Eliminate the Possibility

Dukes Salvador was looking at Cassandra, trying to observe how she was behaving. 

He could sense that the fifth princess did look at Lord Bentham but her gaze did not stay on him. 

'She's not affected by Lord Bentham.' Aiden Salvador concluded. He looked closely at the fifth princess as his eyeballs moved, according to the princess's moment. It was as if Duke Salvador was stalking the fifth Princess. 

Once their eyes met, Aiden's gaze was burning. He looks straight into Cassandra's eyes as if trying to reach her soul. But soon the fifth princess looked away from him. She did not hold his gaze making Aiden a little irritable.

"Why is the Duke here?" One of the noblemen said as he moved towards the Duke who was standing in the dark. 

"Yes, shouldn't the Duke be seated in front?" The other one came in.