Lend Me Your Thoughts

...ZOE POV...

As if the first time was not bad enough, I have gone and done it again. But this time I am not running away, this time he asked for it. Not truly, but he knew that it would happen. He knew I would turn, the question begs, was he was hoping I would?

As I slowly slide off him and lay next to him, I look over at his ever-so-smilingly face. "That smile says that you wanted it to happen."

He places his hand on my cheek and softly caresses it. "What makes you think that?"

"Well for one, that wicked look in your eyes, you only get it when you are up to no good."

He places one tiny peck on my forehead and continues to stare intently at me. "And?"

"And something tells me that is the best sex you have ever had cause you can't seem to move."

"Hahaha". His laughter echoes the room as he pulls me onto him. "You are definitely right there."

"Which part?"

"I wanted to know what it felt like and yes that is by far the best sex of my life." He goes quiet for a few moments before he speaks again. "But are you are real Vampire, do you drink blood?"

"I have never gone so far to find out."

"So why did it feel so different?" He looks at me not fully understanding, but I don't have the answers for I truly do not know.

"I don't know really, no one has ever let me go this far."

Then he gets that wicked smile. "Do you want to try it again?"


To say that was the best sex of my life would be an understatement. But what got me the most was the sensation that shot to every corner of my body when she drove her fangs into me. It was as if every single feeling was multiplied by ten.

Does she scare me? Not the least bit anymore. I can see myself getting lost in the danger that she brings. She might see this as a curse but I see it as an enormous power that she has. If I had but a speck of what she can do, I would be unstoppable in what I do.

"Zoe I truly cannot see how this can be a curse. I mean you can have every man at your feet."

"Yes, and every one of those men would think I am a monster. And please don't forget about the fact I turn while I have sex."

"Zoe, but I like that."

"Then I'd say that you are not a normal man."

"Wel,l will you do this abnormal man a favor and spend tonight with me?"

"You just want me to bite you."

"Mmm. I want you to do more than just bite me."

"What are you going to do if I can have the real effects that a vampire does?"

"Then I would say I will be the most powerful man on this planet."

"Is that something you desire, power?"

"I did not become Foster Rosario by keeping my hands clean. I shall always crave more than I have. Is that not the true nature of a man?"

"So you see my curse as a blessing?"

"Yes, I believe you have a great gift and you should use it. With me, you do not have to worry by turning for I shall desire you in any form you choose to be."

I pull her back to straddle me, and as we lose ourselves in the heat of passion, I allow her to turn and sink her teeth deep into me and nestle it firmly. It is such a glorious sensational feeling. The way it sparks my arousal even more.

Then I feel her start to suck, drawing drops of blood from my veins. The exhilaration I feel as my blood leaves me and runs through her fangs. It sends me beyond feelings I have ever known, I am afraid I have grown addicted to it. What should have been such a scary encounter has turned into one that gives me great pleasure.

To think that only a day ago I was a lonely man sitting at the top of my empire, but now I have a woman that completes me in every way. I believe this union between me and Zoe is going to take us a long way. But one thing I do fear is that I shall fall for her deeply and she might never feel the same way.

After a few more times of making love, she quietly falls asleep in my arms. She looks at peace like an angel and she smells even more heavenly as one. How am I going to spend my nights if she is not near me? I do not want to be alone, but I had only known her for a whole two days. Who says she might even come back after tomorrow.

I feel her begin to stir, she opens her eyes slowly and gives me the warmest smile. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Just have a lot on my mind. Go back to sleep, I am going to catch up on work in the lounge."

She grabs my arm and stops me from leaving. "I will come back tomorrow."

"Who said I was worried that I will not see you again?"

She looks at me with a slight grin on her face, then she does the most peculiar thing and points to her head. "There are some abilities that I also have. Mine is the power to read and control minds."

I swear I almost nearly fall off the bed. "Holy shit, you must be joking with me?"

"I am afraid I knew from the first time I met you what you felt. Teagen and Breyden thought I was using my powers on you, but there was something completely different I felt from you that night."

Still,l in utter shock I can only mumble. "So you can hear everything I think off."

"No", she begins to explain. "It is like a switch I can switch on and off as I please. I believe it is not proper to intrude the privacy of one's thoughts."

"My god Zoe you are far more amazing than I thought."

I watch as she carefully studies me, there is the same feeling in her eyes that I feel. The same longing to feel desire and wanted, the need to be accepted for who you are. To have someone and belong to them, for love that is true and pure.

"Zoe, you are the most amazing person that I have ever met."

"You are only saying that because of what I can do."

"I might be, but can you not see the gift that you have. If I," I pause for a brief moment. This does give me an idea though, but I will play it carefully past her. "I want to try something. Will you allow me to?"

"Try something?"

"Please just come to the club tomorrow night. If I know you, you are reading my mind right now and you know exactly what I am thinking of."

She chuckles at me, not breaking that contact once, "I know exactly what you are thinking of. And yes, I will come to the club tomorrow night."