
*phone ringing*

"Hello" I answered the phone

"Hello Rhie, where are you?" he asked

"I'm on my way there Rus don't yah worry" I answered

Then I heard a low doorbell sound.

"Okay Rhie see you" he said then turn it off

So, I rush to go to my car as fast as I could so that I can surprise him and be with him at this special day for both of us, but I didn't think that I'm the one who will be surprise on what I will saw to his place that day. I stand there looking at him and to the person beside him.

"Rhie It's not what you think" he said after he recovered to the shock

"Uhm sorry to disturb I didn't know that you have visitor today" I said

"She came just to explain some business staff" he explained

"I leave it here and Please excuse myself" I said and walk to the door, but he manages to grab my hand and we go to the parking lot.

"Rhie" he called me

"I need to go" I said

But he didn't listen instead he put me in the shotgun seat while he goes to the driver seat and start the engine. I want to go out, but he quickly locks the door to prevent me going outside, then he starts the engine and drive.

"Let's talk please" he pleaded

"I think there's nothing to talk to" I said to him

Actually… I'm not the typical girl that easily to have guts and anger I can manage and control my emotion well. And now he starts to explain his side, but I couldn't manage to listen and adopt what he was saying not until I heard a loud creek sound and suddenly beep of my phone…

After a minute I open my eyes, but it blurs, and I continue hearing a different noise together with the continuous ringing of my phone then in a glimpse everything went black.