First To Get Married

Cassandra was waiting. She looked in the direction of the Duke as she swallowed hard.

There was no denying that she did not want him to come near her. His arrival at her room was shocking enough for her.

Cassandra waited silently, but her mind was praying for the Duke to ignore her.

Duke Salvador swept his gaze around all the princesses who were standing behind the royal couple. Aiden did not want to give any special attention to Cassandra.

It was just yesterday that Duke Salvador had received the report on the fifth princess.

There is nothing uncommon or unknown to the public. The fifth princess was named Cassandra. She had no power whatsoever. The most unfavorable princess to get associated with.

And yet, princess Cassandra had a loyal lady-in-waiting. Amy. The lady herself had very little affiliation with Earth. Her power was towards the lower end, and Duke Salvador would have accepted it to be so if he himself would not have seen the real power that the lady held.

He could not understand how Princess Cassandra would know such things if she herself was powerless. Because there was something in the power that a person held that would teach them to control themselves.

Aiden Salvador was a perfect example of it. He was a fire mage. His affiliation to fire increases drastically making everything burn down, even his close ones. But such a disastrous event did teach him how to control it.

Duke Salvador walked towards the fifth princess who was looking at him with a nervous gaze. The smile on her space blossomed but her steps did not stop. Aiden knew that the royal couple was looking at his every move.

Aiden wanted to laugh when he heard Cassandra saying 'please ignore me. Please don't come near me.' The smirk on Aiden's face did not rest as he walked past Cassandra calling his trusted aid.

"Call all the ladies in waiting. I will personally investigate them while you investigate the princesses."Aiden walked towards the other end of the garden ignoring the princesses.

Cassandra took a breath of relief. A racing heart calmed down. Her gaze revolved. I took in Princess Valeria's thoughts.

[What is the Duke going there?]

[He will question the lady in waiting? How can they do such a thing?]

[Is Duke's Salvador trying to protect the princess?]

Princess Valeria's hand clenched. Her eyes that were crying turned red from rage. She tried hard to control her emotions but failed. Her body started heating up but soon the empress's voice interrupted.

"Let the first princess go and rest. She is traumatized and needs special care." The empress looked at her daughter as a warning to her to control her emotions.

The empress told Princess through her gaze that she would look after the matter. But Cassandra could hear her real thoughts.

[How can the Duke ignore Valeria? She is the most beautiful Princess in the kingdom.]

The Empress's gaze moved towards Cassandra subconsciously as she looked into her eyes. Cassandra flinched as soon as her gaze collided with the Empress. She looked down as if avoiding the eyes.

[More beautiful and relevant than that fifth Princess.]

[I have to make Duke Salvador look only at Valeria.]

The Empress narrowed her eyes at Aiden Salvador as she smirked. Her voice was loud. "The Duke should first question the first Princess. She needs to rest."

Aiden looked at the Princess who was looking at him like an eagle. "Yes, The Empress is right." Aiden looked at his Aid. "Question the first Princess and let her rest. We cannot ignore the health of the royal highnesses."

The Empress's hand trembled as she wanted to kill the Duke. He was humiliating her but at the same time respecting her words. The Empress could not do anything about it.

Duke Salvador had seen the Empress's tricks. He smiled before turning around to continue his investigation.

[That little p ….]

The Empress controlled her rage. [I cannot do this. But what should I do? There should be no one in the Duke's eyes other than the first Princess.]

The Empress's gaze swept through the Princess's standing there. [Should I marry each and every one of them. If Duke Salvador did not find any other Princess then he would only marry Valeria.]

[And for the one that danced with the Duke. I will make her life hellish before she could marry another one.] The Empress's lips turned up into an evil smile.

"Princess Valeria. Please." Duke Salvador's aid said looking at the Princess with respect.

Valeria looked at the Empress who nodded. She had no other way than to look down and followed the aid for the question-answer round.

Cassandra could not understand what the questions were but she could hear their voices loud and clear.

Aid-[Why do I have to question the Princesses.

The first Princess looks terrifying. Does she want to kill me?

If I was a normal man, I would have been afraid.

Thank god, I have been trained under Duke Salvador who is more terrifying than the Devil itself.]

Princess Valeria- [I am the first Princess of Elvira Empire.

They say I am as beautiful as Elvira itself and yet Duke Salvador ignored me.

How could he do that? What does this person mean by who did it?

It was me obviously.

I killed my maids.

Who else is powerful enough to lay a hand on my servants other than me.

Why is everyone so stupid.

I just want the Duke to come here and look at me.


Cassandra listened to the thoughts of Princess Valeria and found them funny. How can a Princess compare herself to Elvira? Only her description was found. There were no pictures of the founder of the Empire and the actual people who had seen her were dead thousands of years ago.

Cassandra giggled as she turned around just to see the Empress looking at her with narrowed eyes. "The fifth Princess looks rather happy. I forgot to ask but did the Princess meet with Earl Aetos? I have not seen him since the night of the banquet."

Cassandra's thoughts ran dry at the Empress's words. She could feel that she was cornered out.

'I think I will be the first Princess to get married.'