Setting The Plan In Motion

They say that a broken heart can heal just like a broken arm or leg. Zoe gave me so much happiness; who knew that she could give me just as much pain? But they also say that bitterness and love cannot live in the same heart. This heart felt nothing but love for her; even when I felt rejected by her before, I still felt strongly for her. But this time, it is more than just rejecting me for who I am; she is saying no to a life and a future for us. The question begs, which feeling do I feel strongly about now?

Well, I have a fucking great idea.

Now, I am going to run this one past Ethan here; I am sure he is going…well; let us see how it is going to take this.

"So, Ethan," I stare at him with a rather wicked smile on my way too fucking happy face; he does not even give me a second to finish what I want to say.