Next Meeting

Aiden looked at Cassandra who looked like a frightened cat.

Duke Salvador could sense that the first Princess was about to come here at any moment. Duke Salvador's hand on Cassandra tightened, making her look at him with wide eyes.

Duke Salvador nodded as he looked out to make sure that the first Princess was not near them yet. Aiden took a book from the side as he handed it over to Cassandra.

Cassandra was confused when Duke Salvador pushed some random book at her as he raised his eyebrows and told her to go out.

Cassandra looked at the book which was on cooking.

'Why would he give me this book?' Cassandra's head moved up as she raised her eyes in question.

Aiden was getting distracted by Cassandra's gaze. Her sparkling eyes looked like a whirlpool, trying to engulf him.

"Duke?" Cassandra murmured, bringing Duke Salvador to the real world. He was confused about what he was thinking suddenly.

'Why isn't she going out.'

Aiden could hear the footsteps getting nearer as he pushed Cassandra out in a hurry.

Listening to the footsteps Princess Valeria's ears turned sharp. She moved towards it as she saw the fifth princess standing in the corner with the book tightly wrapped in her hand.

"What are you doing here?" Princess Valeria asked in an angry tone. "Didn't you hear it when I asked you if there was someone here?" Princess Valerie was losing her cool as she walked over to Cassandra but before she could come near, the fifth Princess took a few steps forward meeting her in the middle.

Cassandra's gaze was down towards the floor as she refused to look at Princess Valeriaas she knew her hands were trembling a little.

Princess Valeria smiled as she saw the terror in the Princess's reaction. She never liked people who have entered the palaces as a bastard and Cassandra was one of them. On top of it, she was of unknown origin with no power at all. Princess Valeria hated talking with her. And yet such a lady refused to answer her

"Are you deaf?" Princess Valeria asked Cassandra who shook her head as her hands on the book tightened. "Then why aren't you replying?" Princess Valeria asked in irritation.

Princess Valeria's tone turned sharp as her eyes narrowed. She took a step forward but Cassandra walked in front of her blocking her way. "I'm sorry Princess, I was just searching for a book."

Valeria saw the fifth Princess standing there defenseless. Her gaze moved around the area as she saw no one there. The first Princess's eyes settled on the book which Cassandra was holding

Princess Valeria raised her eyebrows. "You want to learn how to cook?" She asked with a smirk on her face. Cassandra was confused but then she realized that the book in her hand was on cooking. As if she was helped by the good, Cassandra nodded her head with a smile on her face to prove her point. She was afraid that Princess Valeria would not believe her words.

"Yes, I'm hoping to learn some basic techniques," Cassandra said with a low tone.

Princess Valeria laughed as she folded her hands over her chest "Yes, you should learn something. Even though you're one of my siblings, who knows where you'll get married. What if you have to go into the kitchen and cook something for your family? It's good to know the basics so as to not burn the kitchen."

Cassandra could hear the sarcasm through Princess Valeria's tone; she simply nodded in the head as she had no right to intervene when the first Princess was talking.

Not getting the reaction she was hoping for, the first Princess lost her interest in talking with Cassandra. She turned around and asked without looking at her. "Did you see the Duke enter this section?"

Cassandra's eyes opened wide and she said. "No Princess, I have not seen anyone coming this way."

Valeria hummed as she started walking but before she went she saw two chairs out of order. The first Princess stopped near the table where Cassandra's book lay as her finger tapped on it.

Princess Valeria looked at Cassandra and asked. "Are you reading this?"

Cassandra moved forward as she stood near the table. She nodded her head and hummed in agreement yet still refusing to look at the first Princess.

"Do you want to learn needlework as well?" Princess Valeria asked as she raised her eyebrows.

Cassandra replied with a small "Yes," but one thing was clear in her head, that neither the Duke nor Princess Valeria could read the content of the book. Cassandra's mind started roaming around with the possibility of this happening but soon Princess Valeria's question brought her to reality.

"Was there someone with you?" Princess Valeria removed her hand from the book as she looked at the two unarranged chairs in front of it. It was then that Cassandra understood why the princess was staying here talking with her.

Cassandra's eyes that were lower started to move around trying to find an excuse but soon her hand on her book tightened. She shook her head. "It was only me here Princess. I was reading this book when I had some difficulty so went to search for another and in a hurry, I sat there but that book didn't help so I kept it and was searching for a new one. I forgot to keep the chairs properly. It won't happen again."

Princess Valeria looked around towards the section where the book's content was filled with the works that were usually done by the females in the Empire.

[It does not make sense for the Duke to come here?]

"Princess " Valeria's lady-in-waiting came running. "I heard someone saying that Duke Salvador is in the military section.

Princess Valeria nodded her head as she moved without looking back.

Cassandra sat down on the chair with a long sigh. She could still hear the Princess's thoughts.

[What was I even thinking?]

[Why would the Duke be here?]

[But it's news that the fifth Princess is learning such things that a Princess would never learn.]

[It's a good thing that she knows her place.]

[Even if she could not be the main wife, she qualifies as pretty so mother would not treat her badly. She can at least become a concubine even though she's useless and unfavored.]

As Princess Valeria left her thoughts became less heard. But before Cassandra could take a break there was a tap on her shoulder waking her up from her fantasy.

Cassandra looked up only to see the red eyes of Duke Salvador glowing. Cassandra swallowed hard as she stood up in a hurry. Her beating heart was running faster.

Aiden chuckled as he saw the reaction of the fifth Princess. He took the book in his hand. He was sure that no one other than the fifth Princess could read the real thing, but he needed to be sure

"I need to know more about this. I'll be going now." Duke Salvador looked at Cassandra as unknown emotions played in his gaze. "I want you to come to my mansion and explain to me what is written in the diary."

Cassandra's eyes widened as she looked at the Duke with a shocked expression. "But ….." before she could say another word, Duke Salvador cut through her voice.

"I don't care how you manage it. If you do not want me to doubt your words, make sure to come, otherwise, our next meeting would not be in the library or the balcony. And it would not be a quiet meeting as well."

Dukes Salvador did not wait for Cassandra's reply as he turned around and walked with the book in his hand.