Chapter 39

"Calm down Tomura. It's good that you're making your own decisions but remember to make sure that everything goes smoothly, can't have you captured by those so called heroes." All For One said.

"Do you think we can go and capture Atulya Uzumaki while the Nomus wrecking havoc." Tomura asked looking at the the file with hate that has Atulya's information.

"No, remember I told you to stand down and inform all the members not to engage with him. Chance of being captured is very low. Coupled with the fact he's with Rabbit Hero, we better off leaving it for another time." AFO keep 'brainwashing' the boy.

All For One knew that no members would be match for that rabbit hero. And if that Uzumaki boy decides to team up with her then he would suffer major backlash and he's sure that Tomura will die by messing up.

"Remember Tomura, Atulya Uzumaki is our biggest threat after All Might, but you don't need to worry once I got my hands in his quirk we'll be unstoppable." All For One said with a cruel smile. He himself knew potential of the boy's power, and it reminds him of his late brother. Completely different but still closely similar to each other.

This resemblance just made him more eager to try and take it for himself.

That's how dangerous he saw Atulya to be. But he thought that only he's able to capture him effortlessly but he need to think of better plan to capture the boy and steal those quirks...Without even knowing that their first meeting would be their last meeting after all...Tell me, Would you walked out unscathed after entering a Dragon's Den to steal his treasure??

Truly a fool, playing with fire!!


[ Couple of hours later ]

Atulya finished fixing the surrounding, Rumi had woken up and didn't said a word about previous incident and neither did the Uzumaki.

They continued to fight each other again and Atulya knocked her unconscious which annoyed her again but she'd be lying if she said she isn't enjoying this battles.

Now both of them are lying on the fresh grass, next to each other with their shoulder touching. Rumi and Atulya have some light sweat on them as their fight was akin to workout excercise.

A smile is currently plastered on Rumi's face as her chest move up and down. She looked kind of erotic especially with the words that came out of her mouth.

"You're really good Atulya..." The long haired woman said with a low voice as she turned her head to left to look at her intern.

"You can't be saying stuff like this Mirko." Atulya 'reprimanded' her with a smile.

"Tch, I knew you're a pervert." She said, obviously joking since there were no disgust in her earlier words and she herself started to laugh after speaking.

"And it's Rumi. Rumi Usagiyama." Rumu introduced properly for the first time.

"Eh? What brought this on?" Atulya questioned, the only teacher who tell him to called them by their name are Midnight and All Might.

"Atulya, it's been two days and we didn't even have a proper greetings yet, nor we give each other proper introduction, but you could say that our fights brought us closer.

So my name is Rumi Usagiyama, known as Rabbit Hero: Mirko." She said with a beautiful smile.

"Atulya Uzumaki. Hero name: Mahesvara.." Atulya introduced himself.

"Mahesvara, huh! Both good and, a good name indeed." Rumi praised with a smile and continued on saying.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself? I realised I know nothing about you except the information on your file.." She asked, genuinely curious.

Atulya begin to tell Rumi about himself, he knew that he could trust her. Of course he didn't tell her everything, but mentioning how grateful he's for his adoptive parents, his two girlfriends Nejire and Momo.

When Rumi heard he has two girlfriends, she felt sour and very uncomfortable as her chest tightened for some reason but she didn't showed it...She knew how men are disgusting perverts with their fucking intentions to get closer to the beautiful women, only to get inside their pants and it's difficult to find good men like Atulya even if he flirted with her by cracking jokes but some were geniune praises.

They spent laying there for an hour as they shared stories about each other. Rumi mostly shared her memorable moments in her hero career while also giving Atulya advice.

"It's been fun Atulya, but from tomorrow we're going on a patrol. This is your internships, I'm supposed to show you how a hero works. You have great abilities and shit tons of destructive power. I'm sure that you'd be a good hero one day." Rumi then explained more about hero works.

"So that's what we're going to do tomorrow and don't worry we'll spar day after tomorrow..One day patrol, one day spar right." Rumi said as she knew that the boy lying beside her is a battle maniac just like her.

Atulya nodded to her words as he completely forgot about the true purpose of internships and he knew that he won't be a hero as he would travel to other worlds but that not something he would say to her not when she's not his girlfriend.

Both of got up, Atulya picked his bag and looked towards Rumi who's dusting off her clothes.

"Hey Rumi!! Same time tomorrow??" Atulya questioned.

Rumi who heard his voice....Only smiled and nodded at him.

"Did anyone ever told you that you looked beautiful when you smile?" Atulya complimented Rumi as it still captivated him whenever he saw her smiling.

"Get out!! You idiot!!!" Rumi shouted and about to attack him...

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow!." Saying this Atulya ran away immediately.

Watching him running away, Rumi begin to think that how he is the only one said that to her because everyone hero she met would say that she's beautiful but behind her back they'd bitching about her saying there's no way a woman can be a hero and they're weak..

This is why she relocated to this forest, she hates it when someone says that women are always inferior from men...However, Atulya never treated her anything like that and even she knew that he recieved many offers for internships but chose to come here...While thinking all of this, she remember her best friend Nemuri and how their friendship broke out because of some misunderstanding.

'Geez, get your mind out of the gutter.' Rumi shook her head and went inside tot eat her favourite food, carrot.


As Atulya is running back home after cracking a funny joke on Rumi. He begin to think about what Rumi said. He has all this power, but he's human and humans make mistakes. Since his reincarnation here, all he has been doing is training, traning and more training.

His first fight was with villians who infiltrated USJ...he knows that fighting villians and stopping criminals won't be such a problem.

Speaking of criminals, he saw a man with black hoodie and pants is running along with a bag and many police officers are chasing after him. Also he noticed that the man is too fast for them to catch.

"Look like he has speed type quirk..." Atulya mumbled to himself as a smirked appeared on his face. He couldn't help but find this situation interesting.

'Hehe...I wonder if I'll get charged for using quirk. Hmm, let's trouble this officers.' Thinking this he immediately vanished from his place and reappeared infront of the thief.

"Yoo!!" Atulya greeted the thief.

"Get the fuck outta my way...I gotta escape before my wife catches me." The thief shouted in despair.

"What did you do?" Atulya asked curiously as he thought the man infront of him is not thief.

"My wife just found out I replaced our bed with a trampoline. She hit the ceiling trying to kill me so I looted all our including hers, money and running away from those annoying cops.." The thief said impatiently.


Five police officers gritted their teeth as the thief they're trying to catch easily running away from them...They were drinking tea in a shop when a lady shouted that a thief stole every money and ran away, so their sense of justice awakened after hearing the lady.

However, they're novice officers so without asking any clues, they started to chase after the man wearing hoodie and holding a bag. After 15 minutes of chasing they knew that this thief has speed type quirk then out of nowhere a handsome young man appeared infront of the thief, asked something and the reply made them dumbfounded.

"My wife just found out I replaced our bed with a trampoline. She hit the ceiling trying to kill me so I looted all our money including hers and running away from those annoying cops..." The thief said impatiently. The police who were chasing him arrived and couldn't believe what they heard, to think they have been chasing for nothing but a lover quarrelled....How embarassing.

After hearing the man, Atulya slowly without anyone noticing retreated while cursing himself for his stupidity 'Damn! I shouldn't have come here...Me and my fucking act of bravery.'
