Chapter Eleven: Kayla

I slipped into the back of the diner, trying to find my mom as quickly as possible. I hated being there in the daytime, but I had forgotten to get my mom to sign a form for volleyball and I needed to turn it in that afternoon before the talent show. I found her back in the kitchen, carrying a box of hamburger buns.

"Oh! Kayla! It's so good to see you!" She exclaimed, giving me a one-armed hug. "It seems like I haven't seen you in a week!"

"Yeah, sorry. I've been busy with all the events, and…" I felt myself blushing, "I've been spending a lot of time with… a boy."

My mom's eyes lit up. "Oh really? With Frederick?"

I frowned. "Um, no. Well, yes, I've been working on a project with him, but Wyatt-"

Her expression darkened. "Oh, there's another boy."

"Yes, mom. He's really great," I said, not sure why I felt like I needed to defend him. I'd spent a few nights hanging out with Wyatt, usually in a group, and it had been a lot of fun, even though it set me back on all my schoolwork and homecoming responsibilities.

"Well, I'd love to meet this boy sometime," my mom said as she headed out of the kitchen.

"Sure," I replied, even though I wasn't ready to bring Wyatt into this part of my life just yet. I followed my mom to the front of the diner and waved my form in front of her. "Could you sign this? I need to get it in today."

My mom took the form and scanned over it, then quickly grabbed a pen and signed it. She handed it back to me and I noticed there was a grease stain at the bottom.

"Thanks mom," I sighed.

"Are you going to stay and help out for a little bit?" She asked hopefully.

"Sorry, I've got to get back for the talent show," I said, glad to have an excuse not to stay.

"Alright," she said, squeezing my shoulder. "Maybe we can catch up tonight."

"That'd be nice." I gave her a hug and felt a wave of emotion come over me. I really did wish I could spend more time with her. There were moments when I felt like she was the only thing that was real in my life. As I pulled away, I caught a glimpse of a couple guys about to come into the diner. One of them was Wyatt.

I gulped and quickly stepped back from my mom. "I've got to go. Love you!"

She gave me a look of confusion until the chime on the door turned her attention away from me.

I dropped to the floor behind the grill, praying that Wyatt hadn't seen me. I listened to my mom welcome them and take them to a booth. I crept along the floor until I reached the kitchen, then ran out the back door and got in my truck as fast as I could. I couldn't imagine why Wyatt would come to this run down diner on the outskirts of town, but I hoped it never happened again. I blew out a breath as I started driving back toward the school. I knew I couldn't keep these secrets forever, it was exhausting. But the thought of everyone knowing what my life was really like scared me even more.


"Hey, Kayla, the tickets are all sold out, but there are about 20 people still wanting to get in."

I stared at Sadie. It took a few moments for her words to sink in. I was still unsettled from my near run in with Wyatt at the diner and I was having trouble focusing. And 5 minutes before the talent show was about to start was not a good time to lose focus. I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mental fog.

"Let's bring in some folding chairs and set them up along the sides. We can add up to 50 people before we're in violation of the fire code."

"Okay, great. Should I charge them?"

"Yeah, but take two dollars off."

"Thanks Kayla, you always know what to do."

I watched my vice president grab some helpers and exit the theatre. I was so glad she was here. I needed as many people as possible to help me stay grounded. I scanned the crowded theatre in search of Frog. Another source of my distraction was the recent interactions I'd had with him. We still had fun in world cultures class, but I couldn't help but feel a little strained around him. Knowing that he knew all my secrets made me feel vulnerable, and I wanted to make sure that I could still trust him. I didn't see him in the audience, and concluded that he probably wasn't there.

Sadie came back in with the chairs, and I ran to help set them up and get everyone seated. The theatre was electric with energy and anticipation. Knowing that we had sold out meant that the funds would definitely cover the costs of the homecoming dance. Sadie went backstage to help with the performers, and I headed up to the sound booth. It may not have been the most effective place for me to be, but I loved running the music and light cues. If all of my other plans fell through after high school, I could always be a DJ.

The show started with a lively dance number from a group of three girls from the drill team. Then some freshman prodigy played an impressive and entertaining piano piece where he played part of it with his toes. Next, James Huckston did a fake magic show and got everyone laughing with his brilliant comedic timing. After James finished, I followed the cue to dim the lights, and the stage crew brought out a large, white screen. Confused, I looked at the program and saw that the next act was "The Shadowed Singer." I suppressed a groan. Sadie had contacted and reviewed all of the performers, but I had been so busy that I forgot to ask her for details. I really hoped this wasn't about to be awful.

Someone walked on stage and turned on a light at the back so that, fittingly, people could only see their shadow on the white screen. They sat down in front of a microphone and began to play a guitar, and then they started to sing.

My heart just about melted in my chest. Whoever this guy was, he had the best voice I had ever heard. Why in the world would he want to hide? The longer I listened to him, the more my curiosity grew. Finally, I slipped out of the sound booth and into the hallway so I could access the door to the backstage. I crept in, peered around the curtains, and gasped. It was Frog.

He looked so comfortable sitting there playing his guitar, and now I understood the need for anonymity. They would have laughed him off the stage before he even had a chance to begin. Suddenly, he looked my way, caught my eye, and jerked so badly that he knocked over the microphone. The microphone collided with the white screen, and the whole thing came toppling down.

Now visible to the audience, Frog stood up uncertainly, and for a few seconds, there was absolute silence. Then the laughter started. Unrelenting, awful, mocking laughter with people pointing their fingers at him and yelling insults. He swallowed and walked off the stage with his guitar and continued out the exit. I wanted to follow him, but I couldn't leave. I ran back up to the sound booth while the stage crew cleaned up the screen. James Huckston, ever diplomatic, took the microphone and called for a round of applause for Frog's number. There was a bit of clapping and then they went on to the next act. While some girl was doing a tap dance, I pulled out my phone and texted Frog.

[Hey, I'm so sorry about that, it was my fault. This is Kayla, by the way.]

His answer came back in seconds.

[No, it's okay. I was really nervous. Something like that was bound to happen. I should have known I'd make a fool of myself.]

[I thought you were incredible!]


[Seriously, where did you learn to sing like that?]

[My parents both sing. I guess it runs in the family.]

The tap dance ended and I almost missed the cue for the next act. I started the music for the group of guys that were lip-syncing and then I went back to my phone.

[Well, you sounded amazing. I'm sorry it turned out the way it did.]

[Yeah. That's life. My life anyway. Good luck with the rest of the show.]

[Thanks. See you tomorrow.]

I put my phone away and brought my attention back to the talent show. The guys on stage lip syncing were being really idiotic, but everyone was cheering for them. It just didn't seem fair that Frog, who was really talented, had been mocked while these guys were being praised. I shook my head. High school was a confusing place.