Not Again

I stepped up the stairs thinking of the incidents that happened in a single day. Not to mention that I met some girl who threatened me to do somethin for her, that might have been my first time someone has ever done like that to me and that's for sure that I don't like being used as they think. 

Anyway, let's forget about that since I got another issue in front of me. 

It wasn't that long that I have seen this much crowd. Is another brawl happening, if so I'm going to leave at this moment. I don't want to engage in something trivial anymore. 

"What's happening?" as I was mounting over the stairs, I heard someone talking beside the stairs. 

"I think the all student council are waiting for someone." a small group of first year's were standing there. I know for sure they were first and didn't mistook them for a second year or third since their dress color is slightly darker than the second years. The upper the class the lighter the color gets.