Chapter 34

[ Author - Thank You Guys for expressing your concerns. I am starting to feel a little better so write this chapter but there may be some mistakes, please notify me if you find any..]


[ Next Day ]

"Are you guys ready? Make sure to don't lose your Hero costume." Aizawa said to the student as he is seeing them off. This is the day where they'd start their internships.

"Ah! It's such a nice day out today." Jiro commented with a yawn as she stretched her arms out, feeling sunlight hit her skin.

"You seems pretty tired Jiro? What kept you awake all night?" Mina asked.

"Eh? Nothing, it's just I couldn't sleep at night since I was so excited to start my internship." Jiro replied.

Atulya after hearing Aizawa's boring lecture, turned his head towards Momo, who's standing next to him. He give her a hug and kissed her forehead while saying. "Be careful there and Good Luck with your internship."

Letting out a beautiful smile, Momo wrapped her arms around his chest and stayed there until a voice resound.

"Atulya, which agency did you pick?" Sero questioned him since everyone else said theirs except him. The other students who heard this look towards Atulya since they are curious as well.

Irritated at being interrupted with his time with Momo, Atulya seperated from her and give her a peck on her lips.

"*sigh, If you really want to know then I guess there's no problem in telling you." He announced getting the attention of the students.

"The agency I chose is-" Atulya was saying but suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.


"Where did he go!!"

"Damn it! We should've known that it is not easy to get information out of Atulya.!!"

Momo just laughed at her boyfriend's antics as she always found it funny.

After some time, they all are good to leave so they started to walk towards the train together.

The students did questioned Aizawa if Atulya would come or not but he denied saying not to worried about him. The Uzumaki himself already told him that he won't be going on the train with the rest of the students.


Atulya reappeared about 15 meters from the students. "That never gets old..." He told to himself as he checked the paper that have the address of Rumi Usagiyama's house or her agency.

( Remember he didn't saw the 5th season only read in some fanfiction about her.)

Rushing towards the top of the building Atulya run at high speed to the given location since it would be troublesome if he's caught while running on the buildings.

It took him 30 minutes to arrive at a decently sized house that is pretty far away from any others, but not to the point where it would be too far to the city to get for Hero work. It is surrounded by large trees and looking closely Atulya noticed there seemed to be a forest nearby and could guess that this woman loves silence and privacy.

'Well, she is a rabbit after all...' He thought jokingly as he walked towards the front door.

He went for a knock but the door opened itself just by his slightest touch.

'Did she left it open for me? She's also

unconcerned about anyone breaking inside..' Atulya thought.

"Hel-" He wanted to say but before he could, a kick came towards him so he sidestepped with easily dodging the upcoming kick.

"Oh? Interesting..." A brown skinned woman said as she already have her knees bent, ready to attack again.

Looking at face to face with her, Atulya thought to say the same thing he did before, when his girlfriends was maturing. The shows really didn't does any justice towards the attractiveness of these females and some overall characters in general.

She is wearing her usual hero outfit consisted of white sleeveless leotard with purple trim around her shoulders and waist. There's also wide yellow cresent moon designed over her chest.

This costume looks perfect on her if he's to be honest. Because it showed off her athletic build and the muscles on her legs and arms..aslo it showed off those thighs.

Ok, he isn't usually the type of person who would go on & on about a woman's appearance but he could definitely appreciate them.

And Rumi Usagiyama is one hella beautiful lady.

But right now all of these doesn't matter at all. Why is that? Because the woman herself seems to getting ready to beat Atulya down and he's definitely not going to let that happen. The fact she's a woman doesn't matter to him.

"Is this how greet your interns? I didn't even get to exchange a greeting. Not even a minute passed and here I'm already fearing for my life." Atulya said to the long white hair who has a grin on her face with a 'fear' evident on his face.

He obviously didn't have an ounce of fear and the pro hero already noticed this as he said in the most nonchalant way.

He begin to take off his school blazer and red tie that is around his neck. He could tell that this woman has no intention to back down and the clothes that he have on will greatly hinder him and limits his power..

Who he is kidding? No they won''s just he doesn't want to destroy his clothes. They are very comfortable. He can fight in full body hazmat suit and still kick her ass.

"Rabbit Hero Mirko. I applaud you for dodging that kick kid, but then again I would've been greatly disappointed if you was just taken out like that." Rabbit Hero Mirko said as she lowered and relaxed her stance a little.

"Atulya Uzumaki. You realized you could have killed any student with that kick right?" Atulya questioned her with a raised eyebrow. Maybe I exaggerated a bit, because I know this pro hero wouldn't intentionally risk the life of a student.

But boy I was wrong...

"Oh? But you're not any student right?" Rumi said to him with a grin that almost made him grin let out a grin as well.

"And don't be such a baby and whine about it. I've already seen what you could to do in the sports festival and if you couldn't dodge a simple kick like that, then I would have already sent you back." Mirko told me straightforwardly as she closed her eyes and shook her head but she isn't finished.

