Duke’s Permission?

Cassandra's words confused Aiden as he stayed quiet.

"Do you not think Ed?" Cassandra asked again as she tilted her head. Her eyes glittering with questions, wanting to know the answers.

Aiden looked at the curiosity in Cassandra's gaze. He wanted to say 'I do.' but could not. Something in his senses was keeping him quiet.

"Why would the Princess ask this?" Aiden said in a husky tone. His gaze narrowed, questioning Princess Cassandra.

"Why would I ask this?" Cassandra murmured as she played with her fingers. Her gaze looked everywhere except at the man. 

Cassandra had asked the question subconsciously after hearing Amy's words; by now it seems that she could not come out of the situation she had created on her own.

"I cannot see your face so I do not know what you are thinking so .." Cassandra played with her finger with nervousness. She did not want to say much. It was a random excuse that made her mind.