Chapter 36

As the sunlight hit against his skin and the comfortable breeze in the air, Atulya let out a sigh of content and keep jumping on the top of roofs to get home.

'Damn my shoulder feels uncomfortable.' He thought as he grabbed his shoulder and rub it, remembering just how he took the kick from the Rabbit Hero.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but let out a smile. He truly enjoyed his time with Rumi today as the fight he had against her, was the best and the most exciting. The emptied feeling inside his heart that he felt during the sports festival has been closed after fighting with Rumi. Yes, that the kind of fight he wanted to have ever since he's reborn in this world... And, luckily for him, as he can now fight to his heart content.

'She did say that we'd have a rematch, and I really hope she would use 100% of her power. Although, I could be hypocritical for this because I wasn't fighting with my full power either.' Atulya thought with a laugh.

He didn't know what Rumi's full power is actually like, but he did know that she is very strong. So it's obvious to him that she was holding back when they fought earlier but only during the beginning of the fight.

As the time passed during their battle, he remembered the feeling of her attacks getting stronger and stronger but not to the point where she went all out. Because it wasn't a serious fight.

Just a friendly battle between the intern and hero, but it certainly escalated very quickly.

Mirko didn't want to seriously injure the kid as she have no idea of the full potential of Atulya. What if she sent a fully powered kick and ended up severally injured him.

But Atulya knew that after seeing his last move, Rumi would definitely be going all out from now on whenever they fight.

And he is right, Rumi will not accept defeat knowing that a student is able to make her concede, it'd definitely hurt her pride. So, it is only natural she would try to get her 'revenge'

Atulya himself could not help but get excited at the thought of meeting her and fighting her again. And what he said to the long white haired girl before leaving was definitely genuine.

He really did find her beautiful when she had that smile on her face while she fought him. For the first time after dating Nejire, he can say that he's crushing after a girl or he remembered a certain purple haired girl.

It looks like, Atulya Uzumaki has starting to get interested in something other than training and that is, the older woman's fetish.

It might seems strange but it's actually not. He is getting the same feeling from Rumi that he felt during his meeting with Midnight... It's like they're predestinate to meet.

( Remember the strings of fate right, it's the same.)

To him it wasn't the same when he met with other female characters....Only girls he found beautiful and reliable, except his girlfriends are Rumi Usagiyama and Nemuri Kayama. He felt some attractions towards them. Yes, they are many beautiful characters but he didn't found them attractive and he didn't know why is that.

Looking around he noticed that he's close to arriving at home, which got him think about something.

'*sigh* what am I going to do today? Rumi let me leave pretty early so I'm sure others are still doing their internships. That means Momo isn't going to be at home for a while and Nejire is also with that hero she worked for.'

Arriving at Yaoyorozu mansion, Atulya saw his parents are actually at home early. They had left around the same time he and Momo did, so it is pretty surprising that they'd here since they usually comes pretty late.

"Hey Mom and Dad." Atulya greeted a he walked inside the living room where his parents are sitting and watching the news.

"Oh, you're home early. Is there something wrong?" Mother questioned Atulya, who's covered in blood and bandages. Her kids told her that they'd most likely to come home late, so for Atulya to appear here early without Momo; her mind suddenly is in mess as she begin to think of the something worse.

A typical mother.

"No need to worry Aiko. I'm sure there's nothing wrong." Jun said, already knowing what his wife must be thinking.

"No I'm fine. Mirko just sent me early, but I'll be going there from now on because she accepted me as her intern." Atulya told his parents, reassuring his mother's worries when he noticed the tone of her voice.

He had already told his parents about Rumi and how he chose to intern for the hero. With Aiko and Jun knowing who the Rabbit naturally is, they were shocked at first, when he told them, and also feel proud of their son.

"Haha, of course she'd want to keep you as her intern! See I told you Jun." Aiko said with a big smile. She remembered having talk with Jun about the possibilities on how Rumi might change her mind about her son. Of course, they thought like this because they knew what kind of person Mirko is, and how she liked to work solo.

