Chapter 156

"I have a number one, I also have a number one favorite hero," Isa lamented and started scratching her arm and then broke into a heavy sob.

"What's happening?" La Brava asked.

"She broke two promises," Koki sighed. "She's having a panic attack, that means she was blocking the promise quirk and it made her weak and that's why she broke the second." Isa's nose then started bleeding and she screamed.

"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked.

"I made her promise no one would find out, and she promised Hisashi she'd be stable around others," Koki started crying.

"Koki how'd you stop this the first time?" Kinoski asked. Isa then started scratching her neck and her wrist with the other. Everyone was upset, shocked, and worried about Isa.

"That's the thing I was a frickin spider," Koki snapped. "Hisashi did something."

"Hisashi," Kinoski called. Hisashi then appeared in the room.

"Well shit," Hisashi sighed and bit his lip. "She begged me to help her and when she gained more quirks and realized her quirk killed people, this happened."

"What?" Deku and Uraraka snapped.

"Kinoski's father, Akito's and Yuki's father, Koki's father, Koki, Yuki, Kona, I think you get it," Hisashi sighed. "They were not on purpose but she blamed herself."

"What about my father?" Bakugo asked.

"You kissed her more than she kissed you, also forehead kisses are more intimate, she never kissed you on the forehead," Hisashi laughed. "Anyway." Hisashi then appeared between Bakugo and Isa and wrapped Isa in a tight hug. "If she believes you love her as much as she loves you, you'll be safe, there is no way you can love her more than she loves you, that's why your family was not affected, they loved her." Isa then put her left hand on the left side of her neck and gently rubbed her right nails on her wrist.

"So when we were hit with Yuito's quirk?" Yuki replied.

"She knew you loved her, also Yuito was born quirkless, when she brought herself into the future she gave herself that quirk to transfer to Yuito, she altered the past so her quirk wouldn't fully kill them but she couldn't do anything other than that," Hisashi replied. "You guys didn't love her as much as she loved you but she tried to save you, truly Yuito's quirk didn't kill people, it saved the ones that loved her, Yuito did kill Yuki though, but it counted because he loved her so much."

"Sorry Yuki," Yuito sighed. "But I thought I killed all of them so that's kind of a relief."

"So my father didn't love her," Yuki sighed. "And Kinoski's and Yuito's father never met her, but why didn't my father love her?" Wakumi then looked at Yuki and bit her lip and Isa sighed.

"He didn't want to adopt a girl, he wanted you to have a brother," Wakumi replied.

"I actually wanted a sister though," Yuki replied.

"That's why I got Isa, but also the promise, but whatever," Wakumi laughed.

"Wait, so about what happened when she went to Koki?" Kinoski asked.

"Yes they were also because of that," Hisashi answered. "She thought she was cursed or was bad luck, that she couldn't love anyone without someone around them getting hurt, that's why she ran away from the last family they started arguing, abusing and not taking care of her. But Koki's right, that should be her decision to tell people."

"Isa why are you giving me the quirk I dreamed of?" Koki asked.

"Because you can still have the life you want," Isa snapped. "You reminded me of my younger self okay." Koki then bit his lip.

"Isa I," Koki sighed. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't know you felt that way."

"Yeah, I'm good with hiding how I feel," Isa snapped. "Not like it's anything new."

"Yeah, but a new thing is you can control your instability," Kinoski then leaned on Isa's shoulder and on Hisashi's arm. Isa then bit her lip and smiled.

"Words of a smartass," Isa laughed. "But the right thing to say."

"So Isa, why was school short today?" Bakugo asked. "English, math P.E., and English 1."

"Half day because we're playing a game tomorrow," Isa replied.

"What?" Deku asked.

"You'll see, each class will be playing separately," Isa replied. "It'll be fun, I'm in your class so."