Zhaira Yurhie Lin Twin Brother

Zhild Yuen POV

Yesterday Gin called me saying that she was suspicious on what I'm doing. I was planning to tell her about it as far as half of the trouble was settled, I don't want her to worry this anymore because it may be the hindrance on her recovery. I also know that she read that mail sent by the company and she have idea that I was that one who delete it in her email. I also know that she was giving me time so that I will tell her about it but sorry I can't maybe a week or two days before I leave to fly to the state I will explain it to her personally.


"Come in"

"Sir, Mr. Davis and Mr. Collin was already in the VIP room" my secretary told me

"Okay I'll go there" I said then stand up and go to the VIP room where those two are waiting for me

"You came" I said

"Yes, we are" a girl's voice spoke then I look where it came from

"What the… what are you doing here?" I asked then I look at his brother

"She followed me here I just notice when I enter this room" Loui casually said

"Then why also Mr. Weisly was here?" I asked him again

"He's with her" he said

"Could you please leave for a while" I said to Clayton and Lauren

"No" Lauren said

"I need to talk to your brother and to my friend PRIVATELY" I said emphasizing the word privately, but she didn't listen to me

"Just let them, we can trust the both of them" Loui said

"Fine" I surrender

And I sit on the vacant chair then look the four people inside this room and one problem occur in me…

"Let me start on introducing my self-…" I was cut off

"Why you need to do it when we know who you are" Lauren said that make my speech cut off

"Lauren" Loui called her

"What?" Lauren said

"Did you tell them my real identity and relationship to Zhai?" I asked Loui

"They didn't know, and I haven't told yet" he answered

"They how did you say that you knew me?" now I asked Lauren

"Because Kuy's Clayton let me read the files ate Zhai gave to them" she answered confidently that make's me laugh a bit while Gin smiled, and Loui shake his head with a bit smirk on his face. How silly this girl is… then Clayton whose clueless now…

"Hey what's with your laugh and smirk?" Clayton asked

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Lauren asked

"You two better be quiet and listen first before your question okay" Loui told them

"Okay, just like what I said earlier I will start to introduce my self fo the sake of you two" I said while pointing to the two person who is clueless on what was happening…

"Hello, every one I'm Zhild Yuen Lin twin one of the main shareholder of ZYL Accounting firm, owner of ZY hotel and restaurant also twin brother of Zhaira Yurhie Lin" I started that makes the two of them to be shocked and speechless…

"Wa-What did Yo-You say?" Lauren stuttering asked

"Shems that's explain your same initial and some facial features" Clayton commented

"Now you know why he need to formally introduce himself again" Gin said

"I know you have a lot of question, but we better go on to our agenda" I said

"Go/Go on" Gin and Loui said seriously

"I only have 12 days left before my flight going back to state and we all know that she was suspecting that we hide something to her" I said

"Bro. when you actually explain everything to her?" Gin asks

"or Do you have plan to tell her?" Loui asked

"My plan was to tell her if the problem was subsided a little so that she won't need to worry any more. I don't want her to have more problem and work to do. You all know her condition and what we need to focus was to help her to feel her emotion again" I said

"So, Loui I will lead you to her doctor after this I will leave my sister to you because as I observe to her she change a little bit and somehow I could feel that she will be back to her self as long as you continue on making her happy" I said

"You can count on me" he assured me

"Gin you and Chels help me to supervise her don't let her to be stressed and exhausted make her rest a bit after a tiring work and also assure that she will eat on time" I said to Gin

"I will do it don't worry" he said

"Clayton I heard from Loui that your good in technology could I ask a favor from you?" I ask Clayton

"Yes, What is it?" he agreed and asked

"Could you monitor all the mails came to her email also locate her place so that we can be informed and ready when something happened to her" I explain

"Okay I will do it" he said

"And you little brat" I said pointing to Lauren but I received a glare from Loui and roll eyes from Lauren

"watch your word bro. she's still my sister" Loui threat me

"Yeah, I hope you have same temper then" I said in a low voice

"what did you say?" Lauren asked

"I said if you could visit and asked her out at least Thrice a week?" I asked her

"Yeah, that was easy task then" she confidently said

"So, everything was settled and please can you come this weekend to Yarrah's house?" I asked them

"we'll come actually Yarrah already asked us" Lauren said

"Ohh, Okay then see you there you and that time I will tell her everything" I said to them

I hope she will agree with my proposal that time…

Elizza Lauren POV

The meeting was end then Kuy's Gin back to Sis Zhai company while that guy and Kuy's Loui was left to meet Sis Zhai's doctor and Us Kuys Clayton go back yo shop.

"How come he was Sis Zhai's twin brother?" I spoke on what was on my mind

"Actually, I have the hunch about it I'm just get along and go with the flow by your brothers thought" Kuy's Clayton said

"What do you mean Kuy's?" I asked

"Your brother thought that Zhild was Zhaira's boyfriend and worst he thought them to be married so that they have the same surname" Kuys Clayton said while chuckling

"What the… hahaha did hahaha Kuy's hahaha really haha thought that hahaha" I said while laughing

He's really had an creative imagination then…

"Then after some time he stop thinking about it and enjoying the time he was with Zhai so I though to look into things through again and notice their same initial and also the facial feature of them" he explains

"now you mention that they seem to have some similarity in their facial feature also some characteristic as well" I said while recalling all the childhood with her

"Ahh Lauren I need to go back to the office to start the task Zhild asked" he said then leave the shop while I remain here and go to my own office

If he was Sis Zhai's brother then he was the guy who help me when the time me and Sis Zhai was bullied by those little kid at the park when my brother was left to school to do his duty.

----------------Flash Back-----------------------

"Lauren?" A girl asked me and when I look to her face, I saw Sis Zhai

"Sis Zhai" I said

"Why are you alone? where is your Kuy's Loui" she asked

"He was on duty today, so he told me to wait here" I said

"Ohh okay I will join you to wait for him" she said while smiled at me

And after that she asked me if I have some homework to do and we did it while waiting to Kuy's not until some known bullies in our school came to us

"What are you two doing here?" a chubby kid asked

I will answer but Sis Zhai stop me and told me to continue doing my homework

"Hey, I'm talking to you" the chubby kid said

"Are you deaf?" one of the chubby kid's friend said and get my book

"Give it back" Sis Zhai said

"No" the guys holding the book said

"Give it back to them" A boys voice said

"Twin Brother" Sis Zhai said

Then I saw three guys same age as my brother then they scared those bully away and they go near us

"What are you doing here we search for you" the guy that Sis Zhai called twin Brother

"Bro" one of them called

"I saw a friend, so I come to join her on waiting to her brother" Sis Zhai explain

"Your really kind Rhie" one of the guys said

"And you if someone bully you again you should tell or asked for help" one of them said to me he was the guy sis Zhai called twin brother

Then after a while…

"Lauren" Kuy's shouting while coming to us

"Lauren you brother is here" Sis Zhai told me

"Ohh he's your brother so we better leave now" twin brother of sis Zhai said then hold Sis Zhai's hand and leave but Sis Zhai mouthed "Sorry and bye" while waving her hand

"Who are they?" Kuy's asked

"Sis Zhai's friend" I said

"Oh, okay come on let's go home" he said them we go home

------------------end of flash back-------------