"Aiko, I never said she'd change her mind Atulya." Jun said with a sigh, but smile when he saw how happy his wife is.

'Jeez, she really does enjoyed bullying me, but that's what I love about her.' Jun thought not realising how strange his words are.

Before Atulya could ask them anything, the news on the TV begin to talk about something that whet his interest.

'Hero killer Stein huh...I kinda forgot about him. This also reminds me that the incidents with Todoroki, Deku and Tenya will happen around this week.

Should I go there as well? I know it's not my problem and also where Rumi lives isn't very far from Hosu.

Although, I could test it out and see if his quirk works on me. That would be interesting.' Atulya thought as he tuned out the sound.

"I'm just glad that Momo and Atulya are not working near there, but it's weird how they haven't caught him." Aiko said to her husband who agreed with her word.

"Well, I'm going to train and then relax till Momo and Nejire got here." Atulya said to his parents as he went upstairs to change his clothes.

He is changing suddenly his phone started ringing. Checking the caller, Atulya became confused 'Why did she call me? And How the hell she get my number?'

'Nemuri Sensei' is the name written on his phone's screen as she's calling him. Answering the call, he immediately heard the voice of R-Rated Pro Hero..Normally he hated when someone called him with such seductively, but for some reason he didn't hate her voice.

"Atulya, how's your internship going? Did Mirko kick your ass already?" The woman questioned him, sounding a little too excited.

"I'm actually home right now since Mirko let me leave early today and no I'm not fired or anything like that." Atulya answered calmly and continued on by saying.

"Anyways, why are you calling me right now? You never do so, something must be up." He asked her.

"Well that's because today is my day off from hero's work, and I have nobody to talk. And since you're home so early, why don't you come over~." Midnight said on the other end and the last part seductively.

Atulya have to admit that he rather enjoyed hearing her voice but he could tell that the woman is just playing around.

"You should know that it won't work on me, Nemuri." Atulya told her, recieving a sigh.

"It was worth a try, but why don't you and me go to a mall that's close to the school? I know you have nothing better to do and neither do I. "Midnight said to him, causing Atulya to think.

"All right, I'll meet you there half an hour." Atulya told to Midnight and surprised when he found that she hung up rather quickly.

'What an odd person...' Atulya thought as she stripped his clothes and went to take a shower for his date with an 'older' woman.


Dressed in black jeans and causal shoes, along with a collared blue shirt and back light jacket that is left open; Atulya walked towards the entrance of the mall, where Nemuri told him she should be.

He wanted to wear something like a hoodie and regular normal shorts, but of course his mother( somehow found out that he's going out with a woman. Damn intuition!) stopped him; saying that it'd be a waste to wear such clothes with the looks he has.

Knowing that her son didn't like to dressed up so much, Aiko give him this outfit and thought he would look very handsome in it.

Judging by the look and sneak peak glances he's getting from some girls even various older women nearby, he thought that his mother was right...

Atulya found the pro standing there in regular clothes instead of her hero costume and thought it make sense since today is her day off.

She is wearing an elbow sleeved shirt, skinny jeans and simple white shoes and also has her hair in a bun with normal glasses on her face instead of her usual ones she wear.

Even after wearing such simple clothes, it still showed her beauty and curvaceous body. Fortunately for Midnight, nobody could recognised her since she currently looks different than her hero self.

"Ara, aren't you handsome. Did you just dress up for me?" Nemuri said to him with a blush in her face...And it's genuine.

Ignoring teasing, Atulya asked. "So what do you want to do at a mall? I didn't think your a lady who loved to shop."

Hearing his words, Nemuri linked her left arm with his right and walked inside while saying. "All women are same Atulya.."


It been two hours since Atulya and Nemuri entered the mall. The two decided to go in any store they found interesting and since the mall is very big, there are lot of chances.

Surprisingly, Atulya has been enjoying his date with R-Rated Hero and he could tell she's the same because she has a smile on her face ever since they started walking around.

But there was one constant thing happening during their date, i.e, Nemuri time to time try to tease Atulya with every chance she has.

