Chapter 96

"Yuki?" Kona asked.

"Wait a minute, how would vows be?" Yuki blurted. "Till death do us part, more like for never do us part." Isa covered her mouth and laughed.

"Yuki, you do realize that avoiding the situation will only hurt you," Isa smiled.

"Yeah, happened last time I know," Yuki sighed. "But it's not like I can get my hands on pills and alcohol again." Kona, Dabi, and Bakugo burst out laughing.

"Yuki," Isa laughed. "You're so stubborn."

"I learned it from you and Amya, leave me alone," Yuki snapped.

"No, Yuki, you were always stubborn," Kona laughed.

"Really, I didn't know," Yuki replied sarcastically.

"Sarcasm, that's new," Kona chuckled.

"Shut up," Yuki snapped.

"You know you love me," Koki laughed.

"This is not Zootopia," Yuki snapped.

"Was worth a try," Kona laughed.

"Zootopia was mammals," Yuki snapped. "We both lay eggs."

"You lay eggs?" Kona burst out laughing.

"You know what I meant," Yuki huffed.

"What Yuki meant to say is, do I know that, yes, yes I do," Haruki replied and he and Koki burst out laughing.

"Is that a thing all of us have in common?" Koki asked. "We all watched Zootopia."

"As being animals, it's kind of odd," Hayami laughed.

"Kahida and I watched it too," Katobuki landed on Isa's shoulder.

"Oh hush up," Kahida sighed.

"Yes," Koki cheered. "Man I was left out I was the only one not rejected by Amya."

"I'm sorry, what?" Dabi asked.

"It's not what you think," Hayami affirmed. "Amya's other quirk isn't based on rejection, it was our fault we died."

"We purposely got hit by a car?" Kahida laughed.

"Not what I meant, sorry you two and Yuki and Koki," Hayami sighed.

"I get it, it's my fault I hung myself," Kona laughed.

"No it's Yuki's fault," Hayami laughed. "Because he's an idiot."

"Uh," Yuki replied nervously. "At least I didn't mean to fall off the building."

"He has a point if he didn't fall his parents would have gotten him, he left a note," Isa laughed.

"Look, stop rubbing the song in," Yuki snapped. "I slipped okay."

"Look minus the bullet and twenty stories," Isa replied. "You also didn't intend to fall."

"Makes me feel a bit better, I guess," Yuki sighed.

"Wait he cut himself," Kona replied worriedly.

"Yes of course he did," Isa sighed. "The fool, that's why he's a snake."

"Leave me alone," Yuki cried. "Wait you're that girl that was with Amya all the time."

"Yeah, so?" Isa replied. Iida and Mineta then walked in.

"You were gorgeous, what happened?" Yuki asked. "And you rejected me."

"It's called a quirk dummy," Isa smirked. "It blocks attractiveness."

"Oh, sorry," Yuki apologized. Isa and Haruki's parents then walked in.

"So that's why Mineta wasn't all over you," Iida replied.

"Interesting," Mineta replied nervously.

"Why don't you take it off?" Monoma suggested.

"I'd prefer not to," Isa laughed.

"Isa, well," Amya walked into the room with a woman following her.

"Jasmine," The woman beamed and ran and hugged her. "How are you?"

"Great," Isa laughed.

"You still are gorgeous," The woman replied.

"And you said…" Monoma tried.

"Only certain people can see it," Isa interjected as the woman stepped back.

"I still see where Amya gets tiger," The woman laughed.

"I can make it more clear," Isa laughed.

"I doubt that," The woman laughed. Isa then turned into a tiger. "Nevermind then."

"Sorry, Akima," Isa replied as she turned back.

"Jasmine?" Kazuko questioned.

"Yeah, I call her Jasmine, she's like a gift from God, right Amya?" Akima beamed.

"Uh, yeah," Amya replied nervously.

"My nickname was Jasmine, my parents named me Natsu-Misa though, I told her that," Isa admitted. "You really wanted to see me, huh?"

"Hunny, I adore you," Akima breathed.

"Simp," Koki sneered. Akima then looked at Koki.

"Excuse me," Akima replied in shock. Isa burst out laughing.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry," Koki apologized.

"Koki," Isa cried. "You're a simp too."

"Right," Koki replied.

"Mom please," Amya sighed.

"Sorry, sweetie," Akima laughed. Amya then put her hand on her arm.

"Kimya," Isa replied. Akima looked at Amya as the song 'Steal My Girl' by One Direction started playing and echoed throughout the room.

"Sorry, this song has been stuck in my head," Amya sighed.

"Isa, can I have a jelly bean?" Haruki sighed.