Duke's birthday Ball 1

"The fourth son of Marques White...I heard he is good and knowledgeable and coming their proves all the rumours were very true." Raymond said as he tapped on his chin.


"...He may be knowledgeable but he is very much of a scumbag." Ashton said while rolling his eyes and putting a large bug of chicken indie his mouth.

"Ashton, although he is not a person you would entertain but still he is going to be your classmates sooner or later...so I hope you try to make peace with him or atelast try not to appear around him." Irene said as she looked at him chewing the meat angrily.


"Irene is right, just ignore him and focus on yourself. Okay!" Raymond said as he gave him a tissue paper to clean his mouth.

"Okay I can do all you two said but what if he plays some dirty tricks?" 
