I know

She kept on staring at me too hard. What does she want now? 

Again this situation is difficult for me. If I ask her why is she staring at me I will have to listen to that and I certainly don't want that because the only reason I decided to come here was to be at peace but the moment she sat beside me I lost my most loving thing, peace.

And if I don't ask her she might continue staring at me, I don't want that either. It's weird if someone keeps on staring at you without any reason, right? 

I have two options, and both lead to a dead end. This girl is definitely bad news. I can't associate with her more than this. Who knows she might even come to my class to ask something.

As I was thinking about it something happened that I forgot to take into consideration. 

"You know what...?" she can also ask her question first hand. I completely forgot that.