Makes The Heart Warm

Leo leaned back on the chair, satiated. He unconsciously stuffed a lot of food in his mouth while staring at his uncle and Riley. He ended up so full.

Afterward, he heard Riley excuse himself telling them he would like to walk around to help digest his dinner. 

Leo wanted to take the opportunity to set his plan in motion. He started to stand up and was about to voice his desire to join Riley when his uncle spoke first.

"I'll join you." 

Then his uncle turned to Leo. Looking at him pointedly, his uncle drawled, "Didn't you say you wanted to thank Oliver and the cook for the delicious dinner? Go and convey your thanks."

Leo did not know what to say. He wanted to refute his uncle, but his lie would come to light. However, he still tried one last attempt. However, his uncle did not give him a chance.

Right then, Butler Oliver appeared. Draco ordered him to bring Leo to thank the cook. Butler Oliver, keen as he was, immediately understood his boss's intention to monopolize Riley. He blocked the youth and ushered him into the kitchen. 

"The cook would be delighted to know you enjoyed dinner, Leo. He just mentioned how you are the most appreciative of his dishes. Come on. He's waiting."

The youth had no choice but to get dragged.

"Little Riley, let's go," Draco suggested when the butler had his nephew under control. He took the lead in leaving the dining area.

Riley reluctantly followed. He truly did not want to be alone with Draco right now. The boy recalled what happened that evening and felt the heat rise to his face again. 

After the incident and Riley ran to his room, he spent a good deal at the bathroom splashing water on his face. He stared at the mirror for a long while and tried to understand Draco's meaning.

However, how could he think Draco has feelings for him? It was impossible. And even if he dreamt it was true, he knew he was not worthy. He let out a heavy sigh.

Leisurely, they soon reach a secluded part of the indoor garden. Riley watched the other man's broad shoulders from behind. He should not get fancy ideas in his mind.

Riley had known his place since the beginning. He belonged just where he was standing now: a few steps behind Draco, as he should be. Not beside him. His head bowed, and he smiled sadly. He thought he had accepted it; however, he could not deny the twinged in his heart. He sighed again.

When Draco heard another weary sigh from behind, he stopped and turned around. Riley, moping with his head bent, bumps into Draco's hard chest. He cried out in surprise, his hand going up to his forehead. At the same time quickly looked up to find Draco's face so close, his grey eyes focused on him. Riley was so startled he leaned away without taking a step back.

He started to fall.

Riley grabbed onto Draco's clothes to prevent his fall. But he did not need to. Draco had already reached for him the second he started to fall. His arms circled his back and pulled him into his embrace.

They stood like that for a while, unmoving. Riley's heartbeat was racing fast. He did not know if it was due to the scare or the fact that Draco was hugging him.

Later, he heard Draco whisper beside his ear.

"Little Riley, why do you keep on falling into me?"

The words were not right. Riley had an inkling the man was teasing him again. He started to push away. However, Draco tightened his hold.

Puzzled, Riley tapped Draco on the waist. "Draco, I'm fine… You can let go-"

"Not yet." 

Draco had a feeling that if he let the boy go, he would run away again. Then he would not have a chance to say what he needed to.

Riley gave up. Not only from moving away but from thinking too much. He sighed and settled his head comfortably on Draco's shoulder. He did not care anymore.

Draco was pleased with the boy's actions. His hand came up to stroke the boy's hair. 

"Little Riley, remember our talk before dinner?"

Draco felt the nudge on his chin. The boy was nodding.

"Then, did you understand what I wanted to say?"

Again, the boy did not say anything but move his head. This time, Draco did not understand. "Was that a nod or a shake, Little Riley?" He teased.

Riley blushed. "I… don't," he answered in a soft voice. But it was a lie. 

The boy had thought about Draco's words and what he meant. But he did not dare to acknowledge it.

Of course, Draco detected the lie. It seemed his Little Riley was playing ignorant. But the man was patient and did not call out the lie. 

"Really? I thought I expressed myself very clearly." Leaning back, he gazed directly at the boy. "I guess I have to make myself clear then," Then his hands moved to cup Riley's face.

Feeling timid, Riley tried to avert his eyes. However, Draco firmly held his face. He had nowhere to look. Flustered, he closed his eyes.

Draco smiled, amused. 

"Little Riley, I have not been completely honest with you. But I am telling you now. I am not a good person."

Riley's eyes snapped open. He shook his head and started to say no. But a finger silenced him.

"It's the truth," Draco said softly. "From the start, I was never a good person, Little Riley. Years of cruel experiences made my heart turn cold. I am not kind and definitely not forgiving. I am ruthless and indifferent." He paused. His fingers caressed the boy's cheeks while his other hand slid down to hold one of Riley's. The boy's hand was cold. Draco took his time. He stared straight at the boy's flickering hazel eyes.

"Well, I thought I was," he said in self-mockery. "Until there was you. You brought out the kindness and protectiveness I never thought I still possessed. I did not know when it started. But I began to look for your guileless smile in every person I met. Yet it was not the same. Because I realized yours was the only one that makes my heart warm."