The Mile-High Club

...ZOE POV...

I know that voice. How did he even find me? Perhaps that is a stupid question. He can find me anywhere if he has the desire to do so. Guess that is one of the downsides of living with an angel. But could he not waited a bit on his entrance, for Foster has only but now slipped out of me gently. Now this is a story I can laugh about one day, but right now it is sending my blood boiling and definitely not in a good way.

And to make it even worse, Breyden has found me with a Vampire. This entire situation is about to turn all fifty shades of grey. If ever I thought that he will forbid me to see this man beside me, then this is about to give him every reason.

He is standing firm in the doorway. He has on display his true angel form apart from his wings, of course. His voice is echoing down the hallways while he requests an explanation.

"Zoe, what is going on here? Who is this man?"

"This is Foster."

"But he..."