Time to return

"You know he can hear you, you know that right." Ashton said as he let go of his breath and stood before Irene.

"Sister the reason uncle is being like this is because I have been skiping the training a lot and on top of that, I almost challenged the faith son of the white family." Leal said as he looked at him and then at Raymond who was having a serious look on his face.


"Ashton, what made you skip so many classes and what's with you and that fourth master why did you challenge him and such days and time." 


"The reason I have been skipping the training is because I have been busy taking care of Sam and I didn't really like going away from Sister and as for the challenge to that fourth Master is just because he pissed me off. Nothing more nothing less." Ash answered honestly as he looked at her eyes without blinking or moving.
