Chapter 143

"So what did you do to your nails?" Koki asked. Isa then showed them her nails, they were all narrow coffin-shaped and were medium length. Her left-hand pinky was painted black with white plus signs, her ring was an orange and black yin yang symbol, her middle finger had a realistic-looking flame, her index was painted green and had a black red-seeded dandelion, and her thumb was white and had dripping blood going to her fingertip. Her right-hand pinky was painted white with black minus signs, her ring was a blue and white yin yang symbol, her middle finger looked like ice, her index was sand to water with realistic water and sand details, and her thumb was painted black with a rainbow feather and the stem was painted white. Her left foot's pinky was purple, her middle was green, and her big toe was orange while her pinky and index were black. Her right-foot pinky was yellow, her middle was red, and her big toe was blue while her pinky and index were white.

Geez, Isa," Akito laughed.

"Each finger has an element," Koki replied. "Positivity and Negativity, Love, Fire and Ice, Earth and Water, Life and Death, and her toes are opposing colors."

"What about air?" Haruki asked.

"Dandelions you blow on them to make a wish and beaches are windy as well," Koki replied.

"Why not hate?" Akima asked.

"Because yin yang represents good and evil and love and hate, it is the division of basically everything, elements, emotions temperature, gender, the list can go on. Yin which is black is feminine, it also stands for ice, night, cold, moon, internal energy, nurturing, and negativity," Isa answered.

"Oh," Akima replied.

"Hey," Oboro ran in.

"What an entrance, want to do it again?" Isa replied sarcastically. "It's all or nothing with you." Oboro then chuckled.

"What's wrong?" Koki asked.

"Nothing?" Isa replied.

"Isa quit being a pain in the ass," Koki sighed.

"Koki," Kagami snapped.

"It's too late to mother him," Isa smirked.

"What do you mean?" Kagami asked.

"As a spider, he was an adult but, he also hung around Yuki as a spider, it's too late for him," Isa replied. "He learned many things around us."

"Oh, right, um, Arsenic," Koki replied.

"Arsenic?" Kagami asked.

"So you name a poison," Isa laughed.

"Argon," Koki replied. "Kirishima is Bromine." Isa then laughed. "Carbon, I can sing the song."

"Koki, no," Isa cried. "Don't worry about it Oboro I was messing with you, didn't have to come."

"So you sent a copy?" Oboro asked.

"It's a clone," Isa laughed.

"I'm so confused," Akito replied. "What's the difference?"

"A clone is identical and copies while a copy just copies," Isa replied. "Like if Monama's quirk allowed him to keep quirks rather than being temporary, that would be cloning quirks."

"My question is why has he been a nuisance to class 1A?" Kahida asked.

"My quirk is like a drug, he liked me and I disappeared, and he lost his sister," Isa replied. "You feel loved and love everything and then it all goes away, it's not easy to deal with."

"Yeah, that's true, she used her quirk on me too," Kona replied. "I hung myself."

"So when your quirk wears off it has a negative effect on people?" Oboro asked.

"Yeah, some have it worse than others, Bakugo became meaner, Shigaraki had a quirk fallout, Kona hung herself, Yuki was killed, Yuito snapped with his quirk and pushed me twice, Toga snapped with her quirk, Mineta lost his mother and Kinoski lost his father, and then Koki permanently got it," Isa replied. "But negative still happened to him anyway, he was poisoned."

"And I lost my twin brother and father?" Akito replied. "I was in the car accident."

"S-s-say that again," Kona replied. "What car accident, also why so many car accidents?"

"Yuito got into a car accident, me and Katobuki were hit by a car, um," Kahida replied.

"Not the same accident," Isa replied.

"Is there a possibility, Yuki and Akito are cousins and Akito and Yuito are siblings?" Koki asked.

"Being Yuito's twin, we do look similar," Akito replied.

"Nori, why didn't you say anything?" Wakumi replied.

"I thought you remembered," Nori replied.

"No, they said you two wouldn't make it," Wakumi cried. "They said Yuito went to a different hospital but didn't say which one."