Chapter 130

About time," Yuki snapped.

"Bye," Kinoski replied as they teleported away.

"What the hell," Bakugo replied as they teleported into the cafeteria there were bowls on the tables where they stood all scattered out.

"Isa, what the," Kinoski replied.

"I made food for all of you," Isa replied. "Go on and eat."

"This is so generous, what did you make?" Uraraka asked.

"Your favorite meals," Isa answered. "I made some separately and some together but I made enough to not be wasted."

"Isa you're awesome," Yuki beamed and took a bite of his. Kinoski took his food and walked over to Isa.

"How, this is too much, how'd you do this?" Kinoski asked and then took a bite.

"Well, it's called copy," Isa laughed. "My copy did all of this while I had fun with you guys."

"No, I mean how are you not tired like yesterday?" Kinoksi asked and took another bite.

"Did I ever really sleep, I'm fine," Isa laughed.

"You had so so much energy all the time even when you pulled all-nighters," Kinoski laughed.

"Just eat, Kimya," Isa laughed.

"You didn't make yourself food," Kinoski replied.

"Actually," Isa replied as a plate appeared in her hand.

"What the hell is that?" Kinoski asked. A fork then appeared in Isa's hand and she gave Kinoski a bite and he ate it. "That's good, what is it?" Nezu then walked in.

"Ratatouille," Isa replied and took a bite. Nezu then looked at Isa.

"You mean like in Ratatouille?" Kinoski asked.

"Yeah," Isa laughed. "Ratatouille."

"You are going to overdo it," Nezu sighed.

"It is a way to get stronger though," Isa replied. "Pushing myself to overdo it, not like I haven't before." Everyone then looked at Isa in shock.

"Isa," Kinoski cried.

"Yeah, come on Isa why would you say that?" Yuki snapped.

"Isa, you…" Koki tried.

"I do what when I want, it is not like Aizawa can erase my quirks anymore," Isa replied. "I allowed him to the other day, that was intentional, did anyone think about the quirk erasing chains that All Might put on me, I still was Bakugo and I broke the chains."

"A bit low of you to allow all of your tiredness to build up like that," Yuito commented. Yuki then looked at Yuito in shock. "What were you trying to prove?"

"Yuito, you weren't even there," Yuki snapped. "What the hell is wrong with you."

"Hayami told me about it this morning," Yuito snapped. "She purposely overdid it to get attention, that's selfish." Isa then looked at Kinoski and sighed.

"Yuito, Isa is not selfish, she did this for everyone, you asshole," Hayami snapped.

"No, she did this for herself, she believes that everyone is good, she just wanted Yuki to be soft," Yuito snapped.

"Yuki, no," Isa snapped.

"No, I'm not going to listen to you," Yuki cried.

"I guess I'll leave then," Isa replied and started walking away.

"I told you," Yuito replied as Yuki got up and stopped Isa from walking out of the Cafeteria.

"Yeah, how is it selfish to make a whole meal for everyone?" Yuki snapped.

"Yeah, and Isa knew me and Katobuki weren't related and told us, both in the past and now, she just had to remind us," Kahida replied.

"Isa has never taken anything from anyone," Yuki snapped. "She's always giving things."

"Yuki," Isa sighed. "Leave it."

"No, I'm not going to listen to you, Isa," Yuki snapped. "Yuito you, take that back."

"I'm not going to," Yuito replied.

"Yuki," Isa snapped and immediately pulled out of his grasp and walked out. Kinoski then glared at Yuito and everyone was watching in shock.

"Why didn't you do this earlier?" Kona asked.

"I felt everyone should hear it," Yuito lied.

"Wow," Yuki replied. "You're the selfish one."

"No, it's Isa," Yuito snapped.

"I'm done with you," Hayami snapped. "Until you get your shit together."

"Hayami," Yuito replied.

"My question is how Isa is selfish when she saved us?" Dabi asked.

"She did that for show," Yuito scoffed.

"You know I liked you, but now I don't," Kinoski shot.

"Why are you all on her side?" Yuito snapped.

"What happened between you two?" Hayami asked. "Something obviously happened."