Inside the building, Jay sat behind a large glass window with the suspect sitting across from him. Beatrice was watching from the other side, arms crossed as one operator, a female black-haired android sat near a console in front of her recording the interrogation and their Chief, a tall man with slicked-back blonde hair, a goatee, and slight wrinkles on his face was standing next to the woman.

"Oddly quiet this one." the Chief began. "By the by, the wife wants to know if you'd be stopping by later for our girls' grad party. Rose has been dying to see her big sis." Beatrice cracked a small, barely noticeable grin.

"I bet she has," the woman responded. Eyes never leaving the interrogation behind the glass. "Yep, though knowing you and your anti-social rear I can already assume that…" The woman was paying her chief no mind now, her mind adrift. 'There's something strange about this guy. Why was he there at the bridge, how could he just completely clear a fence like that, and his speed, he almost seems superhuman. And what about that notebook? What secrets does it hold?' The women's minds began swimming with thoughts. Her detective mind was at work. She hadn't noticed the Chief calling her name for a solid minute.

"Detective Moreau, helloooo. Earth to Beatrice," the man spoke somewhat loudly, shaking her right shoulder. She widened her eyes a bit as she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, what were you saying, Chief?" The man in question just sighed as he closed his eyes and spoke.

"You wanna question him, yes," the man asked, though he said it more like it was a statement.

"What gave me away," Beatrice shrugged.

"He hasn't said a word to Jay since he's gotten here. What makes you think that you can get him to talk?" Then he remembered just who he was talking to. Beatrice has a bit of a reputation for getting a bit rough, to say the least, with her suspects during interrogations. But he'd be lying if he said they weren't effective. The woman straightened her pose a bit as she spoke.

"Come on Chief, do you know who you are talking to? Just give me 10 minutes with the suspect alone," she replied. Chief sighed for the second time today and nodded his head. "You have 5."

The android operator pressed a button on its desk and spoke into the com on its desk.

"Detective Beatrice is being sent in to interrogate the suspect alone Detective Jay." From behind the glass, the man shot a questioning glare but got up passing the suspect at the other end of the interrogation desk a glance before moving to the door.

"Let me guess, you're gonna go all bad cop on him like with so many before huh?" The woman looked at her partner, mentor, and father figure as she responded.

"I have a feeling this," she pulled out a rugged worn journal with a black leather cover and a small golden lock with a keyhole on the outside, "will get him to talk."

"A notebook? Have you read what's inside," the Chief questioned while lighting a cigar, sure they had E-Cigs nowadays, but nothing can beat the original and the man was lucky enough to have a small stash of the last few remaining cigars in the country. The woman scrunched her nose up a bit before replying.

"No, not yet anyway. But with the knowledge that I have it in my possession and enough pressure, I'm sure I can get a few answers out of him. If anything Could lie and say we've been able to crack it open. See if that gets him to break the silent treatment." Jay looked at Beatrice,

"You sure about this," he asked. She looked at him slightly annoyed,

"Why wouldn't I be? I've done this a thousand times before, haven't I not?" Jay sighed before pointing his thumb towards the door leading into where the suspect was currently sitting.

"Go ahead then. Just don't get TOO rough with him now killer," he responded as he walked off with his hands in his pockets.

"Where are you going Detective," the Chief questioned.

Jay just responded with a simple "I'm hungry," and a wave of his hand as he opened the automatic door at the back of the dimly lit room, letting in the bright light from the main hall just beyond before it slid closed behind him. Beatrice stared at the man through the glass.

He sat there looking at the table in front of him seemingly lost in thought. He no longer wore the cloak; it had been taken up from him when they brought him in to check for weapons and anything he may have on him that they could use as an identifier. Since it was the only thing, he possessed on his person it was left on the desk the android currently sat at by Jay when they first entered the room. She could now see his face in its entirety. The mess that made up his somewhat curly raven-black hair, his pale skin that seemed to brighten under the lights in the interrogation room, his, bright cerulean eyes staring off as if he is somewhere else were adorned with slight baggage and dark circles, the plain grey V- neck he wore with baggy black sweatpants tucked into his black combat boots, his lips that were not as dry as before but still a little flaky, and his hands resting calmly on the black wooden table. 'This guy looks like he's been through hell and back,' she thought to herself.

"Whenever you are ready Detective," the Chief spoke, the cigar still in his mouth. She nodded and made her way towards the door. She took a deep breath and entered the all-white room.

From where she was standing, she could see the back of the man's neck, the string of a necklace peeking out from his shirt collar. He straightened his pose a bit in the chair and turned his head to glance back at her. For a moment her breath froze in her throat. His gaze seemed to pierce her being, staring directly into her soul. Like he was visually interrogating her. Pruning her every thought for something to use against her in this interrogation she was about to conduct. She looked into his eyes and felt something haunting, sinister, beautiful, and… familiar within his gaze. 'Familiar, yeah right,' she mentally chuckled to herself before turning her gaze forward and walking to her place at the other side of the table, and sat down. His gaze never once left her.

