Monkey boy & Study bug

"You know, DiCaprio, Samantha has been singing praises about how beautifully you played the guitar that it had made me your fan. That makes me your first fan, right?" William who was eating calmly, spoke all of sudden. Before I could say anything to him, Annie took charge of the situation.

"For your information, I am her first fan. So please, I request you humbly –stop barking!" Derek, who was peacefully drinking cola, spitted it out at Annie's remark, and started to laugh hysterically. Annie fixed him with a glare and he stopped laughing.

William dipped the fries in the ketchup and threw it into his mouth. Then he said, "My bite is more dangerous than my bark. Keep it in your mind, darling."

"The word dangerous sounds very funny coming from you, dear child," Annie snapped him sarcastically.

"Okay, stop playing Tom and Jerry guys." Neil, who was silent all the time said. "Whenever you guys meet, all you do is bickering." Samantha nodded her head in agreement. While Derek was in his own world which revolved around the food. To think of food...damn, it looked so yummy that I couldn't resist the temptation to eat! And I took a bite out of the yummy looking food.

Then I asked the question which I wanted to ask for a long time. "Do you guys know eachother since a very long time? The way you two argue, makes me think you two are kind of...close?" My question was directed to Annie and William.

"Bruh! That's because she is my wife!" Said William which made me choke on my food. I looked at the other three people present there, and they looked very calm which only meant there was some truth in his words. Then he said, "Future wife I mean,"

Annie huffed then she said, "And guess whose number I have saved as Daydreamer?" Irritation was evident in her voice. And I realised, William possessed the special ability to make Annie annoyed.

"At least you have saved my number," William said.

I was watching their interection with intrest while chewing on food when I felt Neil's eyes on me. When I looked at him, he didn't say anything to me. But it looked as if he wanted to say something.

Then Derek said, "Okay, Sam, Will, we had something to do, right?" Samantha gave him a questioning glance. "RIGHT?" Derek stressed on the word and she nodded her head. And so did William. They stood up and started to walk, but William suddenly came back and dragged Annie along with him.

"C'mon, study bug,"

"What are you doing, monkey boy, let go of me!" Annie protested but to no avail.

At last, only I and Neil were left there. For some reason, I felt weird sitting with him alone. But nevertheless, I initiated the conversation.

"Neil, sorry about that day," I said, "That day I don't know why I took your name in front of Miss Melon... maybe it was because you were the last person I saw before going toward the music class. Miss Milon asked what I was doing there, and I ended up taking your name out of nervousness." He was hearing my words patiently. "I'm sorry, it got you and your friends into detention."

He looked thoughtful for a while then, said, "Nevermind, Raine, I have forgotten about it long ago."

Did he just call me by my name? "So...we are like...on the first name basis?" Shit! I was supposed to think, not speak out loud! I just couldn't understand why the hell I was so clumsy with words?!

He chuckled. "Perhaps we are," He then said, "But you have initiated it first."

"Well, yes, I won't argue with that." I said and he hummed in response. He then asked,

"Do you mind following me to the student council room? I need your help with something," I gave him a firm nod in response. And we headed toward the council room.

I was two steps behind him as we walked. I could feel the unpleasant and scornful gazes of my schoolmates that were directed to me. Because I was walking behind their favourite Neil. They must be thinking I was following him to get his attention which was unacceptable for them. Now...was I going to be targeted by the jealous fangirls of Neil? They looked angry as if they were about to attack me any moment.

Suddenly Neil stopped walking which caused me to stop as well. He took two steps back, and stood right next to me. He then held my hand, taking me by surprise, and gave an overall look to those who were looking at me. Then he led me out of the cafeteria, all this while he didn't leave my hand. And for some reason, I just let him hold my hand and lead me to wherever he was taking me.

When we were in the council room, he finally let go of my hand. And I asked, "How can I help you?"

At first he looked hesitant, then he said, "Can you play the music you played on the party?" He then added, "Please?"


Should I agree? Well, why not?

"Sure I can. But I'll be needing a guitar for that." I said.

"Of course." He said as he brought a guitar which was placed on the table. It seemed he had already arranged for everything. When I held the guitar in my hand, I felt I was in some other world where no sorrow existed. But before playing the tune, I said,

"This whole guitar thing will have to be a secret. No one from outside shall know I touched the guitar. Can you promise me that?"

"I have no idea why you don't want others to know about it. But I promise it will remain a secret for as long as you would like it to be." His words were sincere and firm.

That's all assurance I needed. And I hit the string. This music was so familiar to me that playing it was like homecoming. I looked at Neil; and judging by his body language, his eyes, it felt this certain music held some important essance in his life.

<••••Behind the Scenes••••>

Raine DiCaprio, a girl who was as good as non-existent till just a week ago. Neil couldn't understand how one after another series of events started to occur around her. When she got him into detention, his friends were bitter about it, but he was not. If he were to be angry, being the president of student council, it was very easy to make her pay. But he wasn't. He simply considered her to be a strange girl whom he should be warry of.

But last night at the party, when the strange girl took avatar of guitar girl, everything changed. That music she many times he had heard when he was still a kid.

It was one of the favourite song of his grandmother. He could still clearly remember his grandmother sitting in the garden as he played around, while his grandfather used to play the guitar.

The day his grandmother died, his grandfather's music died as well...

Only if things go back to normal.