No Choice

Duke Salvador was waiting in the room at a corner. He was following the fifth Princess and Princess Teimei into the forest before they disappeared suddenly.

Aiden looked outside at the darkness. But soon heard the disturbance. Unsure of what to expect, Aiden waited in the corner of Princess Cassandra's room. And before anything else happened, the fifth Princess and Princess Teimei reappeared in front of them.

"Princess, you might feel dizzy. I think you should rest." Princess Teimei said as she rubbed her thumb over princess Cassandra's palm.

Cassandra's eyes were dark as she nodded her head. Prince Carl's words were revolving around her mind.

'They know my mother?'


"I will take your leave then. We will be meeting each other soon. After all, there is a huge welcoming banquet tomorrow." Princess Teimei smiled as she walked through the window, disappearing in the night.