From thanking the people who said they looked great together as a couple, to having him rate the erotic bikinis that she'd try on; and Atulya didn't feels bad from her teasing as he would sometime counter them with his.

Currently, they are in a clothing store as Nemuri actually wanted to shop some stuff and lucky for Atulya she isn't those ladies who took years just to pick some clothes.

( No offense for non-existence ladies fans.)

'Maybe I should buy something for Momo and Nejire but then again Momo can just make any item and it wouldn't really be s-' Atulya was thinking, but broken out of his thoughts when Nemuri suddenly spoke up.

"I'm finished Atulya, after we checked-in these at counter, we can leave." Nemuri said as they both went to check out the clothes she picked up and price list.

It isn't lot because Atulya is only carrying tow medium sized bags.


Since Nemuri lived nearby, Atulya decided to walk her home as it's only 5 minutes away. They mostly talked about hero stuff, with the woman telling her experiences on the field and Atulya telling her how he and Rumi had a 'light' spar.

Finally arriving at a decent sized house in a quiet neighborhood, Nemuri looked towards Atulya and asked. "Do you want to come inside? I usually don't do this on a first date, but I can make an exception for you." Nemuri said in a low voice as she stood right in front of him, but seconds later she started to laugh out loud.

"I was joking, I'm that horny to actually sleep with a student of mine." She said with a mixed of sadness in the last part...thought he won't noticed this.

'She didn't even let me answer her question.' Atulya thought to himself.

"But I actually enjoyed our little date. It was a nice way to spend my day off." She said with a genuine smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck, causing Atulya to hold her waist.

After couple of minutes, separating from him Nemuri turned towards her front door, but before she could unlock it, she found herself into the embrace of her student, with his lips over her and her ass being squeezed.

"Mnn~" She moaned at the unexpected kiss and what his hands are doing.

For thr next five minutes, they stood there exchanging saliva as they kissed each other with their tongues. Squeezing Nemuri's big ass that covered by her skinny jeans, Atulya finally separated from her and looked at the sky blue eyes.

Face flushed with her body feeling hot from the long and wet kiss, Nemuri stared right back at Atulya and asked. "What was that?"

"You've been teasing me for so long even after I stopped doing it. And this is my payback." Atulya said with a smile.

"Hehe, certainly I'm not complaining." Nemuri said, now thinking about the sudden development.

She just made out with her student who's almost two decades younger than her.

Obvious to the woman's thoughts, Atulya give her one last kiss and said. "I had a great time today and there's no need to hold yourself back with such thoughts. I'll see you at school again."

Watching her student walk away, she couldn't help but think.

'It's no surprise that he have those two girls from the way he kisses and if what I felt hitting my stomach was what I thought it is then he's quite big.....No need to hold back huh! Easy for you to say.'

Taking out her keys, Nemuri unlocked the door to her house. After picking up the two bags o clothes that she put on the floor earlier she went inside to 'enjoy' herself.

'Great, now I really have to do my laundry.'


As Atulya walked towards his home again since he's used to it, he begin to think about his time with the older woman and the kiss they had earlier.

He knew that she's holding herself back as he's her student and their age difference. There relationship would be frown upon if the word got out. But why he would he care about some random stranger words rather than his happiness. He felt something towards and same could be said for Nemuri. And he's sure that he can make his girls immortal as the being himself said about it. So that's why he decided to kiss her to made ber realised her suppressed desire.

'*sigh, I have to talk this to Momo and Nejire. Those two girls knew that there could be possibly more women in future, it still feels wrong for me to not talk about this with them.' Atulya thought.

Speaking of Momo, he received a text, saying that she finally arrived at home.

Picking up his speed, Atulya arrived at he mansion in less than a minute and went to talk with his girlfriend.


[ A/N: The being said that he can take his girls to other worlds and could spend any amount of time in any world to his choice. Now Now, he can't travel with him and his girls being old right?? Yes if MC decided that he won't travel to any world and stay here, the being would agree but that won't happen. ]