Ring of Fire

Princess Valeria's eyes widened.

She could not believe that the man she had just taken for a guard was actually Duke Salvador. Aiden removed his mask as his face came into view. He looked back only to see the shocked faces of the Vivere Kingdom's royal family.

A laugh left his mouth as he hooked his lips up. "Why are you all so surprised?" 

Although everyone looked at the Duke with astonishing expression, they also looked at the man standing beside the secretary.

Everyone had the same expression on their face. Who is the real Duke Salvador? Is it the man that followed Princess Cassandra everywhere like a shadow or is it the man that came in with Princess Valeria?

"Aiden?" It was Prince Cedric that came forward as he looked at Duke Salvador with a smile. "I knew that something was wrong. How can you fall for my sister."

Listening to Prince Cedric's words, Princess Valeria's gaze shook. She could not believe it.