
"Wh- Ho-..." Alice tried to look for a word but she can't seem to spell it out. 

"I think the word you are looking for is- 'I am sorry," I helped her. 

"... Argh!" 

Soon the Principal contacted Alice's father and even Alice's father agreed to that punishment. I guess it's one of the many qualities of a good parent. 

Before leaving, she cursed me several times when the Principal was not around. In support of her, Emma tried to but I showed her my phone and watched my finger stop right in front of the record button. She swallowed up her anger, and frustration and just glared at me. 

Nice way to start a day. Clearing one of the obstacles seems to have been eliminated for the time being.

Since it was Saturday I set up my destination straight for home. 

Before leaving Lily tried stopping and she slyly questioned me about yesterday's events but I dodged them pretty nicely. 

I can't tell her the truth, now can I?