The Ghost Of Breyden

Zoe left last night.

There was a piece of me that hoped that she would remain by my side; I guess forgiving one for doing such a big wrong is too great of a thing to have asked. My sole intent when I went to Breyden was to kill him, but then I saw that I would only be foolish and cause Zoe to hate me. Though the moment that Breyden had his gun drawn on me, I knew that it was going to be either him or me. So yes, I can be said to be a monster, but in a way, I was also just trying to defend myself.

Now there is no turning back from this. I have made the woman that I love hate me with such great pain. And not only this, she has now become my rival. How did this all become so fucked up? I was so blinded by love that I lost sight of what is right and wrong.