a student.
"Well that's too bad for them. I would never want to be with someone who only wants me for looks and power." Atulya told to the pro hero.
" can't really blame them can you? Some girls are just naturally attracted to strong and handsome guys, just like how you guys feel attracted to girls with curly hair or older women with hot bodies."
"Even I couldn't help but feel a certain type of way when you used that power of yours. It tempts me to put you to sleep and have you all to myself, but it doesn't mean I'm in completely love with you."
She explained to the tall boy while saying the last part seductively, trying to tease him, but unfortunately for her, she didn't successful.
"Aren't you my teacher? I didn't knew that you're this shameless." Atulya said jokingly and continued on saying.
"Also your quirk would be useless against me anyways Nemuri. I don't think that you're fast enough to catch me off-guard and even if you did, I can hold in my breath for a pretty long time."
"Oh? Arrogant are we?" She laughed amusedly. "You're powerful, confident and doesn't get flustered when talking to me. It almost making me wet."
Nemuri said as she put her hand on his chest and start trailing down to his abs, feeling the well toned and defined muscles that made her heart beat a little faster.
'What the hell I am doing? He's a student for goodness sakes!' She thought inside but still didn't pull away her hand.
She's normally a playful and flirtatious person and have no shame for dressing or acting sexually infront of young students, but even she thought that actually touching them is too far....and here she's breaking her self made rules.
So why isn't she stopping? Even she didn't know, but fortunately or unfortunately, a voice sounded out which made her take back her hand.
"Are you finished?" Atulya questioned her and smirked a little once he saw a small blush on her face.
"Look like you're flustered yourself. How ironic....
Well it was a nice and unique experience talking to you today. I wish you could continue our conversation but I do have to meet up with Principal Nezu. So I'll see you at school." Atulya said with a small smile while walking away.....but soon stopped in his track.
"And if you did ever fall in love with me and I reciprocted then forgot escaping you'll mine till the end of time. So, be careful Nemuri Kayama...I'm very possesive!! Once I get something, I'll never let it go, however I never use force...I believe in mutual understanding" Atulya said with his back facing Nemuri then walked away unknowingly his feelings transmitted with what he said.
Midnight just stared at Atulya's back with wide eyes and thought..'It's the same feeling that happened during the fight..!So I was true, it was you, Atulya Uzumaki. Interesting, very interesting...Possesive huh!!'
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Currently in a small room that looked like some sort of teacher's lounge, you can see Nezu and All Might sitting on the couches that facing each other and discussing something important.
"Are you sure you want to do all of this, Toshinori?" A small mouse man asked as he took a sip of his coffee and looked at the pro hero who's currently in his skinny form.
"Of course I'm sure Nezu! We have to protect him. If All For One is really alive and leading that new Villians group then it's a must.!" All Might said to the principal.
"I understand but we also have other students to worry about too as well as the fact that there's a traitor amongst us who's might be giving information to those Villians." Nezu replied back.
"Traitor? You think there's a traitor amongst the staff?" All Might questioned seriously.
Nezu sighed and put his coffee cup down. He looked into the eyes of All Might and said. "It can be a student too! And before you say anything, we can't just rule out that possibility. The fact is, the villains are especially targetting you and knows exactly what class you'd teaching as well as exact time and even the location where the students would be going."
"Well, do you have any guesses on just exactly who is this traitor might be?" All Might asked.
"I do not want to make any assumptions yet Toshinori. Nor do I want to point out fingers either, but yes there is someone I do have my eyes on."
"And who would that be?" Seeing the principal did not speak up. All Might begin to think about it and seconds later, it is like something clicked in his head.
"Atulya Uzumaki..." All Might said in complete surprise. Seeing the mouse still didn't say anything confirmed it further.
"That's outrageous Nezu!" All Might yelled out.
Nezu slowly nodded his head and then said "Yes it's outrageous, but it makes the most sense."
"And how could it makes sense? It makes no sense at all!! The boy himself is adopted by Yaoyorozu and his girlfriend goes to UA too! Did you really forget what he did to that Bakugo boy for speaking like that to his girlfriend?" All Might explained.
"Toshinori! This boy has a wide variety of rare skills and techniques. Hell, we even don't know what his quirk actually is? Yes, he awakened the mutated version of his father's but what about the other one?
It can be controlling elements like he's shown but that still doesn't explain his superhuman physical strength. Aizawa explained to me that he was able to completely obliterate that creature's arm with just a single punch. A creature that was specifically made to kill you.
And also what about that avatar the boy is able to summon. Don't you remember how with just a simple swing it destroyed everything in its path. That alone could be considered a quirk.
What if All For One gave him those quirks?"
"Nezu! Atulya himself was the one to defeat the villians and left them in near death state. Why he'd do that if he was a traitor." All Might said, but thought what the principal said about the boy's quirk made sense.
"We still don't know if that was All For One who sent those villians. It's just our assumptions." Nezu said with a sigh.
"I remember Aizawa saying that he was trained by Daisuke Kentaro and even defeated him...Do you still think it's a lie?" All Might argued..
"I know that already but I can't rule out the possibility!" Nezu replied as he himself thought that suspecting his students is wrong, but just like he said he couldn't change the possibility. He had to think everyone as a potential traitor and Atulya is the one most likely out of the students that he thought of.
But he himself is stumped. All For One could possibly have gave quirk to the student but the boy himself lived with Yaoyorozu since the day he was born and even defeated the villians that attacked in USJ.
'Sigh....even if Atulya isn't the traitor, he's still very powerful. All Might is right, if All For One really is alive and is the leader of the villians group, then he must be interested in Atulya's quirks.' He thought to himself.
"Remember Nezu I'm not with you in this...You could possibly be insulting his hard works that .." Before he could finish his statement a knock sounded out.
"Hello? It's me Atulya...!" A familiar voice said from the other side.