Capter 154

"Just have a random scar on the left side of your neck, just be like," Isa laughed and then changed her voice to Kinoski's. "Oh, my girlfriend did that." Kinoski then laughed.

"Did I miss something?" Akima asked.

"Yeah, you did mom," Kinoski laughed and hugged Isa. "Isa's my villain." He then started chewing and let Isa go of her. "Oh my god, that's better than cheese, it's so salty though."

"Oh crap," Isa bit her lip.

"What did you give him?" Akima asked.

"Boiled peanut," Isa laughed. "Gave him a new food obsession."

"Oh geez," Akima laughed.

"So, about Yuki?" Bakugo looked at Wakumi. Kazuko, Haruki and Torako walked in.

"What about him, he just told all of us to come up here?" Wakumi replied.

"Oh, um," Bakugo looked at Yuki and smiled and then at Isa. Isa then laughed.

"Mom," Yuki croaked. "Can I get a tattoo?" Wakumi then started laughing and covered her mouth. "From Isa?" Wakumi then stopped laughing eyed Yuki and then looked at Isa.

"You told him you'd do it?" Wakumi asked.

"Yeah, if you said yes," Isa answered. Wakumi then looked back and forth at both of them a few times and stopped at Yuki. Isa then started laughing.

"He's sixteen," Wakumi replied. "Are you insane?"

"The answer to that is yes," Kinoski replied. Isa then disappeared and Yuki looked at his left shoulder and rubbed it. "And he knows exactly where and what he wants."

"Please," Yuki replied. Wakumi then looked at her nails, sighed, and looked back at Yuki.

"Where's Isa?" Wakumi asked.

"Um, s-s-she's in my skin," Yuki laughed. "Geez, that sounds weird."

"What?" Wakumi asked. Yuki then turned and showed her his arm. Wakumi stared at it in shock and then looked at Yuki. "Are you sure and that looks so real?"

"Yeah," Yuki replied and kissed the snake on the neck. Isa appeared next to Kinoski with her hand on the back of her neck as the tattoo disappeared. "Isa I'm sorry." Kinoski then laughed. Isa then looked at Kinoski and showed a fang and he stopped laughing.

"I'll also use serial killer as a nickname then, stalemate sucks, huh," Kinoski replied.

"We're not playing chess," Isa laughed. "Although if we were you would have lost."

"And why is that?" Kinoski asked.

"You gave me the crown and you rejected it," Isa smirked. Kinoski's then looked at her in shock. Isa then laughed. "Guess there was another move after all, checkmate."

"You little prick," Kinoski gasped.

"If you want me to be your villain then that's what you're gonna get," Isa grinned.

"When do you want to get your tattoo," Koki replied. Yuki just stared at Isa with a grin.

"Forget about that," Yuki snapped. "Where was that when I wanted you to stick up for yourself, I like you more like this?"

"Didn't I say I had to be positive about everything?" Isa asked. "I couldn't act like this, also you want the tattoo tomorrow, right.?"

"No no no, what?" Yuki objected. "No, t-that's no, t-this weekend."

"Told you, he's not desperate, he was just an ass when I got the drink," Isa replied.

"Are you really willing to trust her with a needle?" Kinoski laughed.

"A needle, I'd trust her doing it with a knife," Yuki blurted.

"Yuki," Wakumi snapped. "What the hell?" Isa smirked as she and Yuki met each other's eyes.

"Wait, you tested me," Yuki realized.

"Did I now?" Isa replied.

"That's why you drank the tea," Yuki replied.

"Yes, but at the same time no," Isa laughed.

"I passed, that's why you offered to give me the tattoo," Yuki beamed. "But it's also the fact of you think I'm ready and you know exactly what I want, you're treating me."

"You didn't ask Kinoski to tell you what was wrong and neither did Katsuki," Isa replied. "You both respected my privacy and realized a boundary. I've already given Kit Kat his treat in advance."

"You mean when you killed me," Bakugo laughed. Isa, Koki, and Kinoski all laughed.

"It was the whole thing but sure," Isa laughed. "The treat was killing you." Bakugo then laughed.

"You just wanted me to enjoy myself," Bakugo laughed.

"And you did," Isa laughed.

"Okay, I'll let you get the tattoo on one condition," Wakumi replied. "What is Isa to you?"

"She's nothing, she's nothing, she's absolutely nothing to me," Yuki snapped, with a smirk confidently. Kinoski, Bakugo, and Koki smiled as everyone else looked at him in confusion and Isa then covered her mouth with both hands and started crying. Yuki looked at Isa and smiled.