Chapter Fifty Five

'W-What is he doing here?!'

"Father!" Both Nicholas and Nathaniel called their father, excited.

The Duke had a soft smile while looking at his sons, he seemed to be in a good mood.

"How is the ceremony preparation going, father?" Adrien asked after the Duke took his seat at the end of the table near him and Nicholas.

"So far everything seems to be going fine. Soon the ceremony will be held." Duke answered calmly.

The servants quickly started to serve us, bringing us our meal.

'That is why they only served us the appetizer until now, they were all waiting for the Duke.' I realized.

Looking at Nicholas I noticed he didn't seem surprised by the Duke's presence at all.

'You told me it was going to be just you and your brothers here!' I thought, feeling betrayed by Nicholas.

"Did all royals arrive yet?" Nathaniel asked his father, curiously.

"No, the ones from the north are still on their way to the palace." The Duke answered and then took a sip of his drink which I assumed was wine.

'Well, the north is pretty far from the royal capital after all. They might take a while to arrive indeed. But were all royals invited, even those from afar?' I thought, curious about how many nobles and royals would be at the ceremony.

As if he had read my thoughts Nicholas asked his father. "Is it true that all royals are going to participate in the ceremony, father?"

"No, some members couldn't come, but still, it has been a while since so many royals were under the same roof…" The Duke answered pensively.

'I-Is he talking about that event?' I asked myself, worried.

'The Bloody Marriage' appeared in my mind after the Duke's answer, making me shiver. But then I shook my head trying to shake these thoughts away.

'No, the Duke was probably talking about the burial and ceremony of the late Queen, she was his sister after all, maybe that is why he suddenly seems to have lost his good mood.' I noticed, looking at the Duke's serious face. 

After the death of a member of the main royal family, even those without royal blood like the late Queen, is held a big ceremony for their burial and all the royal members are invited to participate.

Even though I knew that was probably what he meant, the thoughts of the Anarchists and 'The Bloody Marriage' story still made me tense.

"Alex." Someone suddenly called me, getting me out of my thoughts.

To my surprise, it was the Duke.

"I am sorry for not acknowledging your presence up until now, this is not how someone should treat a guest. How are you? Are you enjoying your meal?" The Duke asked me, but although his words were nice his eyes were cold.

'W-Why is he apologizing to me?' I asked myself confused why a Duke would be so polite towards someone like me.

"I-I'm fine…t-thank you for inviting me, Your Grace, everything is delicious." I answered all nervous forcing myself to smile while facing the Duke.

He just stared back at me with his scary fierce eyes that seemed to be looking deep into my soul.

"...I see." The Duke said with his grave voice, still glaring at me. His eyes made me gulp.

'W-Why is he like this to me?! Did I do something wrong?' I thought anxious.

'Why whenever the Duke looks at me he seems like he hates me?!' I asked myself scared by the Duke's fierce eyes.

I was getting more and more nervous with each second that passed with the Duke in silence staring at me, it seemed like an eternity, until he suddenly asked me. 

"...Nicholas told me you are going to come to my manor to serve him, is that true?"

"F-Father I didn't say that!" Nicholas shouted, surprised. 

"I just said that I asked Alex if he wanted to work for me in Durhan, but he still didn't give me an answer…" Nicholas explained, embarrassed.

'Right…I didn't tell Nicholas my decision yet.' I realized. So many things happened after his proposal that I ended up forgetting to tell him.

"I see, do you have your answer already, Alex?" The Duke asked me in a cold tone, it seemed like his eyes were piercing my sking as how intensely he was staring at me.

The Duke, Nicholas and his brothers were all looking at me, waiting for my answer.

I gulped, nervous after being put in the spotlight.

'H-How can I say no in their faces after they asked me to have a meal with them although I'm just a servant boy?' I thought in despair wanting to vanish in my seat.

"I…" I started saying without even knowing what I was going to say.

'...Maybe should I say I'm going with them?' I asked myself out of nervousness because of the pressure.

But then the memories of Prince Noah crying and I promising him I would stay with him invaded my mind.

"...I'm sorry, Your Grace and I am sorry Nicholas, but I decided to stay here in the palace serving Prince Noah." I said feeling determined. 

'I made a promise that day to Prince Noah, I can't go back on my words.' I thought ashamed of myself for almost changing my mind.

"Why, Alex?" Nicholas asked, looking at me upset.

