"Great! Then we would buy this one ease kept it at side and Lady Maxim next you should try this one." Irene said said she pased down a baby blue dress to her which had a eyebrows bishop sleeves and a high waisted skirt which white stones around the waistline giving it more attention.
"Umm, but we already got one dress. Sam said as she looked at Irene.
"So? Will you only wear that one day at every party? Just don't think much and keep trying the clothes today we won't leave unless and until we buy atleast 5 clothes for you." Irene said and suddenly out of nowhere someone bumped iyno her.
"Oh I am so sorry." That person who bumped unto her said and the moment Irene turned around the whole situation got darker.
"You?" Irene said as she pointed her finger towards her.