Chapter 99

"Oh, uh, I don't have the song do I?" Amya asked.

"No," Isa laughed. "And it is country."

"C-come on," Amya then dragged Kinoski with her. Isa started laughing.

"Like he can help her," Isa burst out laughing.

"Isa," Koki laughed.

"Someone is having quirk trouble," Yuki laughed.

"Okay," Amya walked in. "Isa can you please help me."

"Kimya," Isa laughed. "I'm playing with you, you did have it."

"So it is Just The Way?" Amya cried.

"By Parmalee and Blanco Brown feat Bryce Vine, Yes," Isa laughed.

"Okay good," Amya beamed.

"Just like that?" Bakugo laughed. "She was just about to have a meltdown."

"Well, about that," Amya scratched her head.

"He's gone now," Isa laughed.

"Okay, thank God," Amya sighed.

"You say God one more time, and you won't be here any longer," Isa snapped.

"Sorry," Amya barked.

"You're being a bit Jumpy," Koki replied. "Calm down Amya."

"So you accidentally kissed Isa," Amya sighed.

"Kimya?" Isa questioned.

"You have her quirk," Amya muttered.

"Kimya?" Isa repeated.

"Of course, he is adorable too," Amya muttered.

"Kimya," Isa snapped.

"There it is, I'm in love with Koki," Amya blurted. Isa covered her mouth and started laughing. "Also Bakugo, Dabi, Hawks, Kirishima, Isa, Toga, Hayami…" Isa covered Amya's mouth.

"Kimya," Isa laughed and moved her hand.

"I love everyone," Amya cried. "Like Koki and Isa, Isa, you kissed me." Isa burst out laughing.

"No, no I didn't," Isa replied wiping tears from her eyes. "Kimya you're killing me."

"Fake boyfriend?" Amya asked.

"Okay you idiot," Isa sighed. "You can stop."

"Shinso was it?" Amya asked. "Oh wait, no it was Mirio."

"Stop," Isa yelled and slapped Amya.

"Yes, you finally hit me," Amya laughed.

"I'm not afraid to hit you harder," Isa smirked.

"Okay, sorry, I deserve it though," Amya laughed.

"That act was really stupid," Isa laughed.

"Exactly," Amya laughed. "I love you doll."

"What happened, now you are manly," Isa chuckled.

"You slapped me hard enough, huh? Amya laughed.

"You're just lucky I didn't erase your quirks," Isa laughed.

"You're not the angel other people see you to be," Amya laughed. "Your imagination is so vivid."

"You calling me a demon," Isa chuckled.

"No, you're a phoenix dragon," Amya laughed. "You've always followed the rules but you broke them too, you have a fiery passion to take care of people you love no matter what."

"I try to be myself," Isa laughed.

"I wanted to be just like you," Amya laughed. "But I can't be you."

"You love everyone, that's enough," Isa laughed.

"So are you two?" Akima asked.

"Absolutely not," Isa and Amya replied at the same time.

"So you don't date Amya," Koki whined.

"Nope," Isa laughed.

"Wait so?" Amya asked.

"Yeah," Isa laughed. "Eleven years."

"I'm so dumb," Amya sighed. "I'm gonna go to bed, I need to process all of this."

"Okay, Kimya, see you tomorrow," Isa laughed as Amya walked out the room.

"Ghost Of You," Isa laughed. "I'm a ghost."

"Isa?" Hayami asked.

"Kimya wait, don't," Isa called and ran out of the room.

"Wait, Isa said don't," Hayami snapped.

"What's Amya doing, she can't die?" Yuki asked.

"I don't understand what's happening," Bakugo replied.

"Sorry guys, s-she's fine," Isa reassured.

"What was that?" Haruki asked.

"N-nothing," Isa scratched her head.

"You act like you've seen someone naked," Yuki laughed.

"Oh really," Isa sighed. "That's not it."

"Isa?" Koki asked. "Are you okay?"

"I don't read her mind for a reason," Isa cried.

"Isa you're a bad liar," Yuki snapped. "What really happened."

"Nothing," Isa burst out laughing. "I fooled you guys."

"Hey," Kinoski then walked into the room.

"Hi," Isa caught her breath. "Sorry I played a prank on them."

"Eleven years it's been," Kinoski replied. "Glad I made it."

"I invited you here, I kind of told Kimya and she flipped out," Isa laughed.

"Oh Kimya, I don't remember her," Kinoski replied.

"Okay, stop being fake you idiot," Isa snapped and slapped Kinoski.

"You didn't slap me hard enough?" Kinoski laughed.

"Did I ask you?" Isa laughed.

"Why don't you smack me?" Kinoski asked.

"Excuse me, are you nuts?" Isa replied.

"I don't know, Lioness," Kinoski teased.