I knew I had hurt his expectations and maybe even his feelings. I felt my chest heavy looking at him. Nicholas was a nice friend, better than I could have asked for, but I couldn't just go back on my promise to Prince Noah.

"To be honest, Prince Noah helped me a lot and he still wants me as his servant...It would be too ungrateful of me to not stay by his side and at least try to return all the favor he has given me." I explained looking at Nicholas.

Then I bowed respectfully and said. "Thank you for the opportunity, but I already have made up my mind. I will keep serving Prince Noah."

Nicholas didn't say anything, he seemed sad, but he didn't object.

Then I looked at the Duke, he had the same serious face from before, but this time there was more intensity in his eyes.

"Alex." He called me with his deep voice, making me shiver.

'I-I'm done for sure.' I thought, scared. 

The Duke's face suddenly softened a little while looking at me. 

"You seem to be an honorable young boy. Please keep serving my nephew well." He said with a calm expression, to my surprise he seemed content with my decision.

"Y-Yes, I will!" I quickly said, anxious, but also determined.

After that Nathaniel and Adrien dominated most of the conversation, while Nicholas and I stayed quiet most of the time. Although Nicholas was right by my side, I didn't dare to look or even talk to him.

Adrien and Nathaniel seemed fine with my positioning just like the Duke, but I couldn't say the same about Nicholas.

Overall, my meal with the De Grace family went as smoothly as it could after such a conversation.

"Thank you for joining us today, Alex, it was nice to meet you." Adrien said, politely when he and his family were about to leave.

"T-Thank for inviting me, it was an honor." I said, trying to be polite as well while trying to keep composure while looking at his handsome face.

"I am glad I could finally meet you, Alex. I hope I can see you again later." Nathaniel said with a joyful smile.

I nodded smiling. "Me too.''

The Duke was the first to leave, then followed by Adrian and Nathaniel.

I looked at Nicholas, he was still by my side but he was looking down. He seemed to be more sad than I expected he would be after hearing my decision.

'I think I should say something.' I thought.

I really wanted to talk to him and try to ease the things between us before he left.

"Nicholas…" I called his name while holding his arm gently.

But Nicholas quickly tossed my hand away and said, tense. "...I am leaving too."

And just like that he walked away.

"See you later…" I said looking at Nicholas's back knowing he couldn't hear me anymore.

I sighed feeling quite sad thinking that maybe I ruined everything.

'I think it is better if I look for Prince Noah then.'


"Where is he?" I asked myself.

I looked for Prince Noah in his room, but he wasn't there.

'Maybe he is in his study room.' I thought. 

"Did he go back to his schedule without even calling me again?'' I whispered to myself feeling a bit betrayed.

After going the whole way to Prince Noah's study room, I knocked on the door expecting to hear someone calling me in, but no one answered.

I opened the door to confirm it. No one was there, the room was exactly like it was left earlier in the morning.

I sighed.

"Where is Prince Noah?"

Then I had an idea.

''He might be on the training ground!'' I said full of hope.


"Is… Prince Noah… here?" I asked myself panting while looking around.

After running as fast as I could so I would catch Prince Noah training before he left I finally arrived at the nearby area of the training ground. 

I tried to look around but I couldn't find Prince Noah. There were other boys around his age there I've never seen before, probably all royals or nobles. But Prince Noah didn't seem to be between them.

Then something called my attention. I saw some people crowded looking at something, they were in an area more distant from where Prince Noah usually trains.

'What is it?' I asked myself, curious, walking towards the crowd.

When I got a clearer view I saw what people were looking at. They were watching two boys, probably just a few years older than me, skilfully having a sword fight.

'Are they also royals?' I thought getting closer, excited by their abilities.

The view was impressive, both boys were swinging their swords intensely. The sound of the metals clashing with each other was everything I could hear.

They were both focused, one wrong movement could decide their fight. 

'If they didn't have their armors and helmet on I would be worried.' I thought noticing how intense and strong each of their attacks were.

Different from Prince Noah and Nicholas in their sword fight, these boys were fighting with real swords.

The shorter one was faster and his attacks seemed more precise, while the taller one his attacks were stronger and more dangerous, he was probably one year older than the other. But, still, my bet was on the shorter boy.

It wasn't out of faith wanting the 'weak' one to win, but because his strategy was the most interesting one to me.

In abilities, both boys seemed to be quite equal, but in the fighting strategy aspect, the shorter boy had the best one. His adversary didn't seem to have a strategy but 'hit and dodge' expecting it to be enough to win, while the shorter boy seemed to be taking advantage of it.

