The connection of fate

"You saw her crying her heart out...all tired and exhausted, didn't you?" She said while looking at his eyes which got a bit watery too.


"Yeah...I saw her like that again..(He remembers the time Irene looked when he had his first ever attack at his 5th birthday) but how do you?" 


"Hana told me, and this isn't the first time sje cried so bitterly. She did this everytime be it weather it was the time she had all the house responsibilities on her or the time when the Empress died, or when you left the mansion...for the lat 3 years she has been hiding her tears and preserving every moment." Sam said as took her steps towards Ashton.


"Ashton, the Sister you have so faith in has been working hard to not that faith you and others have in her. She has been trying without any complain, but what are you doing?