She opened her eyes, her red straight into my deep blue and letting out a taunting smirk.

"After all I have no use for a weakling.."

The rabbit woman stated.

Is she trying to rile me up? Or provoke me? I honestly didn't know but if that was her intention then it definitely didn't work.

There's no use in losing your cool to those who are weaker than us. That would be an insult.

"Weakling? Do you I'm weak?" Atulya questioned her as he took off his shirt. A fight is obviously going to break out and fight with these clothes on would just annoy him.

"You're definitely powerful from what I could tell, but that doesn't mean I won't test you. Don't think that kick was all because dodging my weakest attack should be no difficult for a student of your calibre.

And I can only hope that you're not some disgusting pervert and is only undressing because you realized what my intentions are." She said with her hand on her hip not even caring about the fact that she is staring at my currently naked chest.

Analysing and inspecting my muscles a far, without a care in the world.

But he knew that it isn't in any sexual manner since there could no lust seen in her eyes.

Even if he is a good looking, Mirko should be in her mid 20s and must have seen many handsome guy with a nice body before. It would've been honestly strange if she really did get flustered.

Certainly, she's only inspecting his athletic body from all the daily training he did and hearing her next words confirmed it.

"I can see that you've worked very hard. Muscles are in all right places and nothing unnecessary like those bodybuilders.

"I've seen a lot of kids your age who wanted to get strong fast so they'd go to gym and do whatever they can to get muscles and in the end they'd ruined their possible potential." She said with a nod and continued on saying.

"Also, when did you strat working out on your physical capabilities?

You didn't get muscles like that so it's obvious you did some intense training when you were young." Mirko said, sounding curious with a hint of approval.

"Well you could say that I started training as soon I awakened my quirk. Since then, I would work past my limits everyday, and the results definitely paid off." Atulya told the hero who smiled when she heard his words.

He wasn't to be an attention seeker because he could have told her a specific age instead of bragging that he trained everyday...And it did feels good if someone acknowledges your hardwork.

"So how exactly are we going to do this?" I questioned her. She mentioned testing me and I'm not sure how exactly she is going to do that. I know it's some sort of fight though.

"First off are sure you don't want to change into your costume? Fighting with what you have on could limits you physical capabilities." Mirko said as she glanced at the bag I dropped near the door.

My Hero costume? I get I where she's coming from, but I honestly didn't want to activate it from our first meeting but something is telling me that even I did, she won't spilled out anything, What is this?...I never felt anything like this towards the others I met except my girlfriends...Well whatever, I guess changing into workout clothes would do better for now.

His armour would possibly help with the defense against Mirko's powerful attacks that's way he could have analysed how progressed its shield power are, but he wanted to know his limits to his physical capabilities...So decide against it. Anyways the internship is not going to over in a single day.

Makes no mistakes. He's definitely not a masochist that likes to get beaten, but he need to know how strong his body actually is and who would be better partner than her.

Keep it in mind with only real fight he had that involved hand to hand combat was during the USJ incident against the Nomu. Fighting against Mirko would help him further on how strong his body is.

"My Hero outfit would be of no use in my fight with you, but I will put on my workout clothes." I told her which resulted in a nod.

Mirko gestured Atulya to follow inside her spacious house and showed him where he could change. Then she left him, but not without telling him to come to the forest outback to meet her there after he is done.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Now wearing his workout clothes, Atulya is standing in the middle of the forest, facing Mirko.

He still didn't have a shirt on, only a black workout pants with boots and black gloves that he usually wears when he put on his costume.

(Yes, he did summon gloves and boots but not pant because by wearing it he can't gauge out his physical strength.)

"All you have to do to pass my test is to stay conscious for 10 minutes from my attacks. If I could knock you out within the time limits then you have to pack your stuff and leave. And don't worry I'll naturally pull my punches, but don't expect me to go easy on you." The long white haired girl said while holding a small device to set the timer.

"Don't underestimate me Rabbit. You'll probably found yourself lying on the floor unconscious before you even realize it." Atulya said back to her, causing her to laugh.

"A brat with so much confidence. I like you." She said with a grin as she stuck the device on the tree.

"And I'm not underestimating you kid, but after seeing your full power in sports festival, I can tell you that it won't be enough." She continued off saying.

"When you hear the device's sound off, that's our signal for the fight to start."

So that's how it is...huh!

Getting into my position, I activated my sharingan and stared right into the red eyes of Rumi. Her lust for battle grow even stronger along with her grin, I could say that even after she said those words she's still looking forward to our match.

But there is still one more thing I have to say before we start.

"If you think that was my full power then you're sorely mistaken. May be I can show it here if you are worthy enough to push me there." Atulya said with a grin of his own as he got into position.

She isn't the only one who's looking forward to this match.


The ground below him cracked and begin his most enjoyable battle ever since he's reborn in this world..