Chapter 114

"I didn't think that through," Kinoski sighed.

"No you didn't," Isa laughed as he laid back down next to her.

"Isa, come on," Kinoski sighed.

"Do I look like a guy to you?" Isa asked. The animals had come in at this point.

"Fine, then will you date me?" Kinoski asked.

"I'm sorry?" Isa asked.

"What?" Kinoski replied.

"Date who?" Isa asked.

"Me, obviously, I asked you," Kinoski replied.

"And you're not yourself again," Isa replied.

"What do you want me to do?" Kinoski snapped. "I can't be both of us."

"Kinoski, I've been true to myself and haven't been fake, what have you been doing?" Isa replied. "You're trying to manipulate me so I date me as you, as well, there is a way you can be both."

"How?" Kinoski snapped.

"That's for you to figure out," Isa answered. Kinoski then laid his head on Isa's chest and Isa then suddenly tensed up, moaned, seemed to loosen up, and covered her mouth. Kinoski then quickly sat up and looked at Isa in surprise.

"So, you want me to get rid of your quirk now?" Isa asked.

"What?" Kinoski asked.

"Yeah, please," Yuki replied uncomfortably and crawled next to Isa, in his spider form.

"What is his quirk?" Kinoski asked.

"Lay down," Isa replied.

"Okay," Kinoski replied and layed down. He then tensed up and moaned as his body seemed to relax. "Holy crap, that feels amazing."

"Well uh," Isa replied.

"Isa," Yuki sighed.

"His quirk is full pleasure," Isa replied. "It causes someone to feel like they had a full body massage all at once and it causes orgasms."

"I-Isa," Yuki cried. "It's really embarrassing."

"Well uh," Kinoski replied uncomfortably.

"Anyway, what do you want, Yuki?" Isa asked.

"I-I uh, wanted to surprise Kinoski," Yuki cried.

"Well you surprised him alright," Isa laughed.

"Not the way I wanted to, I didn't know that it would work if I was a spider either."

"Well now you know," Isa laughed.

"Sorry," Yuki replied.

"Wait, Isa, you made me able to turn into whoever I want, that's what you meant about being myself," Kinoski exclaimed. "I can alternate between whoever and still be myself."

"The sad part about this is you had to have an orgasm to figure that out," Yuki sneered. Isa covered her mouth and laughed.

"So Isa, will you date us," Kinoski asked.

"Of course," Isa laughed.

"Us?" Yuki asked.

"Oh, so you didn't tell them," Kinoski smirked.

"Only Koki and Yuito know," Isa laughed.

"Oh, well first," Kinoski pulled Isa closer to him and they kissed each other.

"So?" Yuki asked.

"I'm Amya," Kinoski laughed.

"No you're not," Katobuki snapped as he flew over.

"Amya has a second quirk right?" Kinoski asked.

"Yeah," Katobuki replied. "What is it?"

"Genderbend," Kinoski answered.

"You are not Amya," Katobuki snapped. "Quit lying."

"Isa?" Kinoski replied and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry you're on your own, butterbean," Isa replied and sat on the edge of the bed next to him.

"About time," Akima snapped.

"M-mom," Kinoski fretted.

"Ship sailed," Koki beamed.

"I rejected him after I kissed him because he was Amya, but then he showed me, and uh, I accepted it but I kissed a guy and I didn't like it," Yuito replied embarrassed. Isa then laughed.

"It's not funny."

"I kissed a boy and I liked it, the taste of his cherry chapstick," Isa sang.

"Shut up," Kinoski blushed.

"Wait, Isa are you blushing?" Bakugo asked.

"Maybe, or maybe it's blood," Isa laughed.

"Wait, savage," Kinoski laughed. Isa then smirked and looked at Kinoski.

"What songs do you know?" Isa asked.

"You are amazing, Isa," Kinoski beamed and hugged her. "I love you soo much."

"Hold on, what?" Dabi asked as Kinoski stopped hugging her.

"I was born as Kinoski, my quirks were imagination and genderbend," Kinoski replied.

"You're Amya," Hayami beamed. "That's why Isa wouldn't date you, you were trying to be her."

"Yeah well, I don't have to be," Kinoski replied.

"Wait, it's true?" Katobuki mumbled.

"You don't like Kinoski, huh?" Isa laughed.

"He said that?" Kinoski laughed.

"Didn't work on me," Isa laughed. "Worked on him."

"Oops," Katobuki laughed.

"I can't believe this," Katobuki snapped.

"So, Amya and Kinoski are the same person?" Yuki asked.