Chapter 28

As Momo walked away with the teacher to meet the principal, Atulya created a clone to follow them after in case anything happens. Since he knows Nezu is suspicious of him, he'd try the other person who knew his full capabilities.

Another person who knows his full capabilities is Nejire, but nobody that realize that Atulya is dating Nejire as well. The periwinkle girl never told anyone that she has a boyfriend. Well that was until she revealed it to Mirio and Tamaki at sports festival but that's all.

You could say that Atulya can avoid this whole situation just by telling Nezu what his quirk can do and it doesn't matter if everyone knew because he's powerful. But this is the same Atulya who before coming to this world requested the unknown being to make his body special where none can take anything from it so he won't be getting worried about being cloned.

Atulya knew that one day the full capabilities of his chakra will be come to the light since he's using it all the time.

After that who's to say that there won't be someone who wanted to get rid of him by making something to specifically seal his powers. Yes it's absurd and very unlikely but as long he didn't learn to use his origin power then there'll always a risk. So Atulya will never overlooks any possibility.

The fact is, he only watched upto 4 seasons in anime and he's sure that something more will happen in future that he didn't know.

Of course Atulya himself knew that he's on whole another level compared to everyone else and he'll only get stronger as time goes on, but even he has all that power Atulya didn't want to underestimate anyone.

From what he remembered that there was something like a 'Quirk Amplification Device' which even let a villian to forcefully gain power stronger than All Might even if it's only for a short period of time. So it's not stretch to say that something even more dangerous would be made in future..

And he even thought that his task is not simple as he thought..If this world heading towards destruction then why there are no big events happening like villians attacks, political struggles, etc. no clue whatsoever. It's like they are waiting for something to happen and this all relates to All For One..Only thing he's sure of. So, all this made Atulya to understand that there's something big definitely going to happen and also it's related to the task he has been given.

The sound of his phone's notification made him come out of his thoughts, meaning he recieved a text message.

'So Nejire wants to meet up? I guess I'll go see her as there's no need to wait as the clone will bring the news anyways as well I don't have to worry about Momo. I don't think Nezu would do something serious to his student. Especially Momo who's a part of Yaoyorozu family.' The black haired boy thought as he went to look for Nejire.

The girl herself wasn't able to stay over last night. Since Atulya and Momo came to school pretty early like they usually do, two wouldn't have to worry about being missing or being late for homeroom.

They always have some time for themselves before the school actually started so that's why Atulya accepted Nejire's request since Momo not here if not two of them would be going together to meet Nejire.

[ Author- Nothing will happen to MC or his families. I am not adding any super Op or Oc villian to nerf Atulya but I'm going to change many events after the license exams. ]

Right now in a clearing outside of the school, you can see a boy with black unevenly cut-bangs short hair and a girl with long periwinkle colored hair cuddling together on a bench while having their own conversation.

Loads of students would usually walking around the area where the two couples are now, but since they arrived early, there is not anyone right now. If someone that knew Atulya and Nejire saw them together like this, they'd be shocked to the core. The strongest first year together with the only girl that's a part of big three.

"Atulya, Are you sure Momo's going to fine?" Nejire questioned with concern as keeping her head on Atulya's left shoulder with her eyes closed sighing in content. The peaceful morning air while being in the arms of the one she loved, she is definitely more than comfortable.

"You don't need to worry about her Nejire. I already sent a wood clone to follow them and I'm able to see everything in real time. Also Nezu may suspect me but he wouldn't go so far to do anything to a student." Atulya reassured her.

Confirming that her best friend/sister in all but all blood is doing okay, Nejire lifted her head off Atulya's shoulder and smiled brightly at him.

"So? How was your day in taking train to school? I'm sure bunches of people come up to you and congratulate you for your wins. Or maybe fangirls?" Nejire questioned with a laugh that Atulya found cute.

"I knew that would happen that's why Momo and I didn't take the train today." Atulya answered her.

"You came running on the top of the rooftops while carrying her, didn't you?" Nejire asked with a pout. There was a time when Atulya ran on the rooftops with Nejire in his arms and she became addicted to doing it. Of course this could be considered weird since she herself capable of flight by using her quirk, but to her it felt completely different when she's with him...that's what she said when Atulya asked her.

Seeing her facial expression, Atulya cupped her face and give a kiss on her forehead. "Yes, I did run to school while carrying Momo. Otherwise it would have gone hectic in train with so many peoples." Atulya said to her as he let of his arms.

"I can understand. Even on my way to school I heard lots of people talking about you. They are already calling you strongest kid in UA." Nejire told him. She took the train this morning and of course noticed how people around were talking about her boyfriend with their friends while watching the highlights of his fight on their phones.

You could say Atulya is now become a small celebrity from his sports festival performance. He didn't just gained fans though but also villians who are wary of him and his powers that he demonstrated in last fight against Bakugo...The fight in the final round and his heartwarming statement during the fight attracted many peoples as it becomes the most watched video.

Nobody wants to be in the recieving end of his last attack against Todoroki.

"So how's Mirio and Tamaki?" Atulya questioned. When Nejire started going to UA she naturally told him about her two friends but he himself never met them face to face.

"After watching the sports festival, and seeing how strong fast years are especially you, they've been training even harder. I'm pretty sure other students feel the same." Nejire responded back.

Before Atulya could say anything, he sensed someone approaching his and Nejire's direction.

''s her.' Atulya thought with a grin. And not even a minute later, that same person appeared there.