Chapter 4 : Crawler's Nest

Tock Tock Tock ! crack ! someone was knocking on a fragile wooden door and putting too much power without knowing why, He had been too tense for the past minutes, sense of relief wasn't gonna make Him relaxed right away, He tried to let loose a little by taking a break after running for ten minutes straight, but failed nontheless.

"Geezer ! This is me Mada, I know You are inside !

I'm trully sorry for Your toilet and Your people's property, but I need to talk to You so please open the door, before I force You to make a new one...." if talking to a stone, no expected answer was heard form inside, He tried to take a peek through small gaps and cracks that were already present here and there.

'this house really....'

no.., if the residents of Terraria City state saw what kind of structure Mada refered as a house right now, They would spit on Mada's face without holding back.

the structure was just too humble, it was plain, simple box shaped and made of recycled plywood as the wall, brittle logs as foundation, having rusting iron rooftop and clay-coated wall to provide some insulation to store heat inside and keeping the freezing air outside.

in this World with almost no sunlight except some wealthy place like Terraria City state, having this type of dwelling was already considered wealthy, but for those ungrateful scumbugs living in Terraria City state, it was just another shithole.

"Rani, it's completely dark but I can clearly see there is someone inside, did You think You can sense His condition from here ?"

"why don't You just barge in like You did everyday ?, it's weird knowing You try to show some attitudes."

"if the geezer inside is still alive and He finds me broke his door the seventh time this week alone, His nagging would resemble a humming bird flying right beside my ears, I would like to spare Myself from that."

"He is still alive for sure, He just woke up from his sleep, try to have some patience will You."

"huh ? how could You... ? when did You activate Your Special trait ?"

"I have tried to increase my control proficiency, keeping my psychokinesis active all the time doesn't necessarily exhaust my mental state nor it tires me."

right after her remark ended, the creaking door was opened.

and an old man, having brown, wrinkled skin, with hair and beard as white as snow, appeared....., concurrently, He silently looked back at them through a pair of dark-green eyes, His height.. hmmmm around 178 cm ? it's difficult for Mada and Rani to see Him in the eyes so it's hard to tell, His posture was also that of an elderly, He wasn't fat nor thin, but one could take a glance and knew He was a soldier or some sort of fighter in his younger days, traces of the remaining trained muscles and scars on his face, legs and hands, They could be noticed right away through his thin clothing.

"if You brats do not intend to talk nor have any business with me, I suggest You to get the hell out of here and scram to wherever c*nt hole You came from."

"ehhmm.., honered elder, We beg Your pardon for disturbing Your sleep, but please let this impolite grandchild Introduce Herself first and quickly state Her intention for coming here, My name is Mahara....?"

The elder rised one hand to stop Rani's polite Introduction and stared right into Her. His lips twitched

"no need, I'm the one who should be apologizing for not recognizing You faster my Lady,.... black long hair, slender body, fairest Skin through out The great Niso plain, dark-green pupils just like mine, the only beautiful princess around this neighbourhood who would bring a katana along everywhere She goes." The old man fell on his knees, his sight nailed on the cold ground.

"oh my honorable Lady Maharani, This old warior, Mahawirya, who had served under the Highest patriarch of Terraria City state, humbly present Himself in front of You, but before anything else, please let this one's humble abode be a temporary shelter to keep the freezing wind away from Your precious body, so that I wouldn't be shamed in chances I would meet Your father again, I don't wanna tell him I failed to fulfill my promise to Your late mother to keep You safe, please come in."

He stood up with much difficulty, Mada grabbed the elder frail body, without his walking cane, Mada knew this geezer would stumble upon even a random tiny rock normally found on the road

'why the heck He walked his way to the door in this condition, this old man, He seems really worried and glad to hear my voice, right ?'

"Mada, why didn't You tell me that Young lady Maha is coming ? should I give You a full course lecture about welcoming important people and guests ?

this poor child never learns does He?."

"Old man, If I knew who she was early on, I wouldn't be so flustered and forgot to mention Her to You, everytime I wanted to tell You, I was always afraid You would be mad at me, like the last time when I tried to befriend the children from inside Terraria." the old man limply Lean on Mada's body, He had successfully stood on His feet

"and by the way, I always doubted You when You told me You had worked as a royal guard in the Warhead core chamber inside the The grand palace, now that isn't the case anymore, I will trust You from now on, hehe..!!"

"Hahhhh... this boy, all this time, You regarded me as a senile old man didn't You ? ckckckck, ungrateful child, please come in My Lady !!, I'm ashamed that this lad had become someone You acquainted with but please bear with him, He is rough because of his upbringing and poor circumstances, but I had tried to educate him so that He won't walk down the path of evil, in my name , I can guarantee He is not wicked by nature."

the old warrior stammered after trying to bow to his lord's daughter, Mada was still there to save the day, They had entered Wirya house by this point.

"psshhhttt... old man!, who is she to You ?, and You never told me Your full name before !!! Why did You two have the same surename ? don't tell me...." Mada was whishpering to old man Wirya, He tried to stay as quite as possible, but in this very tight space, no sound could escape an Evolver ear.

Rani turned to face the two males in there and casually talked to both of them simultaneously

"I'm His nephew Mada, Isn't that right uncle ?"

to be continued