The taller boy was indeed stronger, but he was slower in comparison to his opponent, and his stamina didn't seem to be great, at least not good enough to keep going against the other boy who was way faster than him. He used way too much strength in each of his attacks and soon was becoming noticeable how slower he was becoming as the fight kept on.

When the time was right I saw the shorter boy taking his chance, he started to swing his sword faster and faster making it hard for the taller boy already tired defend himself and dodge. 

With his opponent cornered, the shorter boy attacked him with an intense blow on his arm making him drop the sword, and then quickly attacked again right on his chest, making him fall, and so defeating him.

'Wow, it was so fast if I blinked I would have not seen it at all.' I thought, surprised.

The crowd was in cheers, and moved by their energy I started to clap as well.

The winner boy approached his opponent who was still on the floor and then offered his hand, the fallen boy accepted the help, and when he was on his feet again he gave a simple polite bow and said a few words I couldn't hear.   

The taller boy took off his helmet, he was a tanned blond royal boy. He was smiling while chatting to the other boy and shaking his hands, he didn't seem upset to have lost at all.

'He is quite cute.' I thought surprised by his pretty face.

Then the winner also took his helmet off revealing his white hair and golden eyes. His familiar face shocked me.

"P-Prince Dylan?!" I whispered, surprised that it was him the whole time.

'...That makes sense now why there were so many people watching.' I realized. 'They all wanted to see the prince fighting.'

Then, while talking to the other royal boy, Prince Dylan seemed to have noticed me after looking in my direction.

I thought it was a coincidence, but then he quickly ended his conversation with the other boy and started to walk towards me.

'W-Why is he approaching me?' I asked myself, anxious.

"Greetings, Your Highness." I said, bowing respectfully as soon as he approached me. 

"Congratulations on winning the fight." I added while smiling after raising my head.

"Oh, thank you…" Prince Dylan said.

For some reason, Prince Dylan kept staring at me in silence for a while as if he was waiting for me to say something although he was the one that approached me.

"...Did something happen?" He finally asked.

"W-What?" I asked confused.

He sighed. 

"Is Noah looking for me? Did he send you here to tell me something?" Prince Dylan asked, worried.

It took me a while to understand his sudden questions.

'I'm Prince Noah's servant, of course he concluded I'm here because of Prince Noah…Well, he is not wrong though.' I realized.

"N-No, I'm sorry. I'm actually here looking for Prince Noah to be honest…" I admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed. After all, as his servant, I should know about his whereabouts. 

"I see." Prince Dylan said scratching his head. I thought he would be judging me for lacking as a servant, but for some reason, he seemed relieved.

"I-I thought Prince Noah was going to be here but he clearly isn't… Perhaps do you know where Prince Noah is, Your Highness?" I asked, thinking he could be my last hope.

"No, I haven't seen him all day. Did something happen to make you two split up, Alex? My brother seems to always want you around…" Prince Dylan asked, suspicious.

Prince Dylan's nice countenance was slowly fading away giving space for his hidden cold attitude that I hadn't seen in a while. And to make it worse he still had his armor and sword on, and it was starting to scare me.

'Prince Dylan was already scary before, but after seeing him fighting I know I'm no match for him… If he gets angry I'm doomed.' I thought, gulping nervously.

"N-N-Nothing happened, Your Highness. Prince Noah just wanted to rest after his class, but after a while when I went to look for him he wasn't in his room anymore. I've been looking around the palace for a while, but I can't find him." I explained, anxious, hiding most of the details.

I didn't know if I should or not tell Prince Dylan about what happened between Prince Noah and Erick, so I chose not to.

"If Noah didn't call you he must have his reasons…What did I tell you about serving well my brother?" Prince Dylan asked with his cold sharp eyes, obviously blaming me already.

'Just because Prince Noah didn't call me it's my fault now?!' I thought, desperate.

"I…I'm sorry, Your Highness." I said without knowing what else to say. I even bowed respectfully, hoping it would ease his mood.

Prince Dylan clicked his tongue and said serious. "I hope you find my brother before I do or else you won't even have the chance to ever see him again if I ever discover anything happened between you two."

He glared at me with a menacing look and then turned away, walking back to the other kids who were still waiting for him.

'I'm doomed…' I thought, hopeless.

Prince Dylan had already distanced himself from me and was surrounded by the other kids again. He looked back at me one last time, and his eyes were as sharp as his sword.

I quickly turned away and started to run.

"I-I shouldn't have come here!".