She looked at him for a moment, mentally going over the little bit of information (and by little, it's almost next to nothing) she had on him. He has abnormally high mobility and she can only guess that goes for his strength. 'Augmentation perhaps,' she thought. He also had in his possession a locked journal and he seemed interested in what was under the bridge. That just about sums up the information she has. She began to speak trying to appear friendly. She didn't plan on bringing out a bad cop. Not yet anyway.

"My name is Beatrice Moreau," she said with a faux smile, "You mind telling me yours?" The man just stared at her with a blank expression on his face, his messy hair slightly obscuring his eyes. She continued. "You don't have to be nervous. I'm not as intimidating as my partner, trust me," she spoke with that same faux smile. The man still did not respond. Just stared.

'What's with this creep,' she thought. 'All he does is stare, stare, stare with that same dumb look.' Her eyebrow unconsciously twitched a bit as she sighed realizing he wasn't going to speak. "Alright," she began, "right to the point then." She dropped her faux smile as she adorned a more serious look on her face. "First the topic of your little prying into our investigation. I get the feeling you know something about what happened that night under the bridge," she said leaning forward onto her arms a bit. "Something we don't. I want to know what it is." The man narrowed his eyes slightly before looking down at his cuffed hands on the table.

"Don't even try the whole silent treatment thing with me or lie your way out of this. You gave yourself away when you bolted upon us noticing you." He just continued to look at his hands, motionless.

"And what about when you ran? No normal human could move that fast or jump that high. Augmentation? Cybernetics? What are you a soldier, bounty hunter? Or something else entirely?" He still didn't move his gaze though she did pick up on him slightly flinching at the end of her questions.

She spoke again. "I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that perhaps you have ties to whatever lied beyond that blocked-off entrance under the bridge. Maybe you are a terrorist and that's where your organization squatted at." He still didn't budge. Just continued to stare at his hands. She was losing a bit of patience, but she still had one ace in the hole. She pulled out his journal and slammed it on the desk, her palm resting on top of it. He looked up and saw what it was, and his eyes widened slightly. "Bingo," she thought. "I assume you know what this is? It belongs to you, yes? I wonder what's inside?" She looked down at the book with a menacing grin forming on her face. Well, we'll find out soon enough."

She got up and began walking towards the door. "If you won't answer our questions, perhaps this book will shed some light." She moved to place her hand on the halo pad to open the door but was stopped by a voice. His voice.

"W-wait," he called to her with a weak voice. A wry smile adorned her face before she turned around.

"Oh? He speaks at last." The man stared not at her, but at the journal in her hand.

"I just… was looking for answers," he said. Beatrice raised an eyebrow and moved towards the man.

"Answers? Answers to what exactly?" She stared down at the man. Her hazel eyes narrowed. The man looked down at his feet and balled his fist slightly. He fell silent once more. "I don't have god damn time for this." She turned to leave once more but he stopped her once more.

"I don't know who I am!" She looked at this man with a mix of surprise and irritation.

"You don't know who you are," she questioned. The man spoke again a bit more calmly.

"I just… I thought I'd find answers there. That place popped up in a dream, so I went to check it out." She looked at him with an unwavering gaze.

"And what about the chase? Why did you run? And those little feats of yours?" The man looked at her as he responded.

"How would you react if some shady-looking people were eyeing you like you killed someone." His blue eyes met her hazel ones.

'You've got to be kidding,' she thought to herself. 'There's no way he just happens to be amnesiac. There's something he's not telling me I can feel it,' she thought. "But what about this notebook? You seem to remember this." She held up the notebook and gave him a questioning look.

"It's just… something personal. I can't explain it." Beatrice had had enough. She grabbed the man by his collar and hoisted him a bit up out of his chair. She looked down at him with an irritated look as he stared at her with his brows furrowed and his lips pressed in a line. She was tempted to knock those eyes out of his skull for some reason.

"You honestly expect me to believe any of this crap. You show up out of the blue, bolt whenever we take notice of you for which if you hadn't we wouldn't have suspected you and brought you here in the first place, you sit here silent looking like a god damn creep, you say you were there looking for answers yet you don't know what the fuck you're looking for I'm fairly certain, you display above human physical capabilities and on top of that you say you don't remember a single thing before today yet you seem to recognize this damn book enough to make a fuss over it and try and hide its contents!"

The man looked away from her as she concluded her assessment. "Of course, this would be hard to believe. I wouldn't believe me either," he muttered.

"You got that right,'' she said, dropping him.

She gives him an irritated look before moving to leave. "This was a waste of time," she muttered leaving the room and taking the notebook with her. On the outside, the Chief was waiting.

"Well, that was interesting. Guy sounds like he has a few screws knocked loose," he said with a smirk on his face. "I'm surprised you didn't get rough with this one. That's a first."

"You can say that again," Beatrice sighed. "You can toss him back into his temporary cell. I'm going to see what secrets he has stored up in this book." The Chief nodded as Beatrice left the room.