The Person I know but She doesn't

I assumed the Principal was on my side but as time went by I got to realize that the only reason she is helping is because she wanted to find the HYDRAs. But that isn't the problem, in fact I am in that sort of way of thinking. The only problem is that she sat in the corner when I wanted her. 

First the point where I had to survive the brutal hits by the President on that stage. The only thing she told me was to never back down. The next was the shootout. The third one was getting kidnapped. And not just once but twice. She came to my aid after the incidents and never before. What does that indicate? Either she is genuinely late or she wants to see the reason why I am the target of many. 

I previously thought that she could be trusted by now… I don't think I can trust anyone. You keep a secret or you make an effort to hide it from me. 

"I might have to use force." She said, "I also don't want to use violence."