Raven woke up around 1PM after a restful sleep. She was ready to investigate. The excitement of potentially having discovered an alternate dimension she could travel to was almost too much for her. She was giddy and happy and could not wait to sink her teeth in this type of research. It was so exciting it was almost unbearable.
Without waiting another second, she opened her eyes, jumped out of the bed and went straight for her home lab. This was it, she would now test the book and the environment and uncover its secrets.
Raven was desperately hoping she could go back into that alternate dimension to research more and understand, but this time, she was hoping she'd be ready for it. There were so many questions in her mind, and she knew she shouldn't jump to conclusions. Even though this could be an alternate dimension, it might very well not be. Although she wanted to ignore this thought, she couldn't. It was just as possible that this was not a timeline ripple that could be explained through the eternal inflation theory. It could've been the very unlikely, and absolutely impossible chance that she was really pulled into a fantasy realm, of the novel she was reading.
First she was going to rely on the science, but some signs were there. Even if this was an alternate reality and she could prove the theory, there were still dangers. What if she ran into her doppelganger. What if she caused such a ripple effect that would lead to altering that parallel world entirely. Even more dangerous, what if she would bring back something harmful into this world. Although there were many dangers ahead, she really wanted to understand more and learn more.
In Dublin, Maeve's frown nearly swallowed her eyes now. Liam was starting to get worried her eyebrows would soon collapse on her beautiful and tiny nose.
"What's got you so worried love?" Liam asked, amused by the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.
Maeve sighed and her frowned decreased a little. Liam was so handsome and she could not continue to be upset just by looking at him.
"I just don't get her. Maybe we made a mistake interfering?" Liam put down the cup of tea he was going to bring her now, and considered his words carefully before speaking. He didn't want to say something that would trigger her anxiety over what they were witnessing. She has spent so many nights coming up with all sorts of creative plots and plans on how to nudge destiny forward. When they eventually settled on this idea, they knew it wouldn't be easy and it would take a while, but Maeve's impatient nature was getting the better of her.
"Love, you and I both know, this was meant to be. We can nudge, but we cannot force, you know that. You just need to be a bit more patient." She didn't seem satisfied with his answer, but still seemed to accept it.
"What if we nudge her again, maybe give her a hint? I feel like she won't leave that bloody lab unless we do something."
"Maeve" Liam said in a serious tone this time. She startled at the tone, but she was going to listen. "I don't think that's right. If she doesn't come to this path on her own, you know destiny will alter. Do you really want to jeopardise that?"
Maeve knew he was right. She couldn't risk it, but she was getting impatient.
"What if we just arrange another book signing in her city. Maybe that would prompt her to ask the right questions?"
"Maeve…" he was sighing helplessly. It could work but it could also backfire badly if they were not being careful.
"Hey! Who's your boss?!" she said all of a sudden interrupting his train of thought.
Liam stared at her in shock. She's never pulled that card in him before so he had no idea how to react.
Seeing his shocked face Maeve couldn't help herself and started laughing loudly.
"Hahaha! You should see your face right now!! Hilarious!" she was getting close to choking from laughter. Hearing her wonderful laugh and seeing her happy made Liam relax. She was just joking.
"Liam, I get it, I won't do anything, but just bear with me as I work through my frustration of dealing with a genius."
"I know love, but if she was ordinary, she wouldn't be a part of us now would she…"
"You're right, but … do you think she'll make it in time?" Maeve asked, now biting her lip slightly in worry. Liam couldn't stop staring at that gesture, slightly jealous of her sparkling white teeth. He wanted to be the one to do that to her sensual, full lips. Alas, it was not their time yet, but soon.
"I'm sure she will, she's as extraordinary as her godmother! Come now, let's go out for dinner and get you a distraction." Maeve blushed instantly and tried to hide her face. She loved it when he complimented her. She knew very well she had nothing to do with the girl's brilliance, but maybe in the future she could. 'It will all be ok, and she'll make it in time' Maeve reassured herself as they were heading out the door for dinner and some entertainment. 'The night was young, and so were they… that was a lie, they were certainly not young, by any standard.' Maeve chuckled at her thought as Liam was smiling brightly at her. Maybe he heard her thoughts, because he seemed amused, and a glint of mischievousness was now showing in his eyes.
Just as she was about to put her lab coat on and begin her long list of experiments, Raven's phone started ringing.
"I'm sorry to bother you madam" Dominic, her assistant, suddenly popped on the screen in the lab. "Mr. Annoying is calling. Should I reject the call?"
Raven sighed and decided to pick up in the end. Her plans were delayed yet again.
"No, put him through Dominic, but let him call a couple more times." She was certainly not going to answer his first call, she didn't name him Mr. Annoying for no reason.