
About 30 minutes after the sunset I moved toward the fence climbing over it. I made sure my face was covered the whole time just in case.

I moved towards where the fence was against the building but I had to stop and hide behind one of the outside pillars. I cursed myself for being too impatient and not willing to wait another day. no water what this would complicate things. It's good that I at least climbed the fence far enough from him that he couldn't hear me over the incinerators.

I'll try going around the building to find something that I can use to get in or climb onto the roof. worst-case scenario I can always try to climb back over the fence. I started moving clockwise around the building. It was 200 meters before I saw another guard keeping watch.

Another thing I could consider is trying to fight the guard and possibly steal their outfit. That would probably be a fatal mistake. The guards are too conspicuous and there's only one. I think that security would know as soon as the "guards" got taken out. In reality, the guards were more like extremely robust security cameras and early warning systems. If I took one out it would just give the facility a reason to go on high alert.

Playing into that would just get me caught so I just walked around him using the darkness that the stadium lights in the area didn't cover and his lack of vigilance to pass by without him noticing.

I wasn't noticing anything that I could use to climb up the building and I was almost all the way around. It's not looking so good.

It was then though that I experienced a bit of incredible luck or just saw one of the side effects of overworking workers. He was asleep.

One thing that is probably consistent even now that technology has advanced is that people need to sleep. But the thing that I really need to watch out for is that people that sleep during work or school are usually able to wake up at just the right amount of sound or any stimulus that affects them. I'll have to be extremely careful sneaking past him.

I also picked up a rock in case he woke up to deflect his attention from me if he wakes up. I got myself psyched up and quietly started creeping toward the fence paying close attention to the sleeping guard.

Surprisingly he was a deeper sleeper than expected and he didn't show any signs of waking up the whole way to the fence. This was the hardest part though. Chain link fences are hard to climb soundlessly. Even though we were close to the incinerators it's not something most people would miss even if they're sleeping. I had a slight solution though.

My silicon feet were squishier than the shoes I was wearing so I took them off I would need a way to get past the razor wire at the top which world slice through any of the rubber parts of me. it wouldn't be Idel but I couldn't die of blood loss like people so it would still be ok if I got damaged. Keeping the stone at the ready I began to climb. It was loud but not as loud as I was expecting. 70% of the way up through the guard began to stir. I quickly climbed to right below the razor wire before he was aware of his surroundings and threw the rock at the fence 10 meters away from me.

"Shit!" He quickly reacted running to the sound. I couldn't hesitate I quickly climbed up the rest of the fence and pulled myself onto the roof.

"Damn detrite runts. Fuck them all tryna get some fuckin' sleep can't let me sleep for 30 gahdamn minutes. They should just purge these scum they don't even contribute much they're a total waste."

The way he spoke shows he thinks of the people living here as lesser. What a fucking joke he deals with guarding a burning garbage plant for him to have a superiority concept the propaganda they're using must be literal brainwashing or something. What an idiot. I don't know a thing about society but I at least know he has way more in common with these people than he does with his boss.

That's how most divided society's work though. I can't dwell on it too long tho there might be a way in the building and if that's the case I might be able to get some nice gear or supplies. I looked along the roof for anything that might be useful for getting in. I saw a vent, a smokestack for the incinerators, and a skylight window.

The vent was too small and I heard a fan spinning in it so it could be impossible to actually use. The smokestack was nasty but it would be very possible to use the sides to climb down but I would end up in an incinerator. the thing is off but it's kinda risky. The window has its own host of problems the main one being there's nothing keeping me from falling down.

If I used it I would definitely take a little bit of damage for sure and make lots of noise but I know the consequences pretty definitively.

This may be a bad decision but I think the incinerator while it is risky is necessary if I want to SNEAK in if I make a clatter it will be obvious to anyone paying attention inside that there's an intruder.

So I put my shoes onto my tattered feet and prepared to descend the smokestack.

I used the sides to inch myself down. If I had normal muscles the continuous strain would've exhausted them. But I made it safely to the bottom now it was time to explore this place.