Green-Eyed Monster

Ben did not like Jade's attitude at all. The guy constantly does something that, for some reason, ticks Ben off in the wrong way. He's always acting superior and above everyone else. But he was Kenny's childhood friend. Hence, Ben and the others had to tolerate him. 

Not expecting Ben to tell him off, Jade's face soon became red in anger. 

"You just met him. Now, you two are already friends?" His tone was full of mockery. Then turning to Riley, his eyes narrowed in slits, he accused, "Wow, you're good. In just a couple of hours, you managed to lure one of us onto your web. And one of the wealthiest, if I may add. What a certified bitch!"

Ben immediately grabbed Jade's arm, stepping in between him and Riley. With gritted teeth, he exclaimed, "Are you mental?! What the fuck are you saying?!"